>yfw Apple becomes the first TRILLION dollar company
Yfw Apple becomes the first TRILLION dollar company
>first TRILLION dollar
in Zimbabwe dollars.
alibaba will be the first.
Just checked. How the fuck can Apple be worth more than MS?
>koch industries
>not a bubble
because the consumer market is more valuable.
Businesses are smart, and usually make rational, conservative financial decisions. Consumers are fucking morons that will line up to buy the latest crap to rebuff their egos of being superior.
Yeah but. Microsoft owns 60% of apples stock.
False, they sold all their stock in Apple in 2005.
Almost everything MS does is failure, like 97% failure.
Windows and Office are really their only truly successful products.
It's not that they make 'bad' software it's just they have no focus - one moment they'll spend a cool hundred million on some tablet project, then they'll cancel it before release - Courier is just one of the cacophony of Microsoft shelved/failed projects.
They have tends of thousands of employees on decent wages, essentially doing nothing. They aren't doing nothing but the projects they're working on, even if awesome - will likely bite the bullet and they'll move on to the next project or move on from Microsoft.
You're 350 years late gramps, that title belongs to the Dutch East India Company.
Exchange and other abominations are commercially successful. Also SQL Server, Azure and everything that runs on it.
>yfw all that cash and still apple cannot into freedom
nobody cares anout muh freedums you fat neckbear fucks.
I need to get this printed as a sticker and put it on the lid of my MBP.
>who needs freedom when you can have a overpriced phone that can install homosexual dating apps AND spies on you
>le homosexual apple user
yes thats what smartphones are made for not for rooting and ricing you dumb piece of shit.
But of course, no one cares about the past...
because MS missed every single tech fad in the last 20 years, although they're having success in da cloud business
Yikes, please don't procreate.
Sup Forums BTFO
No sweetie :^) based dutch people
Very true.
As much as I like the Surface, I really think Microsoft needs to step away from the hardware game and focus more on improving Windows and their Enterprise services. Active Directory badly needs attention, Azure is mediocre at best, and Windows 10 is fucking garbage. I could go take a shit and in that 10 minute timeframe Microsoft will release a brand new Surface that nobody will buy. It'll have all these fancy new features and capabilities that will be fun for the first few times you use it, yet I still need to remotely log into a goddamn domain controller to restart a computer so it can update.
Seriously Microsoft, please for the love of God innovate your Enterprise products.
Superior branding too
or right over the logo
capital was a mistake
this but unironically