How do we solve the manchild gaymer problem?
How do we solve the manchild gaymer problem?
Stop giving things you don’t like attention? Being ass blasted that you spent the last 10 years configuring your xorg to shit post in desktop threads rather than doing something you clearly wanted to be doing is pretty fucking lame. Lmaoing at ur life
the same why we deal with boring threads like this
It's not a problem, people have different hobbies. You could make a thread "How do we solve the neckbeard 'programmer' problem" and show some rms-looking linux fanatic
steal their gaming pc
how about we devise some way of driving the price of GPUs way up
This is the only correct answer.
Let them dwell in their miserable life until they realise it's all good for nothing, it's not your problem.
Crypto mining
A Thread died for this.
Do you hate other people for having fun OP?
On one hand, I hate them because memecoins are jewish tricks. But on the other they BTFO PC gaymers.
It's only a problem for the people that waste all their money on it, and for Twitch viewers who waste their time watching someone else waste their money. Someone with a genuine interest in technology doesn't need to concern themselves with people like that, unless you want to sell them their shitty "gamer" gear and make a quick buck.
tl;dr do what everyone else said and ignore them.
>the manchild gaymer problem
This isn't a thing that exists. It may be a problem for you, but thats... your problem.
I refuse to click play on any of that guys videos.
Nigga, pls.
>i don't like the way they live their lives, so I want to punish them
You may as well jump on board and solve the women who ignore men and only love their cat/dog.
I know, lets give him more views by posting threads about him on Sup Forums!
>all these soyboy defending this liberal cuck
old Sup Forums would have raided this beta and f*cked his life I miss those days...
Get real newfag
I'm gay
$20000 just to play Fortnite
wew, Sweetie
Suck my PS4
Just don't look! Just don't look!
That's nice sweetie, now hurry on to bed while the adults talk. :)
pretty cool but complete waste of money. you don't need 300fps with the highest settings and an ultra wide monitor. also video games are gay
The problem is endemic in young men who feel ostracized by women and choose to spend their money and time on something that isn't raising a family. This isn't something new. Most men throughout history have not had the chance to reproduce, given the inherent differences in biology, a single man (usually wealthy or powerful) is able to reproduce with many women in a lifetime, meeting women's goals.
The shift we see in today's world is that the non-selected men still have relatively high disposable wealth and time in an era where entertainment is cheap and and raising a child is incredibly expensive. This leaves us with men like this. "Manchild gamers" are but one of many different breeds. Neckbeards, nerds, dorks, loners, hell guys that spend too much time and money on ricing cars.
In short, nothing. You can do nothing other than attempt to force our culture to bring the reproductive selection of women down closer to 1:1 (read: what Christianity did)
just purge fem apes and forget about it
Dunno I still like to play DotA and CS. I wish the community would shrink drastically though, too many kids and retards
They're happy
>Are you?
More help and courses for people with autistic tendencies. A little love from a state issued girlfriend could have gone a long way for these man. They just lack opportunities to reach social milestones in their lives.
If people want to play video games in their spare time there is no problem. I rarely play video games anymore now that I'm a responsible adult but it doesn't make me less of an adult when I decide to boot up some arena shooters or visual novels when I'm done with everything I'm required to do. There are too many insecure people on this board who can't stop projecting over stupid shit. Use whatever OS you want. Do whatever you want with your spare time. I like to spend my spare time reading books but it doesn't make me any better than someone who dedicates every waking second of their spare time to playing games. I use GNU/Linux because it makes my life easier, but it doesn't make me better than someone who uses a Mac.
Fortnite will run on a potato though, this is beyond overkill. At least run some benchmarks or something
>playing shooting games with a controller