He doesn't writes his documents with LaTeX

>he doesn't writes his documents with LaTeX

Attached: 1360974751294.gif (250x243, 52K)

Other urls found in this thread:

farmdoc.illinois.edu/irwin/research/The_Case_for_Fake_LaTeX_Body_Feb 2018.pdf

>not in html css and javascript

>he does write his documents in LaTeX

Is there an editor for Latex that doesn't require me to learn the fucking language and actually see what I'm doing?

You probably don't either.

Take a look at LyX

Just use markdown

>that doesn't require me to learn the fucking language
No. Please kys, make average intelligence higher.


Yeah, I use TeX instead.

After using LaTeX for practically everything in university, I've since fallen for the structured documentation/xml memes. Doesn't mean I don't still use LaTeX to get a PDF, but I just don't write directly in LaTeX much anymore.

Attached: s1000dlogo.jpg (318x159, 8K)

This, so easy there are no excuses not to use LaTeX now.

MikTeX, Kile, LaTeXila

yeah but if this happens less people will buy mcdonalds and they're a national treasure

What is the point of using LaTeX then?

the comfort of word with the version control of source code

libreoffice best

Attached: hops.png (1014x614, 16K)

I might be missing the point, but why should I use LyX when it behaves like a standard office writer?

> word
> comfort

You 'shouldn't'; you should edit LaTeX documents as plain text files.

Yes, but there is no point in doing that.
You might as well use word or libre office then.

Useless for most things that involve more then the most basic of math.

I rip off templates from overleaf. It also has an almost instant pdf preview

I mostly use markdown nowadays, with pandoc for generating LaTeX to tune if I need a PDF. My resume has a bunch of fancy formatting, so it's the last thing I edit in LaTeX directly. It's worked every time for the past six years.

Can you explain why and give an example of a document like that? The only structured document I'm used to is markdown and it's not enough for a complex doc

>He writes documents
underage and b&


This. Anything besides this and MS Office is hipster shit.

> word
> comfort

No, libreoffice and ms office sucks at lists and references. It's only ok if you use it for simple text (a fancy notepad).

>Loook mommy i've learned useless shit and feel more superior than people who didn't waste their time learning useless shit

As for learning the language, take a quick guess what this means:
\section{Editor Options}
\item Sharelatex is an online editor, but it cost money.
\item Kile is an offline editor.

Aside from a few control sequences which always start with a backslash, everything is just text.
Sometimes, you need environments which starts with ``begin'' and ends with ``end'' but it is not needed the majority of the time.


are you so much of a brainlet that you are unable to copy paste code?

farmdoc.illinois.edu/irwin/research/The_Case_for_Fake_LaTeX_Body_Feb 2018.pdf

First, I should add that LaTeX's macros and templates are flexible enough that you can write structured documents in it, it's just not the main goal of a typesetting system, and there's few tools for parsing "semantic" LaTeX compared to XML.

You can find lots of stuff on "structured documents" out there, so I'll just give an example of some things specific to S1000D. One of the main things it adds on top of typical structured document formats (Markdown, DocBook, DITA, ...) is organization. A big part is classification of data in to a sort of Dewey decimal-like hierarchy of knowledge.

Another thing is metadata specifically for "technical" documents:

About the interface
This is some general information about the GUI.
The is coloured green.
The is coloured blue.

The "applicRefId" attribute indicates in what context certain data is applicable. The document can be "filtered" in various ways. If the end format is PDF, you could distribute two PDFs ("Full version.pdf" and "Lite version.pdf") which are each produced automatically from the same source data but contain only the information applicable to each version, or you could choose to show a little tag like "Applicable to: Full version" on top of each paragraph and leave it to the reader to choose which one applies to them.

The "controlIndicatorRef" is a reference to an external database of controls and indicators, in this case a specific button in the system. Instead of literally putting the name of the button everywhere (which tends to change in this system) I give it a unique number and reference that. Then, when it changes, I only change it once in the external database.

This is very contrived but hopefully it explains things a bit.

Attached: dmc.png (1473x547, 76K)

Thanks, it helps explaining things. I don't think I need that level of sophistication but I can see it being useful for bigger projects

What is the point?
I mean, there are word templates for conferences and journals.
If you look at the document you linked, there is an abstract, quotes, footnotes, enumerations/item lists and a citation system much worse than what people use in latex.
Nothing in this document is complicated to write in either.
The claim that "nobody is able to contribute" to a document if it is written in latex is false.
Anyone who can understand english can understand the latex syntax IF they even need to modify anything related to the syntax (they usually don't)