Recently Google Disabled My Account I Have Been Trying To Get It Back But Im Having 0 Success google can shut your shit down at anytime for no reason theyll do it to you

if you haven't backed up your shit now's the time dumbass

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>for no reason

Yeah, nah. What did you do, OP?

>implying I have anything worthwhile on my account

dont store your cheese pizza on google drive faggot

>What did you do, OP?

OP's been doing the nasty on his gmail, google took noticed now he is pissed they deleted all his "Research".

THEY DONT GIVE REASONS its in their tos they wont give a reason "for privacy"

You obviously did something that you know the reason to be though.

He ad blocked Google. They don't like that.

naw google will fuck you over and not give you a reason

if you have done nothing wrong and this is a case
of pure injustice then show us your gmail name.
that should be no problem right? unless you have something to hide

What did you do OP? Help us out so we know if they're going to close our accounts? Did you say mean things on youtube or did you do something real fucked up?

you right

>being a Nazi

What's your address, phone number and email password? You've got nothing to hide, right?

> be me
>be OP
> make 2 gmail account
> use one for Cornography and borderline illegal activity
> and the other as daily driver
> managing 2 accounts gets to hard
> decide to murge
> murge
3 months later
> subscribe to many diffenrent corn sites and magazines
> google security system detects suspisous behaviour
> get suspention
> all research materiel gone
> can not access vids and pics
> dont know what todo
> blame google
> start hate thread on Sup Forums
> surly Sup Forums will help

Please G help me i need my Research i cant live with out it.
I spent the last 3 years collecting it and categorising it in my google drive.

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here is uncensored

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im not seeing a problem

>keeping anything worth backing up on a google account
getting your shit deleted is probably the best thing that could happen to your data.

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haha fag

ya this is why i run my own email server in my bathroom fuck russia -H

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the email isn't associated with him anymore so what's the issue?

>having a google account.

>implying protonmail is better

>implying that was implied

>managing 2 email accounts is hard
I have 4 that I use regularly everyday and countless throw away ones I get some mileage out of every now and then.

I'll be fine. They only ban nazis and people who store copyrighted shit on their drive

>im not seeing a problem
The problem is that OP won't learn anything from this and will be back here within a few months with the same/similar problem.
Losers never learn from experience.
Mark Twain observed that experience is an expensive school but it's the only one that works for some people. But not OP, obviously.

said mean words about liberals

But it's 2018. Everyone is a nazi.

>My Account
LOL what?
google owns that. including docs
read EULA

>not using

>tfw been using the same email since the early 90s

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fuk thats spook gotta back that shit up kek

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No, just in your echo chambers

>using goolag account for important stuff

lol, get or icloud or even yandex you stupid fuck

Well, yeah, everyone on tumblr does like to call everyone a nazi.

Do you got any facts about this corn you could you know spout off for us?

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So I'd be out a few bucks from purchased apps, who cares?

This would be quite bad for me, but OP and others in this thread are clearly lying. Google isn't going to delete your entire account because of some extremely minor / vague "tos violation" and not tell you about it.

A board that regularly replaces the word google with "botnet" and has a "de-google general" thread is not going to be objective about this.

>not having outlook,yahoo,aol and habbo accounts for your email
Too bad so sad

Dumb pedo BTFO lmao

I wasn't replying to OP.

That's too bad. My hairy cheese pizza will have to go on OneDrive now, with all my hot dogs and pepperoni pizza. Thanks for the heads up, user.

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they can close your account for stupid shit like if they lose a product you try return

its happening more and more regularly now and especially since they are using their shitty ai to determine this. Look how many youtube videos get taken down and demonotised

a lot of people use google photos and such. its pretty easy for that to go down the toilet


Op probably sharing illegal 1s and 0s


I use Gmail to send emails and receive spam. Nothing there is valuable.

That's why you pay for a business account. The ToS/contract is completely different.

oof rip :’(

this reminds me of the idiot that was selling drugs and weapons via protonmail and he was suprised that they didnt wanted to have anything to do with him and shut him down

>not using protonmail encrypted mail
>not worshipping superior technology from Switzerland, the only democracy left in the world

i thought aol closed

>your shit
It is not, it's their shit, always was always will be. "Your" account is never truly yours. And any data you entered on it is also not yours, its theirs a soon as you submit it. Why did you trust jews to handle your shit, anyway?

hey user, give me your protonmail address
i don't know you, but i don't like you and want to fuck your shit up
here's what i'm gonna do:

imma take your address you're going to give to me, and i'm going to make a poster for the
>"nazi gaycommiemuslim basher's fanclub; trannie killers welcome too"
and put your email as the main contact

then imma print that shit out on some high qual glossy paper, then i will stick it on a poll or message board and take a pic
maybe i'll do it several times in different locations

then i'll post the pic on protonmail's twitter
maybe i'll get my sockpuppet accounts to do the same, or round up some autistic friends that also don't like you, and they'll spam protonmail's twitter feed, facebuk and everything else public with condemnations and calls for protonmail to do something

then protonmail's gonna disable your account lmao
they're not gonna ask you shit
they're not going to confirm anything
because they're cucks and will conform to online spam campaigns on social media
all your emails are gone
your account blocked forever
and you didn't even do anything wrong cept that i don't like you lel
and you trusted protonmail like a fucking moron

imma do this
do give me your address please faggot :^)

Sent ;^)

>you must 18 years and older to post


Lmao you got banned for sharing your Minecraft account, which is against the rules dumbass

>Not being a nazi

>current year
>allowing Sup Forums to treat your mind as a wiki

>OP and others in this thread are clearly lying
Feel free to believe that but the reality is that Google does lock people out of their accounts all the time with no reason given and no recourse.

You really shouldn't rely on any Google service for anything and you should assume that you could be locked out of any and all of their services without warning. Because it does happen all the time. You should at minimum have backups of everything.

Probably using it to spam people or saying niggers niggers niggers everywhere.

But ofcourse "i dindu nuffin" is the typical shitard excuse.

Or in this case, shitty password got leaked online from minecraft servers.

>[email protected]:amanual09
>[email protected]

That's why I'm using's

I've been using Gmail since it was created and have had 0 issues, and this is considering I have 6 gmail accounts.

OP, you clearly did something that you aren't telling us. It even specifically states "This account was being used in a way that violated Google's policies".

Give it back tyrone

What's wrong with protonmail?

>using your own pajeet name as a password
I don't have a face for this

That's corret you were just being a dick

Botnet shit.

if your relationship with your email provider is anything other than YOU pay THEM directly and SOLELY for providing the service then you don't deserve anything else

>[email protected]

your email and password was leaked andd somebody used it for spam or whatever.

>the absolute state of cloudfags
we warned you, we really tried to tell you that storing your data online instead of on a physcial drive that you own was a bad fucking idea, now look at you, fucking pathetic

No, their instant message service (AIM) shut down. Their email service is still up.

>only 2 accounts

he probably used an e-mail bomber on his e-mail or so, I also got immediately logged out after trying one out.

>call somebody a nigger on a Mongolian yak meat curing forum
>google steals your identity as punishment