When will we finally get a open source professional editing software better or as efficient as photoshop on linux??
When will we finally get a open source professional editing software better or as efficient as photoshop on linux??
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The usability of gimp and other open sauce alternatives is limited by your ability and your needs. If you're just fucking around with banners for your website, they fulfill your needs perfectly. If you need to do color correction, pre-press work or anything to do with CMYK you're already invested in a business and can justify the cost of photoshop. They even rent it for a monthly fee if you don't want to buy a full license.
Once Adobe, Affinity, Corel or a similar company chooses to release and support one of their products on Linux. Which will happen once Linux matches at least macOS in terms of market share.
Year of the...
Honestly, the most realistic path I can see is Microsoft themselves fucking up the next version of Windows to the point where even the most stubborn of normies will migrate to the first alternative they can find. Ubuntu can have the most polished desktop experience known to man combined with rock solid performance and usability, none of that's going to matter as long as Windows is still around.
>can't even run a website
The absolute state of lincux
>tfw no blender equivalent for image editing/creation
>tfw no open source software on the level of ableton or bitwig
>tfw no blender equivalent for image editing/creation
It's called GIMP, and it's just as shit.
Anyone who claims gimp is shit doesn't know how to use it.
*rewatching big buck bunny and don't give a flying shit about ayydobe*
Anyone who thinks ImageMagick is shit doesn't know how to use it.
>you're already invested in a business and can justify the cost of photoshop
Nothing can justify the cost of my freedom.
KDE will come up with something eventually
I doubt anyone else could do it
You don't have freedom, and you never will.
Anyone who claims that sucking dicks is gau doesnt know how to do it
You're also not in the graphic design business, and never will be with that attitude.
It's shit, though. They fucked up their ruby gems by refactoring their repository without updating the gems.
Why do you think it's so good and efficient? Because they hired professionals and payed them a lot of money to make it that way, so to answer your question: never.
Yes Krita is the answer, we can all forget gimp ever existed
>I can see is Microsoft themselves fucking up the next version of Windows to the point where even the most stubborn of normies will migrate
only that happened already and people just stayed on 7.
you know, i wouldn't be surprised if the fags at Affinity would eventually whip out Linux versions of Photo, Designer and Publisher.
but for the time being, you gotta use Krita
>open source
>professional anything
l m a o. The only semi successful open source projects are basically ripoffs of existing proprietary things.
what if i do these for myself
You don't.
We already have Gimp
It doesn't even have the most basic features.
>layer styles
>smart objects
>non destructive editing
>adjustment layers
>advanced typesetting options
>a real shape tool (no, just making a selection isn't the same)
>different color spaces to rgb 8
GIMP really is fucking terrible to use as someone who has worked with Photoshop for years.
>The only semi successful open source projects are basically ripoffs of existing proprietary things.
Successful open sauce includes basically all programming languages and virtually everything related to internet servers, among other things.
And the currently most used personal computer OS.
> ripoffs
What, because of the general "idea" being around? Oh yea, that gal in 120000 BCE totally invented space missions then while she was idly thinking about things while flintknapping. Everyone later than that was just a ripoff.
>TFW switched to Photoshop last year after GIMP use since my childhood
>I have a hexacore i7, 1080 Ti and NVMe SSD, this shit still needs 2 mins to open
>Photoshop opens in about 4 seconds
I liked GIMP, but this became too annoying when I just wanted to quick edit a picture
It's also terrible for people who haven't used Photoshop.
About half of them, and they can only afford to do it because Windows 7 is still supported by application developers and hardware manufacturers. I know, because I'm one of them. If Chrome and Firefox refuse to open on W7 and the drawing tablet or MIDI keyboard I bought doesn't have drivers available for Windows 7 anymore, I'll have to either migrate to Linux or make the most of whatever fucking abomination Microsoft released last.
>tfw try to use Photoshop, but I was too much of a young memer to really take any notice
>tfw years later I needed to do some quick editing so I just downloaded GIMP
>tfw started to use it constantly and got pretty proficient with it
>tfw considered switching to Photoshop, but never bothered
>tfw asked someone not long ago if Photoshop would be easier for me to grasp now that I actually know a little about editing
>tfw get told it'll just be like starting from the beginning because the two are so different
>tfw get stuck with GIMP
Was he telling me the truth or was I being memed on? The thing I like about Photoshop is that you can do more design work with it, whereas GIMP seems mainly for editing (on the cheap).
Adobe has a contract with Microsoft
It uses the same paradigm as just about every other photo/drawing/design/graphics/editing software out there. You can get used to it in about a week, it's meant to be intuitive and natural. GIMP is the odd one out when it comes to usability and weird quirky shit designed by a single Linux programmer 15 years ago. As for workflows, I don't think Photoshop even has a clear goal or aim at this point, it's more of a "does everything just about well enough" type of deal. I mean they even added fucking 3D modelling and video editing into it for some reason.
The main workflows that it actually gets used for frequently are, however:
- Photo manipulation and retouching
- Drawing and painting
- Graphics design (hopefully with raster images that need editing, or in combination with Illustrator)
- Prototyping (websites, mobile apps, logos and so on)
For other shit like pixel art, GIF editing, 3D modelling, vector art, animation, text layout and so on, it's functional but there are way better options out there which you should probably be using instead.
Even the new Paint is better than gimp
You program your own algorithms and filters for everything you need to do
>If you're just fucking around with banners for your website, they fulfill your needs perfectly
kek. fpbp. most neets here don't realise that people who pay for adobe software don't even think about the fact that they pay for adobe software.
>If you're just fucking around with banners for your website, they fulfill your needs perfectly
Unless you want to rotate some text and change it lol
Thanks dude, I'll give it another try. I haven't used it for about 10 years so maybe things will be different this time around, but I'll still try some others, especially for things like vector art. A few people have told me that for things like that you want a more specialised program rather than trying it on something it works on, but isn't specifically developed for.
If you want to get into doing vector art, I'd actually recommend Affinity Designer of all things. It's surprisingly good. Photoshop works well enough though, as long as you know how to use shapes and Bézier curves.
>responding unironically to a LARP that's been a meme on this board for well over 5 years
just how new are you?
woah, so this is the power of Open Source
piracy >>>>>>>>> open source
Everybody knows corporations steal open source code anyway. Why do you think megacorps of proprietary software worth a Gorillion dollars would support open source initiatives?
well that's the problem. no one knows because the UI and tool interactions are so unintuitive.
never. anyway, doesn't it run on wine pretty well anyway?
fuck. you know what i mean anyway
Darktable is pretty decent for global edits which is 90% of things. Honestly I like how it handles colour contrast better
most people will use gimp for basic editing but i find it to be an unintuitive and overall shitty experience, i recommend you try krita.
its easy to switch to krita if youre used to photoshop, its featureful and will pretty much assist anything ranging from simple image manipulation to making art and maybe more complex image doctoring stuff.
(its primarily catered to artists though)
>When will we finally get a open source professional editing software better or as efficient as photoshop on linux??
Revenue earned in 2017
Adobe: $7,300,000,000
GIMP: $15,000 (Crowdfunding)
Number of developers working full time
Adobe: 17,000
Until this situation changes, you will not see any free (libre) software that is comparable to photoshop.
Then use inkscape or whatever.
>how could you not guess my secret intentions, can you even handle my autism?
Do your parents a favor and kill yourself.
Its two main issues: it uses its own keyboard shortcuts. Anyone coming from anything adobe will immediately dismiss it and won't give it a shot. Second, it lacks many features like text rotation, CMYK color spaces and all the fancy-schmancy vector tools photoshop has by default now. It literally has a mini Illustrator built in. Gimp also has some severely limited selection tools and the way it handles transparencies is gross.
And also pic related is a real splash screen that happened.