>been learning to program for a couple of years with breaks
>dropped it because how hard and time consuming it us
>now just one thought about programming makes me sick
Who else feels the same?
>been learning to program for a couple of years with breaks
>dropped it because how hard and time consuming it us
>now just one thought about programming makes me sick
Who else feels the same?
Other urls found in this thread:
what a shit thread
At least you gave it a shot.
I haven't even gotten off my ass to attempt learning programming.
Milk truck arrived.
Just like your life
It means you dont like it
here's my cycle
>decide i want to learn programming
>pick java/python/c# etc
>get some textbook on it
>learn the same basic stuff over and over again, loops and variables and all that
>finally I nearly finish the book
>understand basic syntax, now it's time to actually build stuff so I can learn for real
>discover that I don't have any ideas for projects to build
>look up 'beginner programming projects' on google
>it's all horribly boring shit like building calculators or ATM machine systems or online banking programs or file converters
>have literally no other interests or ideas for my own projects
>gradually stop reading about programming altogether, forget everything I learned
>8 months later i repeat this cycle again, have to go through all the boring beginner shit just so i can get to the boring beginner projects
it seems so impossible to learn, I truly wish I could understand what people get out of programming, I don't know what it's like to feel passionate about something
I know that feel.
Luckily, I like money so being paid for programming shit I don't care about doesn't feel too horrible while I am being paid.
not i
Milana Vayntrub
Why learn to fly a plane if you have no intention to go anywhere?
>learn programming and didn't make any actual programs outside of fizzbuzz territory for 3 years
>decide to make a vidya game
>make it, learn a whole lot more
>make another
>and another
It's less about the game and more about how fun it is to learn more things
the games suck btw
How have I not seen this Milana pic yet?
you dont *learn* programming, you learn to make stuff. You need a project to learn.
That's the lamest excuse I've ever read. You could pick up asp.net/rails/django/whatever and learn it while making a website to make things more interesting, or maybe a game engine if that's your thing. Even if you don't think it is that fun, those things could end up getting you a decent job in a near future. People don't exactly study because of how fun studying is.
All those fuckers who can't stop talking about how much they love to code are just trying to self promote themselves.
>People don't exactly study because of how fun studying is.
Yeah they do.
I'm in a similar situation except I'm a lot less pessimistic.
I have zero interest in building web apps.
This guy rightly recommends not just jumping into 'on rails' tutorials where you're left not really knowing what the fuck you just did
For me, the one thing where I was able to just jump in and start doing shit- and where I could jump in any time - was algorithm puzzles
Sites like Codewars (code in repl.it and copy paste in codewars because the IDE for puzzle sites are shit)
I'm wondering what the hell to do next as I seriously don't want to touch HTML or CSS.(though if I did, the intro to HTML & CSS from Udacity was the best tutorial for that, that I found)
Also if you want to start from zero / want to learn or refresh your Python, CS101 from Udacity was a lot of fun. Just algorithms.
Next I'm going to fuck with I guess networking mySQL / linux/learn data structures. I'm still figuring out how to go about this.
you're writing the wrong kinda progs.
What games do you make and how do you make them? Fucked with Unity etc?
This is my 2nd year firmly in fizzbuzz territory
How does one just get a job doing something they don't know how to do
yes, that's me except I also work as a programmer for a living
That is fucking cool. How do I do this kind of thing?
i can relate user
so are you
>what games
first one in python with pygame
second in lua with love2d
third in C with SDL2
I don't find it hard/difficult or particularly time-consuming, I just have no motivation.
>This is my 2nd year firmly in fizzbuzz territory
God, I know that feel. Same amount of time, same territory. I have hundreds of programming challenges completed on various sites. And that's it, nothing more substantial. I have plenty of ideas, even a vague idea of what kind of job I'd eventually want to go into (mobile development). I get easily distracted, and no time ever feels right to start. And starting feels so monumental. I have a general sense of how I should go through learning what I need to learn, I have bookmarks and text files of resources on what to learn, I just can't find the will to push past the anxiety.
Try Godot
I know what you mean about not having ideas for a project. I decided one day that I wanted to tackle a bigger project so I decided to make a clone (ish - I'm adding features and changing some things) of a game boy advance game I enjoyed as a kid. It's perfect for me since it's within my abilities (I'm not developing animations from scratch or writing high performance or highly optimized code) while maintaining a good degree of challenge (I still have to implement all the logic and architect everything).
tl;dr If you're having trouble thinking of a project, try making a clone of an existing program (doesn't have to be a game).
Where did you get ideas for games? Not OP btw. I have this issue right now where I don't know what to make anymore. I built many things in the past but now I am just stuck. Can't think of anything to make.
>gross language
>only works on notepad.exe
>not cross platform
>moon runes and not in english
I would say all of that but this isnt even your project you fucking poser. Kill yourself
Not his project. The link in the image is dead so don't bother typing it in.
I'm the opposite
>Brap-posting on my laptop
>Oh man, I really wish I had X
>learn only enough to accomplish X
>that's better
>go back to posting piggies and forget everything I've learned (except for scripting, scripting is ezpz and fun)
rinse and repeat
i feel ya op, no matter how hard i want to i can't find myself passionate enough to learn how to program
Make a side scroller or build a AI personal assistant.
It's what I'm currently doing.
Use a free mapping service and put geo tagged locations of people that send dick pics on Snapchat
Find a thing you want to build first. Seriously.
I hate to say it, but a simple homepage for your browser that consumes APIs from services you like will give you a goal.
Your homepage could pull from a weather API for example to give you current weather status. I made one (years ago) that had a constant feed from Sup Forums that refreshed every few seconds, and listed the top threads like a feed.
I also made that page had a service to change the homepage's wallpaper randomly, but the service included a way to upload the background I wanted to my homepage service, and let me set basic settings (css stuff for the background).
Yes, I was a totally bored web developer, but It was fun to build a service for my most used tool, the browser. You a CLI person? Do the damn same thing for you shell.
Just some ideas. But I've always found the easiest way to get into a new technology is to imagine a simple service I can build that I want to have. Makes me want to learn and build it right.
You have any of the source code for that/g/ part? I have literally 0 idea how you could even approach such a thing
I work with someone with that does the art/music
he comes up with a lot of ideas
one game is originalish
another is terrible and about nothing
and the other is dragon warrior/mother inspired
Naw, long gone.
But, I'll describe that part of the service and maybe that can help you.
github com Sup Forums/4chan-API
So basically, I had a server on a shared host (DreamHost) that I made a simple PHP app for. My local HTML/CSS/JS file for my homepage had JS that would ajax request that server app (with an auth token so my service was only available to my homepage).
The ajax call from my homepage to my server mimicked the api call, and the server app translated it to an API call to Sup Forums. When it received a response, it organized that response before passing it back to my homepage. It was something simple like just grab the newest thread on Sup Forums, and unless it is already in a array of the top 10 threads from the last call, stack it on top and bump the bottom thread. Then send that response back to my homepage. Then I have a simple index of the top 10 threads on Sup Forums on my homepage, and it only updates when a new thread that isn't in the top 10 reaches to top, and bumps the bottom one. A really simple feed.
It was truly simple, it just stacked a new top thread on top of my homepage Sup Forums feed if it wasn't already in the top 10. Not super logical or functional in terms of a social media feed, but it had a nice feel, and even sitting on my homepage for a few seconds, I'd see a top down feed actively work.
Other things on that homepage? I had a search bar for stackexchange, a search bar for google, and a tile system of hot links that were customizable. Truly a bored developer trying to force lots of tools together in a low-level format. But I enjoyed making it how I wanted, and used it for over a year.
Oh and last, I used a service to sync that homepage to my home machine, work machines, and phone. So I had my 'homepage' everywhere, and anytime I updated it, it was easy to update it everywhere.
Kind autisty, but again, I like making a "control center" for my browser. If I weren't already a professional dev, I'd recommend getting in to something like this if you want to learn and maybe be employed later.
Programming is fun tho......
Where would I start if I wanted to make a comic reader (online one maybe also)?
Or an online interactive book with audio and stuff?
Before I was like you but I saw "Smalltalk, Objects, and Design" by Chamond Liu recommended here on Sup Forums a few times before... checked it out.
2 days in and I'm finally starting to "get it".
Find some people on the internet who have ideas and then work with them
A good way to start would be to have a look at github if there is such an opensource project.
Depending on your skill level you can either propose to help them or fork it and try to fiddle around with it.
Don't try to develop it all by yourself, you will become frustrated very fast and eventually stop coding. Trust me, I am a bachelor in compsci.
To be prepared for an unknown future. I don't really see any downsides to being well-rounded and learning all sorts of skills.
Just do the fucking beginners projects
Think of it like driving
If you start off with the 600+ hp MR/RR sports car with no driving aids you're gonna end up in a wall.
That's why you get the 100 ish hp FF commuter special as your first car. It's not gonna kill your in the blink of an eye but you can still build good driving techniques from it and gradually build up
Maybe the sperglords on /sci/ but no well adjusted human does this
I ask myself who here is or isn't a well adjusted human...
where do people get their project ideas from?
the only programming i've done for an actual purpose is statistical programming for uni
e.g. i know syntax of python and i could do a hello world or a fizzbuzz or w/e but these are very boring to make and aren't exactly showcasey - people always say you should have a portfolio of projects to showcase your work, what sort of projects? should i just do more statistical stuff? i also want more generalised things
would doing some of the challenges in pic related be enough to showcase for a job?
i think op is a faggot
Make aimbots or hack an old game. Make a drone. Just do stuff that interests you in some way rather than just grind through boring shit
Same as OP, decide I want to be 1337. Try a tutorial, spend 20 minutes getting something to say 'hello world' six different ways.
Could have spend those 20 minutes more productively making balls of snot.
learning how to program is horrible if you're not learning from projects you enjoy
Fuck it, I'm switching to fashion design
U wil happy
Wanna kiss ur panty
Boobs r awsome
Boobs r awsome
Do milk
This shit isn't even funny.