Is Sup Forums's hate on Intel justified? What are the main arguments against Intel? I'm just curious...

Is Sup Forums's hate on Intel justified? What are the main arguments against Intel? I'm just curious, I've always thought that Intel was a top notch company. It was founded by the guy that invented the microchip and the guy that discovered Moore's Law. Let's not forget that Intel invented x86, which is the foundational basis of modern computer science.
I am asking because I really can't conceive in my mind how such a prestigious company receives so much criticism here.

Attached: OKAASAN.webm (720x480, 2.63M)

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its just antisemetic shitposting

How old are you? This is fascinating, it's like someone unplugged OP from reddit after years of nothing else.
How dumb and uneducated can you be?

>Is Sup Forums's hate on Intel justified?
Sup Forums isn't one person, and the amd shitposting came in excess quite recently (about the same time amd opened up shop in india, and about the same time pleebit stated gaying up Sup Forums).

assume 99% of posts here and everywhere else is paid for, by someone with an agenda

Dude I've seen this fucking Webm in like 3 different boards, the fuck is your problem?

No opinions from Sup Forums are justified, it's all shitposting and shilling

The AMD shilling has gotten out of hand.
I remember when you could walk into Sup Forums, find a thread about some dude asking for tech support for his AMD GPU and the first reply would be one of those funny infographic guides "How to install AMD drivers" being a bunch of satanic rituals and everyone would just laugh it out.
Nowadays you can't even mention the slightest negative thing about AMD without some autismal slashing out.

Because mommy is hot

Neither hate on Intel nor love for AMD is justified. Intel made some retarded decisions in the past but don't listen to me or anyone here. Do your own research.

>What are the main arguments against Intel?
x86 is shit.

That fucking webm, I thought it was a funny face with a lopsided tiny mouth.

>What are the main arguments against Intel?
It is a company which strongly supports Israel. Sup Forums is a board of peace therefore Israel is not welcome around here.

Then why is ARM trying so hard to emulate it?

Attached: download.webm (720x1280, 2.13M)

>high prices that never come down
>Socket change every other year
>anti competitive practices that were proven in a court of law
I have no doubt that AMD would do the exact same thing if AMD was on top. But AMD is the underdog and has much less room to be scummy, so Intel gets a lot more criticism.

hate on Jews is always justified

Attached: 1518942574376.jpg (930x1516, 256K)

is that supposed to be funny?

Attached: 1514025297931.jpg (620x470, 53K)

Sauce on anime plz.

I don't know, you tell me.

Sora Yori Tooi Basho
If you watched the WeebuM, you got spoiled.

it looked like dogshit anyway

>socket change every other year
Isn't that a good thing? A new socket means new features, and as an enthusiast, being stuck with the same socket year after year sounds really boring...

hi brian

>I enjoy buying new motherboards every year, when my old motherboards could be perfectly fine
>because... uhh....

>missing out on important speed and security improvements
Not an enthusiast.
I'm not Brian. He's a very busy man and there's no way I'd even visit this site

>motherboard speed
I heard that Brian has a tiny penis. Is that correct?

>fuck AMD over with anticompetetive practtices
>make billions
>get sued by AMD in 2005
>get court date pushed to 2009
>get court date pushed back to 2010
>agree in 2009 to pay AMD $1.25 billion in compensation
>don't pay

Intel have been playing this game since day one, and they have no intention of stopping. They are one of the worst companies in tech, and I refuse to support them ever again.

Thanks. I have a big list of plan to watch anime. I put this at the end, and I will watch after 1-2 years, I won't remember this webm. At least I can make something useful with my bad memory.

Why is she crying and spamming her mom's inbox with the same subject?

Attached: 1513730280625.jpg (894x719, 123K)

you'll remember


>That one outgoing email
"Stop spamming me"

Context on the webm?

She send a lot e-mail for her dead mother. Probably the most emotional moment of this season.