I think Linux is easier to use than its reputation, and Windows is actually considerably harder to wrangle into being a streamlined OS than its reputation as the "brainlet" OS would indicate.
Objectively, which is easier to use?
Example: installing Firefox
Many Linux Distros:
>open terminal
>type "sudo apt install firefox"
>press "y"
>everything else is automated
>open a different web browser
>navigate to firefox.com
>download installer, choose a location to save it
>run installer, make several choices in the process
Just seems like the apt method is easier. Can't get Firefox from the Windows 10 app store btw.
There is no objectively easier one. For me, someone whose first exposure to non-toy computers was DECstations running ULTRIX, Linux is much easier to use. For my colleagues, who had Window 3.1 or NT as their first, Windows is much easier.
remember, normies are super afraid of command lines. They won't dare to touch it.
Any software:
>Open a browser
>Google, "Best software for task X"
>Download best software for task X.
>Open browser
>DuckDuckGo, "Best software for task X."
>Find best software Y for task X."
>DuckDuckGo, "Linux equivalent for Y."
>Find software Z for Linux.
>Open terminal
>Search repo for Z
>check version
>open browser, DuckDuckGo "software Z"
>find latest version
>compile from source because distro repo is six versions out of date
>software doesn't work
>give up
>go to Sup Forums and make a Windows hate thread because you have nothing else to do.
Linux, because it has source code and it is compatible with GNU.
Gaaaanoooaaah Loooooooooooniiiiekese.
I use GNU/Linux because it just werks once you know your way around the system and it's finally a decent enough replacement for Wangblows for just about everything I do, including playing video games. Windows is an irredeemable piece of fucking dogshit.
>compile from source because distro repo is six versions out of date
My man.
Clicking > remembering commands
Windows all day erryday.
You have to be mentally incapable of breathing through your nose to not know how to use a package manager. It's literally one command. When I do a fresh install of a GNU/Linux system I just type applicablepackagemanger install list of things I need and I never have to fuck with it again.
>wintoddler brainlets trying to use computers
holy shit your dumb.
your windows assessment is accurate but linux is wrong
apt-cache search task
dnf search task
pacman -Ss task
apk search task
you dont even need to open a web browser, only literal retards need google to find a suitable linux package
Any software:
>Open a browser
>Google, "Best software for task X"
>Download file Y
>get spammed with ads or inadvertently install malware
[insert package manager of choice] search [file name/task/whatever]
wait so apt-cache search video editor will give all the video editors cleanly?
I thought linux was easier than windows though?
i run qubes.
its actually debian that i converted into kali, so it has the same repos as debian, just with kali as well.
the name of the vm is just kali
I can't remember the exact joke but I heard once that you can't ask for linux help honestly, you need to bait it out of people by arrogantly declaring Linux's faults for the task you want help with.
You remind me of that joke.
>two searches open for pacman
this is how you ask for help with anything on Sup Forums outside of the /tsg/ threads.
needed docs for syntax. dont use arch anymore.
$ pacman --sync --search text editor
# pacman --sync notepadqq
wow so hard
> Open any software center
> Choose Category
> Click install for the desired application
But most of the time the application is already installed whereas on Windows...
>winkey n enter
>whereas on Windows...
... you have a choice.
You have a choice in Linux too, you just can't be a retarded brainlet
I don't understand why Sup Forums even cares what Windows users think, ignorance is bliss and apparently they're content with being ignorant.
..To get a spyware if you don't pay attention to the source. Maybe you and me would be careful enough to get the desired application in the the right place but normies gets it where ever Google tells them
And you can have the choice on Linux too, I don't get your point.
Only freetards are like this. I use google.
Even with Ubuntu I had problems within the first hour of use.
Desktop linux is for people who enjoy googling solutions to problems that shouldn’t be there in the first place. They insist on not making it user friendly.
You have to learn --sync and --search first.
Mint / Ubuntu is easier for my elderly reletives in comparison to windows 10.
All of those popups on the start menu and unintuitive UI's.
There's multiple options to do the same thing in the windows GUI which is confusing and hard to remeber for them.
Gnome has a simplified interface where they can even do updates themselves now and change their wifi pass or screen settings.
It was impossible for me to guide them through the device manager on windows or how to sideload drivers.
if Microsoft hadn't backpedaled with the UI, they wouldn't be in the mess they're in now
if it ain't broke, don't fix it
yeah but most people can't type .. windows is for chimps. you say to a windows user 'open the bash shell', they get fearful, confused. Then they are derogatory saying that linux isn't simple.
Depends which distro, and what version of Linux, as well as what version of Windows.
I don't think anyone would argue, for example, that Linux Mint is easier to use than Windows 3.1.
>no portable applications
With windows everything thats not an easy, braindead gui feels intentionally obfuscated from the user. While some things may not work out of the box as frequently, it is feasible to diagnose and fix problems. Maybe im just not a good windows user, but sometimes when things dont work theres nowhere to go.
It is feasible to fix problems in linux i mean, as opposed to windows.
Why do you use computers if you cant learn basic functions and their arguments? And people accuse programmers of being brainlets...
You either have support for your hardware or not.
Ten years ago, Linux was shit, but don't kid yourself that is explicitly because of properitaryfags(fascists) actively working to stymie support for their competition.
Be like Tux, not like the creepy fascists that want to look into your Windows.
>able to do literally every function via command line
>powershell can't even do everything
Installing a program:
>number listed
>sudo apt-get install y
>emerge =
if it isn't default for LiGNUx, use cedega.
>open browser
>type in what you want
>click the link
>realize the page you're viewing can't be run in edge or IE
>new tab
>download new browser compatible with the page
>search what program you need
>go to page
>figure out if you're using a 32-bit or 64-bit system (it's shameful how many windows users don't know which)
>realize you accidentally downloaded a legacy version and you need the updated experimental version
>wash, rinse, repeat
you are 100% correct. it took me and some coworkers like 10 minutes to figure how to shutdown windows
t. an electronics tech of 15 years
you dont have to on linux. people like you are why linux scares people. stop implying you ever need to use the cli to use linux as a normie in current year
you dont have to remember commands for normie shit. have fin clicking thru your device manager and downloading drivers everytime you plug something into your computer
normies arent going to type commands, period. luckily they never have to on linux
it is
please stop. youre perpetuating the idea that you need to know cli on linux. you dont
nice anecdote, but please share it. what year was it? what was your issue?
The linux kernel has far better documentation than pretty much anything windows. Still it shocks me how few people seem to know what fucking man pages are, or how to use them.
>wanting winshits to come to linux and dumb down all the software
normies will learn exactly zero commands. in a thread promoting ease of use, do not suggest learning commands is easy. that is exactly what maintains the reputation that linux is difficult
>family, friends, and coworkers constantly need help with their falling apart windows software
> have to use a shitty windows setup at work
switching everyone to linux would make everyones life easier. everyone
Linux is a little harder to use, but easier to fix when things go wrong. Just stay up to date with updates so if one breaks something you know which one did it and can easily restore to a snap of the day before. Windows is a little easier to use, and much less cooperative when you have to fix something.
nope. what on earth is difficult on linux?
Commands are easy. Normies also use browsers for everything. If thats all we are comparing, then theres hardly a difference between oses. Dont neuter an argument just because youre uncomfortable with it.
I never said linux was difficult.
Nah he's right, commands are too intimidating for normies.
I'm 90% windows user, 10% linux. To use windows properly you basically need to know basics of powershell, or need to memorise a huge array of GUIs to modify the system. In fact, sometimes the GUI is too cumbersome, eg, most normies will google a regedit script that changes a group policy rather than figure out what a group policy is and where the half-baked UI for it is.
Linux is easier because you can make it do what you need it to. WIndows is a shitshow.
there is a difference. many guis on linux are vastly simpler, more streamlined, and more intuitive o linux, not to mention vastly better performing. and linux is less frustrating to use, since it doesnt randomly start downliading gigs if data "in the background", and then insist you restart multiple times
It's not, don't underestimate retarded winbabies.
winbabies cant figure out how to do anything on windows. they resist linux because it has a reputation for being harder, mostly due to the belief that you need to know the cli
> yaourt shit --noconfirm
> ==> ERROR: A failure occurred in package().
> ==> ERROR: Makepkg was unable to build shit.
> ==> Restart building shit ? [y/N]
> no profit
why are you so damned stupid?
>hurr why do people use computers
I think even normalfags can memorize apt-get update, install, and remove. And they can copy and paste to add repositories.
>driver not found
>they move the power button 1cm to the left and change it to the universal sign for "Power"
>everything gets set on fire
I'm a Linux guy, but come the fuck on, user. It took me 3 seconds to find the power button the first time I looked at Windows 10. Not to mention the fact that it was easier to find in 10 than it was in 8... or even in the first iteration of GNOME Shell.
Linux obviously but we keep using windows to feed that crippling video game addiction.
Faster != easier.
I honestly think it dépend where you begin.
Ubuntu and co are very sweet easy. Windows id so standard that any random Guy can help you with any problème.
MacOS is the easiest to use but the hardest to use in deep
Any Linux distro:
>go to Firefox website
>double click on firefox
>works without installing anything
cute lain, saved
but you shouldn't turn lain into moeshit, lain is cute as it is
also check'd
>if it ain't broke, don't fix it
Agreed, Aero was the stuff. Tiles shit should have been de-activable and should have had Win7-like to take it's place if requested by the user