
what's Sup Forums opinion on this program?

Attached: malwarebytes.jpg (800x420, 17K)

no good

Not wrong with it


install gentoo desu senpai

I jerk off to the thought Hasherezade is reversing my RunPE Monero miners

Used to be good, not good anymore. Stick with older versions.


Useless unless you are on XP.

Useless scam like any other antivirus crap.

Used to be good. Behaves like malware now.

I would use it, instead of your typical free avast or avg (which are shit). You would have to pay for the real time protection, though.
Switch to linux anyway.

If Mac or Linux had enough users for hackers to care about them they'd need antivirus too, but until then users of an hipster OS (that lacks quality software) are safe.

Use HitmanPro instead

Use Common Sense 2018 Edition, works well for me.

There is quite a bit of malware/adware on the Mac side already. macOS has built-in capabilities to mitigate this, though, but it doesn't work if you disable it.

There was a adware scanner/remover that was released a good while back. Malwarebytes bought it and rebadged it but everything still worked fine for a good while. Then, they fully re-did it in Windows style and it sucks ass. It's just a big ad now.

Attached: fox_and_grape_comic.jpg (688x1434, 363K)

botnetty these days. I still run it on Nana's PC when I'm not feeling a reinstall. Uses a lot of resources though. Seems good at stopping threats, but that depends if you believe their blog. Supposedly, MBAM catches crypto-locker and some zero-days through heuristics.

I see no reason to use it, or anything else beyond firejail and ufw. I'm on Linux, and I don't give a shit about protecting people who opt to use less secure OS's.

If you know what you're doing with the OS, you don't need antivirus on OSX or Linux.

And while Linux may not have many users, there are a shit ton of servers that use them, which, if hacked, would be a literal gold mine.

same to that lil cutie

nice nums fags


It's ok. They weren't always as greedy as they are these days.

god dammit. i am THIS close now from switching to linux and keeping windows for gaems and office only. pitch me the pros and cons one more time.

Of Linux? No worries about viruses, extremely lightweight, works for the vast majority of shit (you likely won't need to use Windows for Office or for some of your games). If you've never used it before, I'd recommend starting with Mint. It's what Windows 8 should have been.

what about the gentoo meme? which of all distros is the easiest to start with?

Not Gentoo. Not Arch. I mean, it's not a BAD way to start, but it's baptism by fire. More vidya is available via Ubuntu or one of its forks (of which Mint is one).

Had to uninstall it recently after it consumed literally all of my RAM. Killed the process and five minutes later it was already at 12 GB

tried it myself.
Its fucking shit, don't buy it or even use it for free. Write your own goddamn malware-proofing you retard.

Give me a good distro name to learn bash (for linux server purposes in the future) and that doesn't require a good hardware.

My hardware is literal shit. Age of empires 2 stutters.