Drinks while Computing

What is Sup Forums's choice of drink while browsing the Internet?

I like a good coffee, little cream.

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Either Remy Martin or a nice cup of manggo jews



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no u

water, no ice

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black coffee or beer or gin, whichever one I have on hand

this, but the superior white version

>Coffee with cream in it
Can someone explain this to me? Is it just an American thing?

black iced coffee in a heavily coffee stained plastic cup

itt bunch of soyboys
go back to leldit, you fucking faggots.
not technology

you mean you dont use half and half?

Oatmeal drink

Columbian coffee with a bit of milk, and 500mg of L-theanine.

Pajeet detected.


Water, only water.

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> drinking government water
Enjoy your gay bomb

Pepsi, in a glass jar that is frozen, with two cubes of ice and double straw.

Beer in the evening, coffee in the morn, water otherwise.

Chinese Jasmine Tea

homemade limeade

Are you even trying?

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Soylent with strawberries.

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A glass of red


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based paki shopper energy drinks, 35p

how do I balance programming with being a disgusting alkie


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