>flip cord
>it breaks
>pull cord gently
>it breaks
>increase volume
>it breaks
>literally do nothing
>it breaks after a while
Why are earbuds such pieces of shit?
how do these fragile shits pass quality control?
Flip cord
You are an ape.
Because they want you to buy more
>Keep receipt
>Get new ones
>Do this every time, if they don't break break them deliberately before warranty runs out
Stop being a retard, OP.
earbuds are disposable, they are like paper plates of headphones, you get them just for a little while or to use on one vacation or something
>buy same earbuds straight from the chinese factory without a brand logo printed on them
>$2 each
>buy 5 of them at a time and don't give a shit when they break
>be a fat fingered greasy mutt
>be gentle
Pick 0
All of these
Don't waste money on expensive ones they're all eventually going to break. Try the Panasonic ones on Amazon I've been using forever and I've only had to replace because I lost a pair but they've yet to break for anyone I know and I treat earbuds pretty rough
That works until their system flags you and blocks you
>Using the same name and address all the time
Mine only break when I run over them with the vacuum cleaner yet again.
This. I've had like 3 of these basic Panasonic ones in around 3 years. Sound is excellent, obviously still breaks but they are very cheap to replace.
Panasonic headphones dont break.
> buy xiaomeme iems 8 months ago
> nothing broken, everything works
maybe you should try being less of an ape
Buy a pair of soundmagics and never buy another pair again, probably saving yourself money. Cheap earphones break like an osteoporosis victim.
>listen to music while falling asleep
>toss and turn in bed
>earbud cables get crumpled and folded in the process
>lose 50 dollars every year replacing earbuds
>can't do headphones in bed cause it's too bulky and uncomfortable
Buy studio quality IEMs with replaceable cables and you won't have this problem. :^)
This is exactly why I bought airpods. You can call me a fag all you want, these things are comfy.
because they are intended to be cheap disposable headphones and not your daily drivers.
I've literally never broken earbuds and I sleep with them every night. I bet yours just corrode and short from your sweat because you're a fat fuck.