How does Sup Forums prefer their font rendering? Hinited? Unhinted? Only slightly hinited? Greyscale AA, or RGB?
How does Sup Forums prefer their font rendering? Hinited? Unhinted? Only slightly hinited? Greyscale AA, or RGB?
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I force everything to grey scale on Windows because the rgb AA is so fucking bad on Cleartype.
Windows 10 default
Fuck blurry text.
at that point i'd just use bitmap personally
Whatever Mac uses.
I love free software, but macOS has the best fonts.
at that res even Windows looks good
greyscale or bitmap
absolutely no rainbow bullshit
Default settings, vanilla compiled FreeType
No, just look how blury and artificially bold they look. macOS font render is a deception.
those make no diff with nice fonts
except for the sub pixel thingy
the only major reason why mac has good looking fonts
It might look blurry because your monitor's pixel density is half of mine. Walk into an apple store some time, they let you try out the computers for free.
you don't need an applel for that, only a 23" 4K
> hidpi
> still looks like shit
This is "default" on Arch
that was firefox, and this is iridium (chromium)
hinting absolutely makes a difference, without it on things look too fuzzy
*cough* *cought*
not with the linked paste
it's the rgb thing
you can see here
turns out i had hint slight in /etc/ but i just tested with hint none/slight/med/full -- it's the same, then tested no-sub-pixel and it became a bit blurry, can confirm my previous post, now i have only 10-hinting-none.conf 10-sub-pixel-rgb.conf in .config/fontconfig/conf.d/
you sure? it makes a pretty noticable difference on my end. i'm using the same setup in only with DejaVu Sans instead of Liberation (i can't stand the J)
pic related is hinted
and unhinted.
that's probably why, i have liberation, dejavu is too wide it hurts my eyes
nah, as you can see it affects the Liberation Serif font for the header, as well as all the other fonts on the page (the Japanese font, for instance). so i really don't think it's just a font thing in this case.
do you have a .fonts.conf in your home directory? i was noticing that my browser wasn't respecting some of my config settings until i made a .fonts.conf in my home directory. i just dumped the contents of base-rendering into it and it started working properly.
no i don't
i verified the changes applied to firefox and restarted it every time, before that i tested pcmanfm
all my[bohoomil's] shit is in .config/fontconfig with conf.avail/ conf.d/ fonts.conf [this has only a dpi setting]
cat /etc/fonts/conf.d/50-user.conf
debian right?
Old Windows fonts work perfectly.
WTF? Just look to Do you have rgb subpixel render enabled?
Fully aliased for full effect
Nope, I prefer grayscale antialiasing for hidpi
Same. rgb subpixel is only worthwhile on lower dpi.
best so far, what's the recipe?
He says in his post, user. Follow that pastebin and do what it tells you to do.