/wdg/ - Web Development General

Memories of 2006 edition

Previous Thread:
>Free resources to get started
Get a good understanding of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn - a good introduction (independent of your browser choice)
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web - General documentation for for web-technologies

>Further resources
stackoverflow.com/ - Developer questions and answers
github.com/kamranahmedse/developer-roadmap - Roadmap
youtu.be/Zftx68K-1D4 - Web Development in 2018

jsfiddle.net/ - Use this and post a link, if you need help with your code
caniuse.com/ - Check browser support for front-end web technologies

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Other urls found in this thread:


Share one cool thing you've learned recently /wdg/.

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>Take a deep breath. You've got this dude. They've chosen you to interview for a reason, so go in there and *be* the role that that mid-level position describes.

That user here, just finished the interview. Unfortunately it lasted 7 minutes, and the HR person said they were looking specifically for someone with 8 years minimum experience for the mid-level front-end position, and I didn't have enough experience in Ruby or Node.

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Keep your chin up mate. You were interviewed today.

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Is it weird that I have like 50 commits for a single webpage while my colleagues only do like 5 commits?

I'm mainly paranoid about my PC dying and losing data but my superior encouraged me to keep committing so I guess I'm fine.

Duncepill me on the basics of setting up Git on an Apache server. I want to store files on my server with branched version control just in case of mistakes in some file somewhere.

using console.table instead of console.log

pic related

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Yeah true, thanks user. I'm not actually bummed or anything, just frustrated that it was a waste of both my time and hers. My experience was clearly listed on the resume, if I didn't fit their requirements I should have been weeded out before it got to the interview. Fucking stupid, I could have been actually studying or programming instead of preparing for the interview all yesterday and today.

No, you are doing the correct thing.

Might as well kys.

Way ahead of you senpai.

>he doesn't start all of his files with

please don't i don't want the boards to get locked down again

taking content for pseudo-elements from data attributes of the parent

Attached: pseudo_attr.jpg (788x410, 30K)

Stop copy & pasting from Bootstrap.

Attached: varg-vikernes.jpg (600x900, 112K)

>using bootstrap

That guy is a fag, he undermines the unity between neo-pagans and cultural christians in europe. He doesn't get the bigger picture and we'll all get overrun by muslims because of individualists like him

>and the HR person said they were looking specifically for someone with 8 years minimum experience for the mid-level front-end position
why the fuck do these fuckers call someone when you simply don't have enough experience.

>be me
>finished college recently
>my second interview
>had experience using all tech they were asking for (HTML/CSS, JavaScript, PHP, SQL C#, Java, Bootstrap, Angular, Laravel)
>"That's nice and cool, user, unfortunately we are looking for someone over 6 years of experience"
>especified I had a 1 year internship in my CV
why the fuck did they called me in the first place when all the info was about my experience was in the fucking CV? I sometimes want to kill all those fuckers from HR

I'm really excited to make an electron app. Any tips?

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aren't good quality pics of money illegal?

HR is ridiculous. That whole department shouldn't exist. Future CEO Anons, get rid of the fucking HR dept.

Only if you print them.

A digital image of a bill doesn't have any use.

Yes. Reported for conspiracy to commit counterfeiting

Go ahead and sue Google

are there any FOSS licences that can prevent anyone from monetizing your software even if they create a custom version themselves?



Careful, you'll trigger the BSD cucks.

Why the fuck would you want to do that?

nice i was looking at this before. I'm thinking any copyleft FOSS is going to be what I'm after

thx bb

>tfw you spent two years slowly refactoring a legacy application from procedural backend and a jquery frontend to a structured MVC backend and an SPA frontend and you bump into an old co worker three years later and he tells you that your old boss, the CEO, scrapped everything because he couldn't understand how new technology works

Somewhat related to webdev

I've got a testing job interview using python selenium and webdriver testing web app stuff with it.
What things should i know to seem like I know what im talking about

senior project

trying to out jew some jews

>good quality

Is there any site that has code challenges like FreeCodeCamp? Where they give you MDN articles to useful stuff. Codewars is great, but some shit is too complicated, I don't know where to begin. Would be amazing if they had MDN articles describing things.

Anything like this(I finished FCC's challenges)?

Know about software testing, black box, white box etc

>python selenium interview questions
I just googled that, had tons of results. If you get lucky, the HR dept will ask you the same questions on those websites.

Is there any good things to read or youtubers to watch to quickly learn the basics of this though never actually done any testing or used selenium before desu

I don't know myself. I've written tests with Mocha.js, that's it. I'm not an expert though. I'm sure you can take this read the questions/answers, and then do some research on what that shit actually means.


Yh will do that of course and im the same as you only done mocha tests while messing around with mode


I'm trying to find a website that an user made some weeks ago, it's a youtube room, minimalist, dark theme and the domaine is in .io

Does anyone remember it ?

>start learning react
>it's roughly the same as angular's view
>people still claim react is better

why? what does react have that angular doesn't? Still very new to the library but so far everything seems to be done roughly the same way.

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Who else tech support here?
Bored at work. My day is divided between two clients, 4 hours each but only one of them requires real work.

How hard is it to create HTML emails supported by all clients? I feel like making an HTML email service.

Can you style elements of a html5 canvas using css?

I'm building a visual programming system that functions in the same way as UE4 blueprints. As far as I know there's pretty much no way to get this functionality with plain html5, css and Javascript (how would I draw the connecting lines? How would I make the nodes draggable?) so I'm using a canvas. However, I'd like to style the canvas to match the rest of my website.

What do?

Attached: image_12600.jpg (1317x535, 176K)

>minimalist, dark theme
sounds like 99% of user sites that have been posted here

you are in a unique position then to write up a little comparison of the two.
Bet more people than just me would be interested in it.
JSX vs. *ng directives, etc.

and 99% of that 99% are messageboards

How come browsers give websites so much information about the user like what add ons they use, version number, and other information? Is there a way to stop that

you can't be visiting that many .io sites. rev up that browser history

>like what add ons they use
I'm not entirely sure this is possible. Is it?
Unless it's a case where the user might have an add-on that openly broadcasts info about other plugins..?

Patents. Distinct from, and in addition to a copyright license. People were pissed at Facebook for basically this. They can revoke your license to use their software under certain circumstances.

And the patent doesn't just apply to their code, even a reimplementation of their React library (e.g. Preact) is still covered by their patents, if I understood that whole controversy correctly.

Any good guides on how to pair Django with React?

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I advertise on Google and Bing with exactly the same words, settings and budget.
I get lots off cheap traffic from Google. And barely any and more expensive clicks on Bing.

Bing seems pretty dead to me.

To add. I cant even empty my budget on Bing.

heya folks

backend guy here who knows some frontend but lately has had to dip his toes more and more in it

What do you guys think of Vue?
The thing that has annoyed me most about vue is its caveats with detecting changes to objects:

Do the other big boys like React have this issue or at least to the same scale?

What do you guys think of Bulma?
I'm using over bootstrap simply cause a friend who I consider smarter than me recommended it and I like their docs.

try {
} catch (e) {
"stackoverflow.com/search?q=[js] +" + e.message,

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Hi /wdg/
I just got a practice work on my campus, doing CS and first year. They want me to manage a lot of virtual machines inside a private network from the servers of the university, and I am new as fuck. How can I know shell and system/web management? I have also my own shared hosting server, but I just used it to do some Wordpress work from the studies (remember, im firts year), so testing shit out there should not be a big problem.
We also use XAMPP to test shit out and I also don't really know how to work on any kind of apache-like projects, so any kind of system-related tutorial would be of help.

Hello fellow, redditor!

Digital ocean has good tutorials for vps servers.

Anyone have experience with IE10 and fontawesome? Trying to toggle icon on button click. Works in all other browsers but not IE10:



$elem = $("#fullscreen-icon");

if ($elem.attr("data-icon") == "expand-arrows-alt") {
element = document.getElementById("fullscreen-icon");
element.setAttribute("data-icon", "window-close")

What doesn't work here with IE10? No error messages are given, but the data-icon attr is never changed.

why not just $elem.attr('data-icon', 'window-close')?

doesn't work either. no idea why.

Vue and Bulma are cool but not what a huge majority of jobs list as requirements.

CSS frameworks are pretty easy to swap between though, it's just class names after all.

CSS framework markup are often so fucking ugly. I get sick to my stomach looking at bootstrap now.

I'm sure there are already sites that do that but I'll give it a go when I finish learning react, probably in 2 days.

Learn how to make a RESTful API with Django and how to consume it with React.

what do the 'production' and 'development' modes exactly mean?
what happens during 'production'?

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minifies and removes the extra code for debugging

Tldr would be that you take all your code and compile it from things like sass, es6, etc etc and turn it all from 20 different files into one minified file for each html/css/js , minify images, add strings to file names so they force the browser to show the latest version..

You can also add a test branch where before going live you test everything and fix any problems you run into

Then you go live

>doesn't have to be tech related

I learned europeans used to eat mummified corpses for medicinal purposes.
pretty interesting reads about it on {search engine of your choice}, that's why we have such a low number of mummies left.

Saw varg image, didn't read your post.
Get laid

is it wrong to use bootstrap?

>Your application
>Plus all the development tools like logging, testing code.

>Your application
>Minified/compiled to make total size smaller and faster to execute
>All the development tools stripped off

Why the fuck does google do this

Attached: RESPONSIVE DESIGN .jpg (744x724, 98K)

How do I store multiple checkbox values inside php sql?

Should I just store them as string inside the database?

$selectedItems = "item1,item2,item3";

Is there any reason to use Array.prototype.slice.call(myArrayLikeObject) instead of just [...myArrayLikeObject] ?
I get that rest was just introduced in ES6, but every guide I see uses the former.

Store in a jsonb format.
You can either use ["item1", "item2", "item4"] or {"item1": true, "item2":true, "item3": false, "item4": true}

Guess I am not doing that bad after all
and why not myArrayLikeObject.slice() ?

>and why not myArrayLikeObject.slice() ?
Try document.forms.slice() and see what happens.

I see.
Well I guess ES6 spread operator should be the default choice then, if you have to pick one style.

WHy is it so hacky guys
it's rely rly hacky

Holy shit kill me now JSX is so ugly, fucking hell why the fuck is this thing so horrible?

Just starting out learning web development. Got the basics down (HTML5/CSS3, JS, JQuery, bootstrap). Made a shitty website that pulls data from a json api. Should I switch to a Linux distro from Windows now? Or it doesn't fucking matter?

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Just learn webdev if you want to use windows use windows if you want to use linux use linux
how is it related

For web development, it doesn't matter in any way shape or form.

Get a shit tier laptop and put linux on it as a backup in the case that anything goes wrong with your main PC you can still work/learn/whatever, linux is only good because it can run for longer on the battery & is way less demanding so things still run smooth on your cheapo backup, plus you can learn linux then if you have a passing interest but it doesn't take over your life.

Switch to GNU+Linux. When you get better and start learning databases and shit, it's so much better.

>plus you can learn linux
What do you think "learning linux" is?

Stay with Windows. When you get better and start learning databases and shit, it's so much better.

I haven't used windows for years. But I remember at meetups, trying to get fellow members up and running with shit like MongoDB, because it wouldn't work for them. They didn't like it either, and asked me about GNU+Linux. I made some Ubuntu live USB drives and handed them out the next meeting. Now majority is on Ubuntu.

Fuck windows. It feels so fake. It's not a real OS, especially for any sort of development. It's for normie retards and gaymers.

Whatever you make of it I guess?

I would assume most people consider themselves to "know" linux when they know all the basics commands and can do whatever they would possibly want to do with it, in this case probably know all the commands to set up a site using linux commands on digitalocean or something?

inb4 "I'd just like to interject.."

just got a job offer for a web development position at a 100-person 5-year-old company based in wyoming
see you nerds later

That's a really basic understanding of it, but it's not "knowing linux". I hope you don't have that on your resume.

You know what facebook is. You can navigate the website, like posts, and comment, but you don't actually know it. What does the server code look like? Database? Where are things stored? Etc. "Knowing linux" is the same. Navigating file structures is nothing.

I get offers all the fucking time. They usually end up ignoring me. Good luck, user. Hope all goes well.

Different user here; what do you mean that they usually end up ignoring you? If they offer you a job, wouldn't they take you if you accept?

>Angular has had ng-template and ng-container for years
>React just now added fragments

Huh, I thought React was way ahead of Angular.

I eventually want to become fullstack so I'd like to use an OS with the best set tools for front and backend. I think I am thinking too far ahead tho. I have a few thinkpads lying around. I'll install ubuntu on my t530.

I can navigate around the terminal at the least. I currently use a bash emulator on my gaymen windows rig to push to my github, feels unauthentic.