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What are you working on, Sup Forums?
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>tfw no muslim programming gf
i dont program, i just come here because you guys are hilarious
Monads are overrated. Applicative functors are where it's at.
delet this thred
i've never met a muslim doctor, only ex-muslim doctors.
Stop this kikery
Name an example of an applicative that doesn't have a monad instance.
I used to be a proponent of static languages exclusively.
Now i'm mostly programming in Julia and Pharo Smalltalk for my personal projects. I'm sure that old me would be proud.
SIMD data types, but that's not the point. Any monad is an applicative functor, but the latter interface is more amenable to reasoning and optimization, and the lost power is rarely wanted or needed.
>used to avr
>learning pic for muh usb
>spend forever getting babby's first interrupt to work
>turns out i just forgot to block the program at the end and it was working all along...
>one day this week I'll slop together the NRZI, but have a bunch of stuff due and work
void main(void)
//Port C all output
TRISC = 0X00;
LATCbits.LATC2 = 1;
ctr = 0;
//16MHz, Internal Oscillator selected
OSCCONbits.IRCF3 = 1;
OSCCONbits.IRCF2 = 1;
OSCCONbits.IRCF1 = 1;
OSCCONbits.IRCF0 = 1;
/******* TIMER2 SETUP *******/
// Prescaler input/64
T2CONbits.T2CKPS0 = 1;
T2CONbits.T2CKPS1 = 1;
// Postscaler 16
T2CONbits.T2OUTPS0 = 1;
T2CONbits.T2OUTPS1 = 1;
T2CONbits.T2OUTPS2 = 1;
T2CONbits.T2OUTPS3 = 1;
PR2 = 0XFF;
// Actually turn timer 2 on
T2CONbits.TMR2ON = 1;
/******* INTERRUPT SETUP *******/
PIR1bits.TMR2IF = 0;
PIE1bits.TMR2IE = 1;
INTCONbits.PEIE = 1;
INTCONbits.GIE = 1;
Anyone seen any code that gave you an aneurysm just reading it?
I was looking at one function an instead of using for loops the retard who wrote it was using this:
if(n < 25){
//function loop
//stuff went here
>Anyone seen any code that gave you an aneurysm just reading it?
All the time
is there any fortran jobs nowadays?
being a TA for computer science courses below the 3000 level you get this shit literally all the time
i never got mad because i got that they were just illiterate
where you guys finding this shit?
Bad code isn't exactly hard to find
You should skim through the Linux kernel source.
>tfw kinda wanted to do computer science meme degree and get a mathematics minor / certificate in data analytics
>got told by a prof that compsci majors will work in java for almost all 4 of the years with an exception for a few classes like ones that are designed to teach you to write in assembly / c for microcontrollers
is this common? seriously turning me off. java's insufferably verbose and formal for such a poorly performing language, I'd rather get a pure maths degree or something and work on my portfolio over the summers in a language i like
i swear to god my uni is prestigious
I was looking for a simple quicksort implementation, so I could compare it to my own.
Cue a shitty blog claiming to have the "simplest quicksort ever", and then proceeded to use that horrible if-statement abuse everywhere a reasonable person would use a for loop.
Do Computer Engineering, although you may not like that either if you don't also enjoy working with FPGAs.
you have to do some serious hunting to find uni's that use decent langs.
I'm studying foundational AI algorithms and they're literally just a hundred different types of trees/graphs in which you do a depth first or breadth first search. Being an AI researcher in the 1960s must've been easy
I don't get the Java hate. The documentation and tools are fantastic, the performance doesn't matter because you're a student, and there are heaps of projects online you can bum off of while learning. It's a fine language for introduction and also getting stuff done (which helps encourage people to actually program and learn instead of passing the classes and never doing anything with the knowledge)
Yeah it's fucking annoyingly verbose, but that's not really a big deal
i honestly dont understand this java is verbose meme
The common case should be succinct and the specific cases should be verbose
Who else spends time wrestling with their configs , it's like I can't convince myself to sit and read all the relalevant documents, get still want to configure my i3/rofi/emacs
You should only really need to do that once. Stop procrastinating
your only example is hello world?
did you do computer engineering? what is the general curriculum like?
Have you seen Java code?
The IDEs are bloat , the design patterns are bloat, and codebase is bloaty bloat.
yes i write plenty of java code and it feels just as "verbose" as sepples
if the simplest program is verbose, it likely scales further with more advanced code. And Java proves this.
PositionalLinkedList list = new PositionalLinkedList();
Java is disgutingly and unnecessarily verbose. Not even C++ is that verbose:
PositionalLinkedList list;
// Or, if you want to be closer to the java example
auto list = std::make_unique();
I'm in AI too, using the same book
List list = new PositionalLinkedList()
How far are you / how do you like it?
care to explain?
I am reading that too.
Not him, this is well written philosophical shit. I could read this all day.
Look at Java. Then look at Kotlin which is basically the exact same semantics underneath but with a few basic additional features and extra syntax. Then look back at Java. And that's completely ignoring decades older OOP languages like Smalltalk that were both less verbose and more expressive.
The thing isn't just that Java is verbose, it's that it's unnecessarily verbose even for its own semantics. You'dd seriously have to try hard to design a worse syntax.
that's got to be one of the ugliest book covers I've ever seen
good dubs, but if you're a student the problem is you're giving yourself lots of experience and developing a portfolio in a language that you may not end up being able to directly, immediately transfer to a career
like if you do work in c++, c, c# (alright im a C memelord i admit it) you might end up up stumbling on a nice ez project to turn into a startup or show off as a portfolio to some big industrial company
whereas java you're kind of setting yourself up for a minecraft scenario (e.g., ambitious project incapable of being fully realized for years because of fundamentally bad codebase) or pushing yourself into a pajeet job. you could still fulfill all your dreams, but it might take an extra little bit as you learn to adjust to a new language, new environment, etc
enjoy to elaborate?
Other than the required math course and all that, I have to take Electrical Circuits, Digital Logic, Programming (C), Microcontrollers, DSP, and several operating systems related classes.
•Circuits is pretty much just the eletromagnetics portion of physics.
the first course is linear time invariant systems (DC), and the second course is time-variant systems (AC).
•Digital logic is basically all about how computers work on the gate level, and then later on, how CMOS works on a transistor level.
Lots of boolean algrbra, finding minimal equations from a truth table, and then implementing that for a FPGA (or in silicon)
•For the operating systems related classes, there's data structures, basics of operating systems, and a few others that are electives, like compilers.
•Microcontrollers is all done in Assembly
•I haven't taken DSP yet, so I can't comment on that.
fancy elucidating?
Just had midterms, did searches like simulated annealing, alpha beta pruning, then spent a lot of time on constraint propagation. Going onto logic stuff next, which is great because I remember no discrete math shit.
And for projects I've done an 8 puzzle solver and am currently working on a sudoku solver.
I'm liking it a lot actually. This summer I'm going to be writing an AI for an internship so I like that I'm learning the basics.
I want to do CE/EE because the course looks super interesting. I'm just worried that the career itself will be dull. Like, a few years of enjoyment and a lifetime of drollery kind of thing..
it is certainly fun to read. I wish I knew about a year ago when I had more free time
pic related
nice, we've covered pretty much the same stuff so far
>writing an AI for an internship
how the fuck did you land that?
source on this gay porno
>moan ads
forgot pic
Much of the long-ass method names could be solved with operator overloading like in C++
I’m working on control structures in R but can’t figure out how to properly space the curly brackets. How do i get them on the next line without executing the program?
if (condition) {
# do something
} else {
# do something else
you mean some?
Is there a required course on Theory of Computation? If not, transfer like now lmao.
The events portrayed are highly relevant (I remember the deep blue fiasco), I just find the layout hilarious. There is even a picture of someone holding the book on the cover of the book lol.
Guy I know back home who got me started on computer shit is doing some social media startup thing. Company used to be some big youtube channel, but it split up. I've done odd jobs for him and asked if he had anything going on. At somepoint I mentioned I'm taking an AI class and he just said 'Oh I was going to write an AI for so and so company, you can do that'
So pretty pumped, also going to be doing some Android app shit.
The new redmonk rankings are out.
holy fucking shit how did not notice that before
US Army Chaplain baptizes a Corporal in the Venus and Adonis Fountain at the Royal Park of the Palace of Caserta in Southern Italy. 1943 or 1944?
mom died
too depressed to program
need to program because no other hobbies
inb4: >imagine being such a N33T that your only hobby is programming
wat do
java is unironically a good language
that sounds sweet. good luck user also android app development is absolute shit
do i have to translate it to Italian to get the original title?
it really is
I mean there are better languages but they're better in academic ways; there isn't any other language as productive as Java
program a new mom
Is there anyone here using haskell for financial markets? What kind of shit do you maintain?
I don't see myself falling into that trap, to be honest.
I've been interested in electronics since before I could talk, I can't imagine that I'll burn out that easily.
Besides that, I'm hoping to get a job working on satellites.
Those things require loads of custom hardware, and I want to be the guy designing it!
Call me an idealist, but I want nothing more than to further mankind's exploration of the cosmos.
Thanks friendo. Yeah I messed around w it a bit, someone's gotta do it tho.
Python and C#.
Dunno i just found it on pinterest. ww2 photos are Renaissance as fuck
Have a look at this wiki.haskell.org
psh i wish
if neural networks were advanced enough yet to faithfully emulate entire human consciousnesses and i had access to her remains i would do it in a heartbeat
but since neither of these fantasies are true the best i could do would be a cheap replacement and i refuse to piss on her ashes like that
Well if you've got some time I recommend watching this lecture series on death.
Looking for work.
>C++, Python, Perl.
python is a toy and C# is basically just microsoft's java
EE work depends a lot on the field. Just stay in something cutting edge that is not yet bogged down by safety and industry standards. In those fields, engineers don't get to do any engineering, they just implement standards.
What should I read to learn more about c# after this book?
sweet thanks, i'll check it out
Why do so many of you read your way to learn programming instead of just doing programming?
If it was me, i would forget most of it, if i read it first.
What's the point of making an indie multiplayer focused game?
There's no market for it and yet they keep being made, why is that? are people stupid?
Lethal League is pretty good.
Let the greiving process happen user. We all lose someone we love every once in a while, and at the end of the day death is one of the few absolute certainties of reality which shall never be conquered (despite what desperate humanists will tell you). Don't feel bad about it though, death isn't really a bad thing at all, just as we all need to sleep, so we all need to let our souls rest as well.
If you have difficulty grasping the serenity of passing, or fear it, then i advise you to visit chernobyl (or really any abandoned place) and learn to get a feel of nostalgia and peace from the inevitable decay of all things in nature in this life.
Anyways family, i wen't ahead and tried out Python with Juno. Gotta say, atom is super-comfy in this configuration, it runs really fast, and the language has some great features (such as lambdas, defining and executing mathematical functions, etc). Pic related, and here is a fizzbuzz i wrote:
function FizzBuzz(strt, nd)
for i = strt:nd
if i%3==0 || i%5==0
println((i%3==0 ? "Fizz":""), (i%5==0 ? "Buzz":""))
*tried out Python
fuck i mean Julia
1. indie revenue targets are much lower. they probably don't care if the game is abandoned in a year
2. co-op indie games can be really refreshing and fun (pic related)
2. single player games can actually be more difficult because finding a unique sp mechanic can be hard. plus you probably have to have a decent story etc
How would I go about embedding an interactive terminal application inside another terminal application?
I've managed to succesfully grab the output of non-interactive shell commands and system programs, but vim and bash seem to take control of whatever text buffer the terminal uses. Additionally, vim somehow determines that it's not being run with terminal window output. I've been trying to find a way to get around this....
auto list = new std::list;
C++ still has you beat. Try again.
that won't even compile.
C# in a Nutshell. More of a reference book, and easier to read than the standard. Also, you probably need to branch out at this point and do some more practical projects. You'll find Entity Framework, WPF, and/or ASP.NET great next steps with c#. Replace these with the FOSS alternatives if you're going the .Net Core route.
>auto list = new std::list;
not valid sepples
Been going through learning pseudocode and doing simple simple tasks on flowgorithm. But I want to start stretching out from that.
What language should I jump to as a start? If I wanted to make really small games as hobby projects while improving my programming, what would you recommend for an engine?
Unity. Oldie, Goodie, and easy to use.
i'm using monogame, it's pretty easy to use and works well for oneman games
Unity isn't entirely free tho
That's sorta the recommendation I was getting from /agdg/ thread on /vg/. Unity and c#
Irrlicht is a nice little opengl renderer (c++).
If you want to make webgl games, three.js is pretty great. You'll have something up and running in minutes.
I was looking at Godot because it uses c# also, but don't really know much about any of these engines