What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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On what basis are you assuming he's unqualified for the internship?
>What went wrong?
what do you mean. He got the internship so it sounds like everything went right
Your mother's propensity to dick and meth would be my guess
I have no problem working with a homonigger if he's actually good at the job, if that's what you're trying to imply.
niggers lol
Not much apparently. He got the internship.
Seems everything went right for the young xir, he got his dream job.
>What went wrong?
Something went wrong? An American citizen got an internship at an American company instead of the job being outsourced to Bangladesh. Sounds like something went right, if you asked me.
his haircut
He does it for free. What more do you want?
>already identified as a he
What did he mean by this?
the absolute state of Sup Forums
doesn't even give a shit he's being trolled
not much by the looks of things
Real fucking sad OP. Maybe you should fuck off back to whatever echo chamber you seeped out of.
I love black coworkers because I'm a minority myself.
user assumed his pronoun.
I'm actually impressed that you can garner such a robust consistent response on Sup Forums to racism despite knowing you're being trolled.
Can't wait for that nigger to drop an album containing lit bars that BTFO Apple and educate the black man on computer history and programming. Nice to see a big label like IBM keepin' it real and adopting hard working nigga's from the hood.
Whats the problem again?
I don't know that human and what his sexual parts are like, and the image provided left some ambiguity.
go back to Sup Forums
>I-i-it was just a troll you guise!
..His tie is crooked?
who hurt you?
Your upbringing?
This is just post-irony, m8.
I fail to see what the problem is? Is it because he's black, or what?
I've worked with many a smart black men in tech; so what if he's black?
That trenchcoat.
> be me
> apply for internship
> sorry, all positions are filled
> sit in library
> hear a negro girl talking
> she applied to the same position and was accepted
Lol the guy who made this comment is not OP
nothing, interships are for kids (and idiots) that want to work for free (or almost free)
And, she probably interviewed better than you?
>And, she probably interviewed better than you?
Statistically unlikely.
In Australia, our military literally publishes papers for job openings with (female only) for certain roles. In other words, the position isn't filled but they've received enough men so therefore in order to maintain quotas they can only hire women.
Keep in mind we have anti-discrimination laws that make it illegal to discriminate based on sex. Right? I guess not when it's convenient.
100% likely you're shit. White male privlidge.
ofc, m8. I need to improve my interview skills. Do you know how can I become african, this looks like a great skill to have?
>Statistically unlikely.
If you mean racially, you've forgotten to account for your own personal deviation from your race's average.
If you mean even accounting for that deviation:
>pic related
> fails to realize that public uni's and CC have resume building workshops and interview workshops
you probably didn't attend one, she probably did.
You failed to get the job because you failed to impress
Gonna be strange times when all the American tech giants collapse and we have to rely on Chinese and Indian tech companies in the future.
>what went wrong?
That tie is too short, the trenchcoat doesn't fit him and those glasses do compliment his face shape.
He's got style though. 7/10 for the effort.
Will there be a time in the future where “diversity” isn’t considered a goal in recruiting?
I'm preparing for it.
China and India are obviously going to be the future superpowers and they're going to be absolutely ruthless. I, for one, welcome our future chunk overlords.
When China nukes the west and stops letting the farce continue.
>he thinks he's magically better than some black person because the average one is wors ethan the average whatever race you are
Can already tell you're a brainlet, so it makes sense she got in over you.
Yeah, when everyone's the same.
Not (((((him)))))))) but this is actually why I believe in diversity.
If everyone fucks everyone then eventually there will only be one race left, and that will be the last we ever have to hear of it.
There are other ways to make it so that one race rules the world, some of which are frequently touted on this website, but they're all unethical since lives matter more than racial integrity.
I just wanted to write that at this point I will probably welcome chinese soldiers with flowers.
>India on the same level as China
Not even close m8.
>3.89/4.00, bachelor in computer engineering
>2 internships at JPL, one at a private avionics corp
>apply at NASA and BOEING
>rejected by both, was told they're looking to diversify
kill me
>we should all mix
There are going to be 10 full blooded africans with an average iq of 75 for every 1 non-african at the end of this century. If your goal were to be achieved the only possible outcome would be a return to the stone age and a loss of life not seen since an asteroid killed the dinosaurs.
>If everyone fucks everyone then eventually there will only be one race left, and that will be the last we ever have to hear of it.
If everyone fucks everyone, there won't be one race, just a totally mixed bag of various racial mixes. Everyone will still have different facial features and appearances or personalities for people to judge over. Even in the Spanish community there's discrimination over skin tone even if they're all just some mixed breed of race.
on top of that, latin america is literally the most brutally violent place on the planet, outdoing africa considerably. ever browse a rekt thread? you don't see a hwhite man nor gooks cutting people's faces off with rusty razor blades
kys racist
you still have guns tho
just sayin
guns that I can't afford cause I borrowed 80 large from Mr. Shekelmoney for my degree, but nobody wants to hire an able bodied cis straight white male, no matter how qualified you are
Thank the US and the CIA for that.
Please be bait
A while ago IBM had a bunch of ads about how they are pro equal opportunity.(rather carefully chosen words)
SJeWs are anti-equal opportinity, they just want shit they dont deserve and specifically call it equality.
Something tells me(but this is probably the part of my brain that's been raped by Sup Forums and /x/) the higher ups at IBM know a lot and if the carefully chosen words werent an accident they want fix the mess.
> inb4 No big corporation leaders just want more money and see the world burn
Wrong ,Using your genius in order to get money doesnt mean you dont have any alternative goals
>internship at IBM
I interned at IBM, it's a trash company to work with. Better than working with a no-name company, though, so good for them
India is obviously advancing at a rapid pace and China and India hold such massive populations it's inevitable that they will dominate various industries. Inevitably they'll join together to outproduce the west.
I can only hope they kick off a war and finally out an end to what the west has become but I highly doubt it.
Just like Brazil. Beautiful. No racial discrimination or violence. Just love and happiness.
fuck you mutha fucka india will be world super power by 2030 fucken dumb american pig
>What went wrong?
IBM has a cunt for a CEO for starters
I bet that was diversity quota ( in murrika ).
My 2nd guess is that job is related to soft skills.
You may ask "why?", "are you a racist?" ( yes, I am ) but it comes from experience. I've been working in IT corporations for some time ( 2 times in IBM ) and believe me I've see a shitload of races doing IT things ( like administration not project management ) but not a single negro.
The US is the world's Sup Forums. Something bad happens in your country? Blame the U.S., never ever look inwards and find your own faults.
SJWs tend to want equal outcome, not equal opportunity, which is why they all come off as entitled brats who are completely detached from reality.
> Please be bait
Please be bait
IQ is bullshit. But wait, lets just assume it's not, and that it's actually scientific and passed through genetics. You seem pretty stupid, dont you?
Nobody blames Sup Forums when something bad happens though. They blame spastic Sup Forums-crossposters for being unable to contain their political discussion to the politics board.
Good that at least my loan is on my parent's name.
>((((((xe)))))))))) actually believes this
To whatever extent IQ is controlled by genes, if the family of traits that can increase IQ were mostly recessive, then the average IQ of our species would be steadily decreasing over time. Instead it's steadily increasing over time, so that family of traits must be mostly dominant. Meaning, if a race with average IQ A mixes with a race of average IQ B, the resulting race or family of races should have an IQ C closer to max(A, B) than to min(A, B). So, while it's true that C < max(A, B), it would be statistically impossible for it to be the case that C < min(A, B).
>If everyone fucks everyone, there won't be one race, just a totally mixed bag of various racial mixes.
give it several thousand years
That's because the us is always messing with everyone's business
>IQ is bullshit.
I suppose your feelings are what really matter.
No India is not even remotely competitive with China. Also you have rightful Chinese clay. Give it back.
That guy (the "kys racist" fag, and also the person you just responded to who said "IQ is bullshit") isn't me, by the way.
Maybe you should research the CIAs involvement in Venezuela, Guam, Cuba before you sound like a retard?
>IQ is increasing
Its not.
Oh, just noticed that it says "had my interview" not "hired".
Let's hope for t h e b e s t.
They wanted to save some countries from socialism and prevent them installing soviet nukes, whats the problem?
It is though.
see: flynn effect
The U.S. dropped fucking nukes on Japan and completely demoralized the country for decades. Why isn't Japan worse off than Venezuela?
Mostly a lack of resources in poor black communities / self brought racism black people impose on each other, calling any black person who likes computers a nerd or white.
Black people in IT is pretty rare, but the small minority of black people in IT are relatively experienced. HR seems to actually not want to hire a tyrone or a pedro and opt for a sanjed or a yao fong.
Don't understand why people get so buttmad about race, someone is a couple shades darker than you so what? You have more in common with someone of another race in IT than someone who is a normie of your own race.
Have you ever tried reading anything in your life?
>Instead it's steadily increasing over time
> save countries from socialism
democratically elected
He was hired, it is just a retweet.
Even Flynn no longer believes in the Flynn effect.
>for spatial perception in German-speaking countries
What happened to Sup Forums? For such intelligent guys, you aren't seeing the (((truth)))
Oh, right, just like Trump doesn't believe in climate change I suppose.
which is g loaded.
I don't know why people get so but mad about race either. Some groups are just dumber and more violent than others. Not a big deal.
If my flatmates will democratically decide to kill me, that doesnt mean that they should be allowed to.
Cos dey are racist and sheee
Venezuela went full commie by choice and they are now fucked. Most people are too stupid to rule themselves.
god damn this board is infested with sjw's.
it's in reverse now.
You cant handle irony, do you.
Exactly like that except the man himself who proffered the theory said his data hasn't supported the hypothesis in years.
There's not a single modern programming shop that demands a business formal attire.
He's better dressed than 99% of the people I work with.
> my white cis male groupmate asked if I applied to a google internship and was surprised when I said no