>tech will be female dominated by 2023
how does it feel to be obsolete Sup Forums?
>tech will be female dominated by 2023
how does it feel to be obsolete Sup Forums?
>tech will be pajeet dominated by 2023
as usual, fpbp
>female pen testers
doubt it
they can test my penetration any day
bit gay to want a woman to penetrate you lad, just admit you like blokes and move on with life
>tech will be AI dominated by 2023
feels bad man, the only service we as humans will provide in 15 years will be our feelings and emotions, everything else will be replaced by some robot that works 10x faster, smarter, cleaner and never takes a break
Worst off all, never says no, never breaks privacy. Never complains. You can do ANYTHING with a robot, in pure secret from the world without a single leak.
A GIRL? Who's a coder!? Who is she!? I want to hire her!
Sup Forums's already been preparing
>cd ..
>cd ..
>cd ..
>cd code
>cd ..
>cd code
>cd ..
>cd ..
>cd cd cd
>Hello world
>Shitty single screen notebook instead of desktop with multiple monitors
If you say so
skipp'd the ls
the ladies try to jump on my dick every tiem
sorry not sorry that you are a failed genetic path
We should invite her to our startup
B-but... estrogen and programming socks will turn me into a real girl by that time... right? ;_;
Women haven't dominated anything since the inception of mankind and it will stay that way purely thanks to biology
It makes you better than any girl user. It makes you a trap.
The info-sec community is unironically getting taken over by Trans/females.
I'm no longer trying to work within that field, they ruined it for me.
It's sickening. I'm done with IT, fuck it I'm studying economics or engineering instead
But really, dont you wanna bang a qt girl(male) who also works in your field?
T-Thanks? ouo
Women can’t turn on computer.
Not software engineering, I mean actual engineering.
I hate working on commercial software, because instead of just allowing me to create a quick exploit in Ruby with just a few lines you have to write thousands upon thousands of lines with a shitty GUI because users are fucking stupid..
Pic related here. This is a simple script made for me just so I could automate a slow process...
After people wanting me to make it a commercial script...
204 Lines...
Fucking hate creating shit for normies
Post legs :smirk:
I guess if you don't enjoy it you should probably stop doing it.
I enjoy working on exploits or scripts for my self. I also love pen-testing!
What I don't love is working on commercial scripts, and the info-sec community is getting fucked by Trans & Females..
---> >>software-engeineering
Just said I wanted to study regular engineering instead because I hate working on commercial products
What if I changed my gender like manning
Sorry to hear your mom is retarded.
Since when has "equality" become a synonym for female dominance?
This is a good thing
Trannies and diversity hires to JS web stacks are what pajeets are to PHP and Wordpress
Guess who is going to get called in to fix a myriad of dumb mistakes at twice the rate
Since muh feminism boogeyman.
tech will stop evolving around year 2023
My ex gf (highschool sweetheart) did computer science, she finished top of her class, we broke up on good terms, she failed to find a job, got pregnant and popped out twins. Today she lives with her mother with two boys aged 4 and works at a sandwich bar making sandwiches, still hasnt got a job in tech and she wants me back.
>mfw muh feminism
>you will be dead by 2019
i can make facts up too :^)
Did you mean 2017?
it's funny cause he still has more money than you and fucks more women than you