/hpg/ - Headphone General

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looking for headphone, amp, dac combo under 600$ in the us. prefer flat or V tone and will suck your mom's toes if you recommend the hd600's

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willing to go higher on price if need be

>headphone, amp, dac combo under 600$
Yeah, that's not happening. Cut out the amp and you might be able to do it. A quality amp will run you at least 800 new, if not 1k for something toasty fresh.

nice meme

Looking for a DAC/Amp combo under $300. I've been looking at the following.

-Magni 3

-Modi 2U
-Topping D30

All-In Ones
-B Stock Element

Does it even matter what I pick, or is it all 99% the same?

you must think im retarded. well you arent wrong but even i know thats bs

If you go with cheap sand amps, expect graineyness

They're good

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magni 3 + topping d30

both o2 and magni have clipping issues, magni less severe. get a used asgard 2 if you can, they go for like 150.

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I'd say you have 2 options.

O2 as an amplifier is a safe choice, reliable, flat, lowest distortion at the price.
Some people mentioned the Topping D10 in the last thread and I can definitely recommend it to you seeing the measurements.
This should leave you around $400 for the headphones. Unironically, flat sounding is found in the HD600 at this price range. You could also get a Fostex TH-X00, E-mu Teak or a used planar like the LCD2.

The other option is getting the Topping D10 and the SRS-3100 combo from STAX. Relatively flat sounding and electrostatics are quite unique.

Magni has unreliable QC-issues. Amir from ASR said his unit started to put out smoke when he tested it. Avoid at all costs.
Also ignore the other retard telling you the Magni and O2 are clipping, this is false. Both of them are perfectly fine. Magni has slightly more power - irrelevant depending on your headphones - and the O2 has lower THD.
Out of all of these, definitely get the B-stock Element. Or well, Topping D10 + O2.

Do note that all of these are flat, transparent sounding devices. Nothing will bring you better sound or even different sound for that matter. Buy for build quality and customer support.

Thee O2 shill is real,

Feel free to prove me the O2 isn't good, using facts and references such as measurements.
Things like clipping are measureable, if your claims are true then you'll have no trouble proving it.

The true grain.

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Stay away from chinkshit. Get Schiit or Jds labs.

shit i forgot to mention that i would want open back but thanks for the dac amp combo advice

>Stay away from chinkshit. Get Schiit or Jds labs.
this guy is probably the amerimutt Benchmark DAC fag who is constantly shilling for the sake of amerimutt economy. Ignore him.

Ya ignore the guy who actually has experience with the products.

You mean you have experience with the thing you deride as chinkshit? Of course not. You don't even own Schiit stuff either, you're the Benchmark guy. You spend all your time trying to convince people to buy made in USA stuff because muh murimutt money.

I have a Schiit stack actually. Sits in the my closet. Don't currently own anything from JDS labs.

Never buy chinkshit.

>Stay away from chinkshit.
>Get Schiit
Come on.

Well really, I would advice you to try electrostatics. The L300 is a great entry point and it's relatively flat.
I don't think there are much interesting headphones otherwise, unless you go the high-end stuff and try out things like the HD800. Mid-fi is pretty boring.

just get it over with and buy the srs-3100 system

Where are the parts in your computer or phone made, retard?
I bet more than half the shit you own is made in chinkland.

friendly reminder about your local budget objectivist

>be a subjectivist
>be biased and hear a difference that isn't actually there
>attribute it to the gear
>be an objectivist
>be biased and hear a difference that is actually there
>attribute it to bias and deny it happened
"objectivist", learn the difference

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>Where are the parts in your computer or phone made, retard?
Best I can do in those instances is buy Taiwan made or American company but manufactured in china.

Most anything I can buy not chinkified I do. Keyboard is from Japan, etc

>Don't currently own anything from JDS labs.
You just said enough for others to determine on their own if I'm right. You don't even own JDS stuff but you would push it along with Schiit on the sole basis that it's made in USA. The only thing you really care about is exactly that, made in USA. Well, newsflash: the rest of the world doesn't care if your redneck proles become jobless and you end up having chaos in your third world country because they're trying to get some food out of you.

guys, the graph was updated with +0.5 extra plankton. time to panic and buy your schiit

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what's plankton

SBAF retardation, forget about it

it just means it has a ton of planks. look at the bottlehead crack for a good example. lots of plankton

>You don't even own JDS stuff but you would push it along with Schiit on the sole basis that it's made in USA
I recommend it because they have great spec to price ratio and are quality companies and products.

Instead of chinks with zero morals.

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It means the mids are liquid since planktons live in the water.

>what's liquid mids mean?
it just means it has a lot of plankton

Funny shit name audio company that makes exploding products and says it's the consumer's fault has morals xDDDDDDDD

>make fun of gen z
>defend company that caters to gen z


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wait for it.... wait for it........

not an argument

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What's your point here?
The best arguments end in " xDDDDDDDD"

Miku’s leg looks kind of fucked in that picture

>The best arguments end in " xDDDDDDDD"
still not an argument

Agreed, Valhalla 2 is mid-fi hell.

It was a statement. Sorry common core failed you.

Yes, like I said. not an argument. Glad we cleared that up buddy. You truly are the savior of the human race.

Looking for some good speakers for $300AUD and portable bluetooth speaker

>What's your point here?
Are you really asking? you're the one posting a video with the implication that it means something about China as a civilization. Then what does Charlottesville mean you think?

A bunch of retards with questionable political views and morals doing illegal activities getting run over. Totally the same thing as children getting run over and then carrying on like nothing happened.

Thanks for letting use knwo you have the same lack of morals.

get over it already. if you want to argue with the guy then expose the hypocrisies of his arguments not his country. you will only have him respond by being more stubborn and defensive when you attack his country. your tunnel vision is incredible.

Is this what kids whose allowance isn’t enough to buy decent gear argue about all day everyday?

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You misunderstand something here. I am merely making him expose his true nature so that any newfag coming here knows not to listen to him by instinct. I am not trying to argue him into actually changing his views, for the simple reason that people can't change to begin with. Political views are the outer expression of the core of someone's personality. They do not change over arguments.

well good fucking job at that, going around shitting on americans is not a good way to win people over to your side.

You are a terrible human if that's how you think.

He doesn't have the mental capacity to form a coherent argument. It's hilarious how he shits on common core and then proceeds to use every logical fallacy ever created.

Really gets the noggin joggin.
Have a sense of humor you goon. We're all American here (except idol trash).

>We're all American here
no, the user I'm responding to is french

HD600, the best headphones in the world.

You're not even trying anymore

Some of us are canuckleheads.

So he's a frog, whatever. I'll shit on America if it means getting rid of the fucktard who spams gen z, and I think the US of A is the best country on earth.


I'm the one that brought this to Schiit's attention, and OP of said thread at Head-Fi where it was shown to the community. I had emails with Jason regarding the issue before the HF thread. He said the amp was fine having no problems in-spite of the video.

It wasn't until it became a potential PR nightmare that could bury the company that he made a move. He moaned about having to install the relays, made excuses to not have it done, and blamed users.

Top tier morals

Don’t the amerimutts usually go to bed soon? Please...

nah he shits on america besides trying to get rid of gen z.

I do.
I'm not trying to hide, but I'm curious as to what made you so certain it was me? I'm not exactly the only one having a laugh at the muhpatriotic attitude of kwa.

>Top tier morals
Americans love to appear friendly on the outside. Lots of smiles and nice greetings. On the inside lies terrible creatures just as the rest of humanity.

>I had emails with Jason regarding the issue before the HF thread.
I've spoken with manufacturers who have had to repair headphones due to schiit's crap detaching the voice coils when they do that kek
>I'm curious as to what made you so certain it was me?
there's two here who typically make americamutt comments. or atleast hate america that much. there's a UK dude here who wanted to buy a denon, and there's you. the other guy doesn't post that often and he doesn't get on gen z's ass. not saying that's always the case just statistically likely.

so I'm not the only french guy up at 6 am and shitposting, interesting

FIY but I'm not actually behind all the amerimutts comments in the past threads. I am the one who got the gen z guy to fully show his anti chinese racism and his economic patriotism obsessions though, so you got that right.

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So you guys are saying a company is bad for fixing a product.

Top tier morals indeed.

>FIY but I'm not actually behind all the amerimutts comments in the past threads.
I know, it's never the case that it's just one person. did you get dumped by an american guy in an online relationship and that's why you hate americans? that's the only thing I can think of that would make you hate us that much.

what's a good portable bluetooth speaker?

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>The crumpling can cause damage over time and is not normal operation, one would expect the company to examine such an issue when so visible.

>AKG says continued use with this amp at 250mv transients would damage if not kill the K702. They would crap hearing 1.7V.

Jason did not know how much DC offset his design was putting out. His designs have killed $3K worth headphones which he wrongly blames on users.

>Why should I or anyone risk dealing with them knowing such information, logically?

They only fixed it because they got exposed as being a bunch of hacks with no fucking idea what they're doing. They weren't intending on fixing shit until it was exposed to the audiophool community and started affecting their bottom line.

my penis

What's ur problem if it was fixed then?

Sounds to me like you wanted them to fix the issues immediately. Because you're gen z and only accept instant gratification.

You're confusing disgust/distaste for your culture with genuine hatred. I don't carry some hatred for your people and constantly think about you all day long. I will show distaste when the context calls for it though. But it's not like I go to work and still have some anger building thinking about muhricans or something.
I could explain in greater detail why I dislike murimutts but a genuine serious discussion about world views, geopolitics and the way american culture has spread, first with garbage like fast foods and polluted pretty much any first world and developing countries, uniformed cultures across the globe and is still slowly erasing all trace of identity is out of the scope of /hpg/.

>biggest issue is pop culture
You seem like a real serious person. Totally not your average 3rd worlder lacking morals.

>You're confusing disgust/distaste for your culture with genuine hatred.
all the things you described are not american. you would be surprised in rural american (aka actual america not liberal multicultural cities). you didn't answer my question but whatever

My problem is they have no idea what they're doing, have a history of trying to sweep problems under the rug, and blaming end users for the issue in the first place. :/
Why should anyone buy something from a company that can't make something as simple as an amp without it destroying your gear?

t. calls everyone gen z for fun and endorses morally bankrupt scam-artists like Mike Moffat

really? do we have to buy our own audio measurement gear too so we can measure it to make sure it actually arrived and is performing to specs? because if we didn't have amir we wouldn't know that we were purchasing a $600 10bit dac.

Did they admits the problem?
Did they fix the problem?

This is somehow a huge issue.

Hot meme. I'm done with your scum.
And there's the spec bullshit. Get ready for him to post that usb powered shit for the millionth time.

You actually were serious about your question and thought it deserved an answer? The answer is fucking no. Online relationships? What a joke. It's difficult enough to actually understand and know human beings in the real world, face to face. Know who they actually are, what they actually think and not just the mask they expose to the world. People on the internet? Those are just numbers. Rational minds don't trust people they didn't know outside of a computer screen.

Did I admit to committing a rape?
Did I stop raping after?

This is somehow a huge issue.

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>usb powered shit

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>Hot meme. I'm done with your scum.

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Did I admit to committing a rape?
Yes, after my victim identified me and shamed me in front of my community.
Did I stop raping after?
Yes, but to be quite honest it was that whore's fault in the first place for being such a slut.

This is somehow a huge issue.

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>Online relationships? What a joke
okay lol. my sister had one with a dude living in tokyo abroad 10 years ago, and I'm attending the wedding in a few months actually. you seem bitter and need to relax a bit

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Solid logic.

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>with a dude living in tokyo
you better go there and buy some STAX

>implying I don't already own nipspeakers

you need more!

>implying I haven't already bought more