>he thinks he's unique or intelligent because he has a thinkpad
>he doesn't know the whole world laughs at him
>he doesn't realize that he's following the same group mentality as the people who buy a Macbook
He thinks he's unique or intelligent because he has a thinkpad
Other urls found in this thread:
>he thinks he's unique or intelligent because he has a thinkpad
No, the point is that it isn't unique. Thinkpads are well supported by all GNU+Linux distros, and have plentiful replacement parts. It is a good thing that it is not unique.
>he doesn't know the whole world laughs at him
I wouldn't care. Most people use Windows or MacOS.
>he doesn't realize that he's following the same group mentality as the people who buy a Macbook
People who buy Macbooks don't buy them for the build quality, the wealth of ports and accessories, the ease of repair, the plentiful replacements, the GNU+Linux support, the ergonomics, or the potential for upgrades. So why do you think people buy Thinkpads?
You're actually autistic, right?
Good one.
I've been yearning to buy one mainly because >muh privacy
Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post.
>he think we care about what his retarded opinion
>falling for a retarded bait
average soypad toddler
>itoy ideology projecting onto every other brand
>thinking shitpad users care about consumerist validation
>he thinks he's unique or intelligent because he uses Sup Forums
>he doesn't know the whole world laughs at him
>he doesn't realize that he's following the same group mentality as the people who uses Reddit
MateBook X masterrace
>HDD and SSD die in ThinkPad
>SSD dies in MacBook
>Thinkpads are well supported by all GNU+Linux distros
Wrong, they have the most proprietary hardware outside Vaio's.
>SSD dies in a thinkpad
>Have to buy IBM/Lenovo genuine spare that's on the hardware whitelist or the bios will prevent boot
>SSD dies in macbook
>Have to buy spare from Apple or third party spare from OWC since it's a proprietary formfactor
You lose both times.
Buy Acer, Dell or HP - the actually not locked down brands.
What is Libreboot?
Nope. There's a reason Stallman uses a T400.
It's Linux, not "GNU+Linux", you sound like a goofball when you say it like that.
Not GNU plus, not GNU slash, it's just 'Linux'. The most important contributions that the FSF made to Linux were the creation of the GPL and the GCC compiler. Those are fine and inspired products. GCC is a monumental achievement.
That being said, (An operating system) != (a distribution). Linux is an operating system. An operating system is that software which provides and limits access to hardware resources on a computer. That definition applies whereever you see Linux in use. However, Linux is usually distributed with a collection of utilities and applications to make it easily configurable as a desktop system, a server, a development box, or a graphics workstation, or whatever the user needs. In such a configuration, we have a Linux (based) distribution. Therein lies the strongest argument for the unwieldy title 'GNU/Linux' (when said bundled software is largely from the FSF). Go bug the distribution makers on that one. Take your beef to Red Hat, Mandrake, and Slackware. Linux alone is an operating system that can be used in various applications without any GNU software whatsoever. Embedded applications come to mind as an obvious example.
Next, even if we limit the GNU/Linux title to the GNU-based Linux distributions, we run into another obvious problem. XFree86 may well be more important to a particular Linux installation than the sum of all the GNU contributions. More properly, shouldn't the distribution be called XFree86/Linux? Or, at a minimum, XFree86/GNU/Linux? Of course, it would be rather arbitrary to draw the line there when many other fine contributions go unlisted.
Jokes on you, I run gentoo on my thinkpad.
I bought a ThinkPad because it's cheap, it's easy to repair, it's extremely durable, and it just works while being all around pleasant to use.
Plenty of people using Thinkpads old and new at my uni. I guess the "everyone's gotta have a Macbook and the occasional poorfag has some Anus trash" is just a burger thing.
>he doesn't care what you think
I think this picture says it all OP
x60 actually
>People who buy Macbooks don't buy them for the build quality, the wealth of ports and accessories, the ease of repair, the plentiful replacements, the GNU+Linux support, the ergonomics, or the potential for upgrades. So why do you think people buy Thinkpads?
Plenty of other laptops have the same features. Your reasons for buying a Thinkpad are just as subjective as people who buy Macbooks. You're just more smug about it to delude yourself into thinking your choice is more logical.
>the thinkshit meme is mainstream now thanks to faggots shilling them all over the place
>There's a massive fucking subreddit dedicated to them
>can't walk by an NYC coffee shop without seeing a smug little pajeet using a T420 acting likes he's better than everyone else with his used $150 laptop
>Prices have skyrocketed on ebay
>Most are too fucking slow to do anything with at this point
Thanks faggots, these used to be fun little toys and you ruined them.
Who is this weird tranny?
True for some people maybe, but even the /tpg/ here on Sup Forums often talks about Latitudes and other cheap second hand business laptops. Tbqh, I look down on a thinkpad user who bought a new Thinkpad directly from Lenovo as much as I look down on anyone who would buy a brand new over priced computer.
The X270 is a really good machine though
>Have to buy IBM/Lenovo genuine spare that's on the hardware whitelist or the bios will prevent boot
Is this how bad xx30 and newer series are? I've never had this problem with my T420 and I swapped HDDs and SSDs around.
>need IBM certified spare
You even need genuine batteries now
>mfw work at the largest telecom company in the UK
>mfw company laptop is a ThinkPad
Even the newest shit only bothers you about batteries and wireless cards. He's lying.
>wireless cards
That was a problem even with IBM models, and it seems FCC requires a whitelist of wireless cards, which means this is a problem with most laptops on stock firmware.
Thinkpads have objectively the best keyboard for getting work done, they also don't require retarded dongles, and aren't child toys that break at the slightest mishap.
>buys a laptop for the brand
>posts soyboy wojack
it checks out
im just poor
>he thinks he's unique or intelligent because he has a thinkpad
Buying an easily repairable laptop is intelligent from an economics perspective.
>he doesn't know the whole world laughs at him
What do you even mean with this? I see tons of people use ThinkPads daily. Maybe you should get a job user.
>he doesn't realize that he's following the same group mentality as the people who buy a Macbook
Nothing wrong with groups, as long as you don't follow blindly.
>People who buy Macbooks don't buy them for the build quality, the wealth of ports and accessories, the ease of repair, the plentiful replacements, the GNU+Linux support, the ergonomics, or the potential for upgrades. So why do you think people buy Thinkpads?
I'm a Macfag. Got mine for the service and the neat screen. Build quality is nice as well. I think most people buy into Apple for the service they provide, the same way a lot of people buy into ThinkPads for the way they can fix the Thinkpad themselves easily.
Can this meme please die?
I don't understand the keyboard meme
They all uses the same shitty scissor switches. They're ALL garbage.
I use a major thinkfag but got a macbook (the super small slim one) as part of my grant. An anne pro + mouse + macbook are still lighter than my old X201, it runs quieter, faster, and screen is night and day compared to the shit pad and I get a much superior typing experience.
Buy buy a shitty laptop when a used workstation tower is cheaper and orders of magnitude faster/more capable?
It's mostly the layout and feel of it, it's laid out more like a desktop keyboard.
The only objectively shit layout was that first gen X1 carbon thing.
All the others are fine, autists just hate that their memepads have keyboards that look mainstream now.
Again, if you're serious about typing you'll already be using an external board
god himself
i defy you to show me another notebook-class computer that lasts 10 years and doesn't die