I am smarter then you, because i use linux

>I am smarter then you, because i use linux

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everyone is smarter than a windows user

Overpaying for trash botnet...smart

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So you are saying people get smarter when using Linux? I find that hard to believe. I do think however that more intelligent individuals would search for alternatives to Windows.

windows is a free botnet

windows is free for most people, because it comes with the computer

If you are gonna botnet at least don't be some hipster factor that hates daddy

they just add the license expense to the computer,t he fucking niggers

i pity linux users

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>what are path finding algorithms
fucking windows brainlet

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Even Mac users?

>time consuming
Hahahahahahaha look at this fucking brainlet

t. someone who hasn't tried to dev on windows

>being this mad


>t.couldn't get it installed

no wonder loonix software is such trash, all you get is the brainlets that couldn't figure out howto do a real project in windows.

>all you get is the brainlets that couldn't figure out howto do a real project in windows
writing a fizzbuzz in vb isn't a big project user

>i am smart for giving myself 100s of needless problems to solve just to perform basic tasks

>real projects
>wintoddlers working with C++ in Visual Studio don't even know what a makefile is or does

But Linux is the only operating system that has just worked for me. Programs just work, updates just work, games just work, and programming/compiling just works. Windows is annoying to use 90% of the time. The only time windows doesn't bug me is when I'm playing games.

>thinkins writing makefiles is some arcane knowledge
The absolute state of Linux retards


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I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Linux”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use.
Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.


>be windows code monkey
>don't even understand your own toolchain
>call yourself a """developer"""
To your credit, most code monkey positions won't even care as long as you can copy/paste and import libraries. Just don't let the senior developer in charge of the project know you have no idea what a makefile is, or you won't have that position for very long.

You say that to Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Marc Zuckerberg...

Yes. windows users are literally subhumans. Bottom-of-the-barrel retards that don't even know what a computer is. They meme about macs with the "what's a computer" ad but the Mac users on here probably know more about computers than the wintoddlers, because the wintoddlers are straight from Sup Forums.

>hurr durr wats a comppooootah
>its dah magic boxx dat make muh computah play dah gaymes!!!!!!

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um, are you ok?

VS is very good if you know how to use it. Problem is nobody bothers to learn.

>projecting this much
>typing out makefiles by hand instead of recursive make
>in 2018
Literally retarded. Get a job kid.

This. If anyone above the age of 10 is having fun they should die. At 10 you being full time work. 8 hours of school 14 hours of work and 1 hour sleep then repeat. Subhumans who refuse to work should die.

>ok, lets try linux for 1488th time
>install debian because it was the only distro that works just fine out of the box
>install in 2 clicks is just meme
>had to click next about 30 times
>its ok im fine with that
>first boot
>everything is ultra small on my 1080p monitor
>change scaling
>nothing changes
weew that that fun, but i'd better print this blogpost and put it in frame so next time i decide to fall for linux just werks i will save me some time to not fall on this meme

The masses are stupid. It's that simple.

I know how to use it. Great tool. Practically holds your hand so you don't get bogged down with the tedious shit so you can get to work on the important stuff. Problem is it makes it so easy that it attracts retards like so your peers are all incompetent fucks.

>t. wintoddler that doesn't know what a computer is

strawhominem wintard.

>everything is ultra small on my 1080p monitor

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You can't "uninstall" a GNU/Linux distribution you fucking retard hahahahahahahaha

>wintard tries to step out of his low-iq safe space
Oh god I am laughing. NEVER EVER

>loog ad dis mommie, i maked anuder anti-loonux tread! weeee! so smort!

Basically this. Anyone using it as their main OS for home use is either underage or tech illiterate.

Managing your packages through the command line is easy, and there are no forced updates and no candy crush bullshit games built in. It also doesn't spy on everything you do. Linux makes my life easier. If it were to suddenly disappear, I would probably stop using computers, as the alternative is some BSD trash, Macshit, or Wangblows Enterprise. None of those are good.

Visual Studio sucks nuts and PowerShell is also awful. A fucking object oriented terminal, just to make you extra miserable.

>being a cmdlet

No, once you pass the age of 10 you need to stop eating crayons and wetting the bed. You also need to find more mature hobbies than video games. At least programming is constructive and challenges the mind, as opposed to bright and colorful virtual toys marketed to manchild. If you can kick my ass in Call of Duty and I can kick your ass in real life, who's the grown up here? Not you, soyboy.

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>He came from Sup Forums

But I'm using loonix because I'm a brainlet. I kept getting nasty malware on my windows machine so I said fuck it and switched. It's easy and stable as fuck.

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