What are the best-looking GNU/Linux distros? Many people say Deepin, but it's an undercover chinese botnet.
What are the best-looking GNU/Linux distros? Many people say Deepin, but it's an undercover chinese botnet
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Every distribution can look the same.
>many people say deepin
you mean many people say budgie. Looks pretty nice out of the box but a properly riced i3 looks far better.
I mean, even default i3 looks pretty sweet imo.
Just because something is botnet doesn't mean it isn't good looking
ubuntu with gnome if you aren't retarded and trying to fit in
DeepIn is dumb please stay away from it. it really fucked my files
if you judge a distro by its default look then manjaro or opensuze are pretty slick. even ubuntu if you like their color scheme.
that being said, if you think you have better taste than linux distros developers you can make any distro look how you want it to look. that's kinda the point of it.
Slap your waifu on the wallpaper (if any) and enjoy your best looking distro, whichever it is.
no gaps
whatever the distribution or DE as long as you're using Adapta GTK theme.
you niggers always claim i3 is best but you faggots never post a screenshot
really makes me think
you have to experience it for yourself.
ubuntu has the worst default gnome ever and manjaro comes close second, good default gnome is antergos and fedora
best looking? wtf does this mean?
I like gentoo because portage has pretty colors when showing the packages to be emerged? Like that?
you mean, DE
Linux noob herez is this compatible with lxde?
>that wallpaper
made me chuckle
If you pick a distro based on how it "looks" then you don't know linux very well. I use 4 different distros and they all look identical because my dotfiles repo is on all of them.
yeah of course:
Supported Desktop Environments
* GNOME-Shell >= 3.18.3
* GNOME-Flashback >= 3.18.2
* Budgie-Desktop >= 10.4
* Cinnamon >= 2.8.6
* XFce4 >= 4.12.2
* Mate >= 1.14.0 (Gtk+ 3.2x only)
* LXDE >= 0.99.1 (Gtk+ 2.x only)
there's even a plasma theme but it's not official
>blurry letters
>>blurry letters
it's a video capture...
How many extra chins do you need to grow before i3 starts looking good to you?
Deepin the distro is shady chink shit. Deepin the desktop is pure.
lmao looks like shit
kek this
"Best-looking" is highly subjective and dependent on each person's taste. What's good about GNU/Linux is that you can generally make it look however you want. So that if someone else thinks what you like is ugly, you can still have it because there's no one-size-fits-all. Freedom is nice.
>best looking
You mean DE or WM?
I need that wallpaper.
They can look similar but not the same.
Unless you're strictly talking about the taskbar.
what's wrong with chinese botnet?
Anything, without X11. You literally can't spoil console.
look at this sperg tard..
plain Ubuntu
fuck Gnu
Ubuntu MATE.
>Implying DEs look exactly the same regardless of distro
Deepin the distro is shady chink shit. Deepin the desktop is pure shit.
It's gonna take at least 4 to contain that much neckbeard.
They made their source code publicly available, but it's in chinese.
Install it. Manjaro really looks fucking great
I installed it just to switch the computer on to look at it. I tried using it but its a really fucking retarded distro that is impossible to use for longer than 3 hours without your machine crashing like flaming ball of fire around a stalled jet fighter into the sea
Anything flat. Unironically.
You hate flat design because Microsoft was the first to introduce it but tell me, why does a menu on a screen need to emulate a metal/glass/plastic texture? What is the fucking point? When you read a book or a document do you expect it to feel like a pillow or a shipping container? NO! You expect it to be PAPER. Nothing more, nothing less.
Flat design is the natural evolution for men who are tired of childish gimmicks.
ur a flat design
Elementary os is quite simple but pleasant to look at. Unless you hate the mac aesthetics.
I need that wallpaper.
elementary OS looks pretty good in my opinion. I like how they didn't went full flatshit and keep a bit of gradient in the icons and windows.
Why would you intentionally make your computer look like a child's toy?
Oh, wait...
It was confirmed that Deepin is safe.
>good looking distros
>not Ubuntu Kylin
UKUI is the best windows clone DE out there
Arch, do the following:
pacman -Sy gnome
>select all
Deepin looks like what the Chinese would consider "best-looking"
>using a DE
> Flat shit.
> UKUI is the best windows clone DE out there
Try harder.
Picrelated even looks legit windows.
>Linux Deepin seems to be an amazing open source distribution of Linux developed in China, yet China is infamous for censorship.
Because an Operating System is such a low-level element in our digital lives, users need to trust it 100%. Windows and Mac have backdoors and are not worthy of trust. However Deepin as an alternative comes from a country with the Great Firewall of China and appears to be funded by 'Wuhan Technology' company.
Also, open source software can still have malicious code in it, provided people checking the code don't find it. Vulnerabilities like Adobe Flash player can be left intentionally not up to date.
Despite this, I trust Deepin. I do, however, have a hard time explaining to other people why they should install Deepin on their computers. I hope you can provide objective answers to the following questions.
Taken from the Deepin website
>I can't change a theme
Any distro can look good.
You can install the same software on any distribution, therefore they all can look identical.
Fucking retard.
>same software
that doesn't mean anything?
>XFCE cannot have the deepin sidebar
>Budgie does not have nearly as much customization as KDE
you're just trying to sound smurt
why using DE tho?
gaps are great
best desktop is fedora with gnome
i was using deepin for a while. i was less productive with it than with gnome. gnome is better because of this
i feel like i get more things done
forgot screenshot
All you need to do is install or compile the packages used by the other distro and set your configuration to use them like the other distro does. To completely dumb it down: Linux distributions are like modpacks for games, where the base game is the Linux kernel and some basically universally universally included applications (GNU tools). You can download a modpack that has a package manager and a desktop environment configured a certain way, and just go in and switch out the DE to match some other modpack you like better, but hate the package manager and community it belongs to. Then you call your modpack something different and share it with others. This is how most of the thousands of shit distros get made.
You seem to be confused. Xfce, Budgie, Deepin and KDE aren't distributions.
I've never used gnome 3. Performance aside, what is people's beef with it?
I'm having fun with Arch + GNOME and Kali + GNOME
Trying to migrate my Arch into i3 but whenever I try to download rxvt-unicode it ain't pretty, so I try do pacman -S python-pywal and it says target not found.
>judging a distro by its default desktop environment, its theme and its configuration
>a gtk theme with a dependency on Inkscape
no thanks
Nice. Reminds me a bit of Arc.
This is what almost everyone does. Most Linux users are retards that could never run their system without a search engine and community support. They think they're better than Windows users because they could follow basic instructions, but they'll paste nearly anything found on the internet into a terminal with zero understanding as to what it does.
sounds like your distro a shit
Depends On : None
Optional Deps : gtk-engine-murrine: for gtk2 themes
noto-fonts: Recommended font
ttf-roboto: Recommended font