What the fuck does this do again?

What the fuck does this do again?

Attached: What-Is-Scroll-Lock-What-Does-Scroll-Lock-Do-3.png (728x300, 25K)

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Can't you read? It locks the scroll

you press it and get a girlfriend

exist for no reason

what did user mean by this

it's the synergy lock to screen key

it stops the screen from scrolling so you can read some of it when a bunch of stuff zooms by
in fact, it still does this on the framebuffer console

>press print screen
>it doesn't print the screen

Attached: 1508166684485.jpg (431x431, 14K)

don't press that shit bro!

Attached: transrunner.jpg (640x480, 36K)

In *nix systems it locks the scrolling in the terminal so it does not scroll automatically and then you can use the arrow keys to manually scroll up/down one line at a time or use the page up/down keys to scroll page by page or home/end to reach the top/bottom of the screen.

actually it used to in some special cases no?


According to some ancient Windows 95 UX documentation, "When the SCROLL LOCK key is toggled on and the user presses a navigation key, [like Pg. Up/Down, arrows, etc] the view scrolls without affecting the cursor or selection."

bought me a deagle + nades in cs 1.6

Then why isn't it called "lock scroll"?

"scroll lock" implies you have a lock and it will scroll through it.

Saves a screenshot in Homeworld

I assume it used to on old operating systems: instead of taking a screenshot it would print whatever is on the screen.

Could be very handy to fax tech support with an error message.
Or when you want to make a manual for your program.

Toggles my mic mute.

>lock caps

Attached: 1521240179985.jpg (711x650, 39K)

Whatever a specific program wants it to do.

It allows me to switch my KVM without leaving the keyboard

that is numlockx3 for me

When we didnt used mouse we hit that key and the arrows would scroll folders instead of the files inside it.

No don't do this! It creates mustard gas!

Attached: technology.png (486x398, 374K)

Why would anyone want to print a direct representation of a screen? Screenshots are ugly as fuck. That ugliness is compounded in paper form.

Try using the arrow keys in Excel with and without Scroll Lock on.

>press print screen
>it doesn't print the screen
I'm guessing you're on windows?
Try pressing the windows key, and print screen at the same time.

>press any key

Attached: giphy.gif (500x375, 613K)

Just like op

wow very rude

also you arent very attractive and your parents are disappointed in you

to think i've been using the pause button for this the whole time

Not OP but so true for me.

The key is from CLI days you tard

if i remember from youtoob video, it was some weird indecisive fuckup that made it's way in IBM-compatible keyboards and stayed there because nobody knew what it was supposed to do, so better not remove it

lets you scroll horizontally in spreadsheets with pg down & up i think

Less a fuckup and more planning for anticipated uses that never came to be.

or if you're on a mac, press thr mac key and print screen at the same time

just tried it, doesn't work

This actually makes for a good autism test since only someone with autism would interpret it to be an actual physical key

because it's an adjective, like car horn or car race not horn car or race-car


It works in windows excel. w/ that shit on with the arrows you move the screen without you select a rectangle


I can't pass 5 seconds of that video

Acts as a good Push To Talk key when bound to left-alt or some other key not often used but might normally do something. That's about it though.

I have definitely seen a "race car" before

it stops auto scroll in the tty
so you can read while a program is still outputting

go to a empty tty log in
type ls -R /
and press scroll lock to see what it does

Why is every facebook frog pic always accompanied by some appallingly idiotic comment? It's like it's designed to be that way. Fucking incredible.

t. soy

Attached: 1493185069674.png (285x276, 65K)

It's used to prevent thieves from stealing the scrolls you carry in most RPGs
It's particularly useful when they are heavy, like in the Elder Scrolls. Just lock them somewhere and no one can take them.

>It's like it's designed to be that way

Attached: 1517434570420.jpg (1000x1000, 111K)

It sucks your dick!

google it

What does the "Pause" button do? You can't pause multiplayer games so wtf

Because you're not using a terminal, just a terminal emulator. Try it in tty