/mkg/ - Waifu Edition

/mkg/ - Waifu Edition

>Mech enthusiast starter edition
>Buyer's template:
pastebin.com/33S1gVkG (embed)
>Where to Buy:
pastebin.com/8Yku80VL (embed)
pastebin.com/M5w7QtKp (embed)
>Use the buyer's template
pastebin.com/33S1gVkG (embed)
>Keyboard wiki
>Keyset wiki
keypuller.com (web.archive.org/web/20161101152119/http://keypuller.com/)

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Attached: miku-keycaps.jpg (1000x750, 145K)

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>no thread title
restart the thread you fucking nigger

you can still search it in the catalogs just fine

where can i order this?

Honestly I don't even know if the lolita is even made anymore. but those keycaps are from WASD so they're not gonna last a long time

its just that i have a custom layout and would like to put on those keys all the correct keycodes

you lost me at the last part of your sentence. do you want keycaps that match the switch function? or do you just want custom printed waifu keycaps for your meme layout? Anyway maxkeyboard also does custom printing

i want this

Attached: 2018-03-16-22:43:59_265x76_scrot.png (265x76, 3K)

then wasd can do that

Wouldn't it be easier to just make a macro key which can print 'You are a Faggit' instead of using four separate keys? I know that there are a lot of useless keys on a fullsize keyboard but still its a waste.

Attached: 1520551162401.jpg (593x625, 64K)

Have these keyboards shipped yet. I wanna get some first impressions before I spend 400 bucks on one

Attached: 0C3C02AE-0A2A-4F30-9E8D-98C2B21F37B6.jpg (3620x1587, 387K)

He probably can’t even program that. It would get plenty of (you)s though if he had them as “artisan” keycaps

I'm new to mechanical keyboards, been looking at a Ducky One 2 Skyline as it's one of the few non gaymer RGB shit you can get fullsize in MX Browns UK layout for a decent price, should I go for it?

are Faggit

common i was just posting an example not actually wanting those keycap names

Go for it. I went with the midnight one

Anyone game on an ortholinear? Got mine, tried to play CS, 2 being directly above W makes weapon switching really awkward.

it takes some time to get used too, but I thing a split layout would be better, even if it was staggered

Attached: Left handed Ortho.jpg (1200x800, 699K)

It is split but how does that make it any better?

Ignore him, he’s just the split keyboard shill. Ortho linear keyboards suck, unless it’s a Colemak or Workman layout

Hey gang.

Attached: genuine real tools.jpg (2000x1333, 990K)

I'm not a gang member like you sorry.

Got my Leopold FC980C today. Beautiful keyboard.

those probably wont start shipping out until late 2018

How come there're still people using full keyboard when tenkeyless exists and you're not an office fag?

oh wow what a big man you are with guns

I'm an office fag and I just bought a TKL. Fuck the numpad.

You can align it better with your hands. Non-split ortho is dumb.

Legacy layout. It's what people are used to so that's what they get and what industry makes. It's been difficult to convince people that numpad is better detached or on the left side.

Thanks, I'm having second thoughts on the skyline after watching videos on it. It seems like the grey is lighter than I initially thought. I really like the midnight's purple, although I'm not overly enthusiastic about the orange. Would you mind sending a picture of your board with only the purple caps on? AFAIK the board comes with a spare purple enter cap so you don't have to have any orange keys if you don't want to. Other than that I might get the one with white backlighting as the white trim on it looks sexy af

How many guns do you have

Attached: 1491253364720.png (500x560, 345K)

about tree fiddy

i believe you

How long will this shit take to get here :(

Attached: ergofux.jpg (2048x1365, 169K)

Welp, I did it. I bought your meme 60% keyboards. No regrets so far, though I really don't like Cherry MX Brown, think I'll switch these out with blues.
Still waiting on my Keycool 84

Attached: 20180315_152021.jpg (5312x2976, 3.32M)

get some Miami keycaps and you'll be all set

Attached: Akko_x_Ducky_Miami.jpg (550x316, 29K)

One thing I miss from my Das Keyboard is a dedicated volume dial/control as well as media buttons, and I haven't had much luck finding stuff online. Pic related is something I found on Massdrop for 120 buckaroos and the drop is closing today. Any suggestions/ thoughts?

Bretty nice, will cop next paycheck

fuck off rama shill I ain't buying your """""numpad"""""

It's not a numpad though? There's a reason I'm asking here for a better alternative

Attached: 1520053153561.png (750x1334, 1.35M)

You’re stupid if you spend that much money on anything but a split.

Any left handers in here? Is getting used to a left handed keyboard worth it?

do split model f keyboards even exist?
why not get something that matches your keyboard since leopold also makes numpads, then you can program it however you want

>do split model f keyboards even exist?
No. Not unless you make one yourself, good luck with that.

what makes you think blues would be better than browns? the only upgrade from browns would be tropre

Where can I get waifu keycaps

B&H Photo sells relegendable caps for 10 for $5, PMK has relegendables but I think they're more expensive. Or go the WASD route but the paint will wear off with any decent amount of use.

Where can I get these? Will they fit my shitty Corsair strafe rgb. Apparently the spacebar row is awkward.
Sorry new to mech.

you can always try this

Blues are better than browns in my opinion, I like the clacking

that doesn't justify it at all, moron

I remember months ago you made a post you can get better keyboards for your buck than the filco, but I've always liked the look of yours. Not just the keycaps, but the led placement etc.
Similar kbs to your filco I guess?

go away

Suggestions for a programmable RGB? Want something that lights up but isn't too big

what /csg/ mean by this?

Attached: 1499387938825.png (1356x58, 4K)

Ducky One

they won't fit the gay bottom row

The government is pretty retarded. At one point anyone who bought a Casio watch was put on the no fly list

blues aren't any clackier than browns. the clack comes from bottoming out

mostly everything is an upgrade from cherry mx

Getting an ortho was my first regrettable purchase in this "hobby"

Used it for a day and put it on a shelf, even with full programmability didn't see any advantage over my current 60%. Also didn't really want to get proficient at ortho only to make it awkward using the rest of my staggered keyboards.

Attached: viterbi.jpg (1300x731, 229K)

>Buys split ortho
>Puts them right next to each other anyway

For the photo, I tried them out

in other positions too

Should have gotten an ergodox and tented it m8.

Are taihao keycaps good? I kind of want to get the dark miami one from here:
I'm new to mechs but I recently got an mf87 as a gift and like the color of these caps

>Ortho linear keyboards suck, unless it’s a Colemak
Hello, that is me. Life is good.

Anything new in a clearer guide to programming QMK? I watched a vid on setting up the environment which had the 2 main dewds from QMK but nothing since then. Beyong just substituting keys I'm interested in Leader Keys and TAP Dance keys with 4 stages.

Anyone else finding success?

about as long as it would take for you to type that with your new buy

How bad are keycaps from aliexpress?

I sincerely only think otholinears are for faggy redditors to take pictures of and get upboats instead of something to actually use. They're so cramped and uncomfortable, it reminds you why keyboards are even staggered in the first place. They're not even that much more portable than a 60%, which is what I always hear ortho fanboys say like it's some huge advantage.

I'd use a fucking 40% like pic related before I'd use an ortholinear.

Attached: serveimage[1].jpg (4578x3339, 2.32M)

I really like the Minivan look but I doubt I'd like using it. 60% is pretty much perfect, I don't need to spend time getting used to a 40% for no reason.

Apparently Massdrop of all people are making a website that programs your QMK boards. I don't put much faith in their abilities, but supposedly they're adding a bunch of functionality like LED controller support and USB hub support.

Here's their "preview": recordit.co/3m6Dy5LjUb

What are some good recommendations for pbt doubeshot caps that are also backlit? It'd be nice too if they come with different color schemes.

>the state of the average ortholinear faggot

Attached: contra_pcb_02f[1].png (1100x440, 98K)

Idk, I can look past the stupid memes on the PCB for a $30 kit. They are fucking retarded though, at least you can't see it once assembled.

>Waifu Edition
We understand.

Cherry MX-Board 3.0 with Red switches. No back-light.

Attached: 20180317_cherry-mx-board-3-waifu-edition.jpg (2788x3672, 3.71M)

Waifu and girlfriend.

Keyboard: Kingston HyperX with Brown Switches. Red back-light.

Attached: 20180317_Kingston-HyperX-waifu-and-gf-edition.jpg (1600x2133, 1.26M)


show nudes

How heavy/light are these little keyboards?

Isn't this a blue board?

Duck Duck Shine 5, RGB with Blue Switches. And Kingston Hyperx.

Attached: 20180317_duck-duck-shine-and-hyperx.jpg (2400x3291, 2.76M)

>tfw my mechanical keyboard is at work

Just jumped in on my first (and last) keyboard purchase, looking for the pictured set but I have no idea what it is. Can anyone help me out?

Does anybody use kailh box switches? Considering the box blacks and maybe something heavier for some of the modifiers. Does anybody mix switches? Is it stupid?

Attached: 3FBACAA4-34C1-4D69-9D60-27ADE947D570.jpg (959x640, 78K)

I would love to show off my Brown Anime Waifu Dakimakura, but unfortunately I don't have my mechanical keyboard here so it kinda sucks.

>blue board?
I guess the world won't end if there's one picture of my Duck Duck 5 shine keyboard on a blue board.. :)

Attached: waifu.jpg (1800x3324, 1.91M)

>Just jumped in on my first (and last)
>he thinks it will be his last.

Tai Hao PBT is really thin. Might be fine if you have abs but it won't be as good as more expensive PBT sets.

Should we even trust assdrop with their bullshit? Why wouldn't QMK team be able to implement better LED support?

>Heavier switches for modifiers
Why would you do that to your pinky?

Maybe he has his suicide planned, you can never assume.

I saw a few different layouts around that used heavier actuation forces to avoid accidentally pressing keys I think it was. Fairly new to this hobby so I guess I just wanted to get the most out of my typing experience. I got the Tokyo60 so I guess I can always play around with the hotswappable feature until I find something I like.

Any opinion on those box switches?

I always read this but I guess I don’t really see the point in owning multiple keyboards. Waited around until I could find a more accessible alternative to the Rama M-65a. Hopefully my first one is my ‘endgame’ if I can find out what this keycap set is.

Attached: 9B277309-C113-486E-B324-B2543ABF259E.jpg (959x640, 45K)

my CLS and mech27 lol

Attached: DYdecz3VwAA39MG.jpg (1200x675, 130K)

Although a 40% would be cool too. Initially wanted to jump on a blocked Daisy or a Pearl but I don’t think I could get used to the layout.

Is this DSA Honeywell? Can’t tell if it’s the same keyset as above.

Attached: 04CB7740-526E-4EA7-B8D7-E6FB56B9D3B6.jpg (300x168, 8K)

Nah, those are too tall for that.

Better picture of the profile. These are from an old IC thread for the Revo HHKB if anybody was wondering. The modifiers look blacker than the JD45 I posted - are these the same?

Attached: AA57980E-AFC9-42D5-BF83-BFDF0A12678B.jpg (959x640, 61K)

>SA round 5
Those are the honeywell groupbuy m8.

It's far too useful to give up, and left-side numpads are weird.

A quantum

Yeah, if I were gonna buy one these-a-days, it'd probably be a Ducky Shine with some spiffy caps.

Post a keyboard user!

Attached: 2018 fresh.jpg (2000x1333, 464K)


Fuck, ouch. All of the modifiers look grayer in all of the pictures i’m seeing anyway. These Maxkey modifiers look perfect if I can find some white SA alphas.

Attached: 7824E5B8-12E2-45AD-91E8-4B1981D90D15.jpg (1920x1081, 283K)

Does anyone know of a keyboard with the following features?
- a matrix-layout (no staggered keys)
- 10-keyless (no numpad) or numpad on left (no right-hand numpad for ergonomics)
- split keyboard. Either joined splits on hinge or totally separate is fine.
- full set of F-Keys
- arrow keys

My ergodox is a good keyboard, but i really miss F1-F12 and arrow keys. Having them on a separate layer just isn't the same.

Axios is the closest to that I can think of. Too bad that project is dead now. Seems the same thing is true of this. Shame, really.

Attached: 6JIEvif.png (1920x1080, 677K)

What would you suggest a newbie to replace the ABS keycaps that came with his CM MasterKeys Pro L?
OEM or DSA profile keycaps? Or something else?

Thick, cherry profile, PBT, and dye sub if you don't want blank.