>hold on a sec let me just trash your HDDs with random forced checking.
Meme software
>apt-get install
it's unironically terrible since like version 3+
I can't even watch an HDR10 blue-ray from the same 7200RPM HDD it downloads to.
>random forced checking.
i think you're an idiot
my qb doesn't do this
maybe because it's stalled?
no because seeding is for morons and i delete torrents from the list as soon as they're finished
It's fucking over windows users on purpose. Works great on linux.
>works great on linux
Too bad linux doesn't work great.
linux users are so hilarious
using your OS shouldn't be trial and error like an arcade game, they want trophies for seeing how long they can live in a glass house without a football flying through it kek
you say this in a thread complaining about a piece of software's windows port
are you Me?
Oh but it does, next time don't use arch
Wait is qb actually fucking up my external HDD? I seed dozens of hours a week and stream from it too
OP is still mad about the utorrent thing.
Just this morning it decided to recheckthe GameCenter CX 121 GiB batch torrent I'm seeding.
It has done this multiple times too boot.
you're seeding GCCX?
huh, i guess all seeders aren't morons
HDDs are meant to be repeatedly read. Unless you're using an ssd for TV and movie storage in which case you might have a real bad case of the autisms.
>seeding is for morons
I hope that one day you will crave to download something obscure real bad and no morons are left to seed it.
>downloading some obscure shit
it's your fault
oh yes the good old "unused ram is wasted ram" analogy.
>I hope that one day you will crave to download something obscure real bad and no morons are left to seed it.
trust me, i've already been there
i was getting freebies from bakabt for a while and then they just decided to go full autism and make the site private
what's retarded is that torrentfags this is actually good.
what ?
>delete torrents from the list
that's just stupid
>upgrading after 3.3.10
you can just fork it. whats wrong your ethnic brain cant do that?