Post your font rendering. *nix users only, excluding macOS.
Font Rendering
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Basically did that already, hence why mine looks buttery smooth.
ootb defaults
pngquant --nofs neofetch-2018-03-20-03-47-18-1526.png
>Running Linux on a thinkpad
You are Sup Forums in a nutshell
I know :^)
>t h i c c pad
Hey that works pretty good. I thought the preserving alpha part was bs at first, but then I realized it was white background only in pix image viewer.
>taking a screenshot - Archwiki
Looks better than the Arch sreenshot, imo.
it works surprisingly well even for IRL pictures with shades of colours but for screenshots it's perfect
r8 mine
>inb4 retards that zoom in/use high dpi
Can someone tell me the difference between the font renderings? To me they all look the same
I like your font setup. Can you give me a step-by-step guide? Explain it like I'm a tard.
no offence but you can't show off fonts with chromium
Font rendering in libreoffice is absolute dogshit
>hasn't configured it
>durr it's bad
>Can someone tell me the difference between the font renderings? To me they all look the same
How bad does my font look to you faggots? Haven't changed the rendering at all but it looks fine to me
i am using a terminal web-viewer; *edgy*
>turning off hdpi
I don't want to get blind
how do I achieve god-tier font rendering in WIndows 7? cleartype text is awful
Increase bar height by 2-4 pixels and also install noto fonts for missing glyphs
You can't. Get Linux because windows 10 gets even worse
Bar is clipped off on accident, isn't really like that, and I will install noto fonts
>nix users only, excluding macOS.
I'm transOS!
I was installed W10 but I identify as Fedora.
never getting malware makes linux worth using
I remember being a windows user and having malware fuck my computer up even after i got rid of the malware. the malware would change my browser settings, etc
a lot of the times malware bytes wouldn't even get rid of all the malware
somehow those pajeet scammers would get your info via malware and would call you. i am glad i don't have to put up with this shit anymore
openpepe leap here
Nice, what'd you do to yours
>Excluding macOS.
Oh, so exclude the OS with the absolutely best font rendering of any OS.
Okay. Good job.
>Comes configured incorrectly.
>good font rendering
>it's up to LO
>absolutely best font rendering
Only because of the Hi density display.
Manjaro GNOME OOTB. It's just double the dpi.
did nothing expecting installing google font when i installed arch (3 years ago).
do yourself a favour
I might!
Didn't realize the scrot would be jpg
lul i was meming
pic related, 100% scaling and zoom
You can't view someone else's font rendering on your own machine because the subpixels are in a different order.
Why is the Wikipedia page for Tokyo being used as a benchmark?
>calibrating font renderings to your specific subpixel arrangement
The real issue would be high resolution pictures not viewed at native resolution, giving a blurred image that has been scaled
i am not expert enough for doing that.
why are you being such a faggot?
it's a pic desu, but nice try
Settle down guys, it's only the internet.
Isn't it kinda sad that we've been stuck on 1080p ~20inch 100PPI displays as a desktop standard for more than a decade now, that font rendering is still considered an issue?
A 2013 flagship smartphone with 400PPI easily looks better than anything you can set up on desktop with software, and by a huge margin at that.
Because rendering foreign characters is the benchmark.
animu website
Not a single meme patch applied.
>People are still using resolutions that are less than 2560 pixels in width
>implying linux on a thinkpad is bad
using anything other than linux is like ordering mac and cheese off of the kids menu at a chinese restaraunt
using macos is like ordering noodles and putting your own spaghetti sauce on it
Using ANYTHING on a ThinkPad is bad. Why would you willingly use a cheap plastic computer that has cheap IPS displays with cheap 6-bit FRC, and cheap cooling solutions that are noisy, with a cheap keyboard that flexes and wears?
ThinkPads are terrible laptops. The used to be okay 20 years ago, but you're not using a 20 year old laptop as your daily driver.
because i got my x220 for $24 and it works for my purposes, but whatever jerks your buyer's remorse off
also talk shit about the keyboard again and i will hack through your fancy schmancy display and skullfuck you
You're not even forming your own opinions, you're just repeating the shit your hear on Sup Forums. Lenovo keyboards are garbage. They literally wear away in months of use.
If you're a poorfag fine, but ThinkPads are not "good" by any objective measure.
>the absolute state of ricefags
i own an x220, are you fucking retarded? the keyboard is absolutely second to none, and at the time they were released they were by no means "poorfag" machines. my x220 has an 8 hour battery life, performance on-par with ULV i7s, quality RAM and storage, and a passable display, and again, modern keyboards are literal fucking dogshit. agreeing with Sup Forums's opinion =! blindly following it
go away thinkfags, shoo,
back to your containment thread
how about you crawl the fuck off my dick? until some insecure assfaggot got mad that i mentioned th*nkpads i was participating in the thread
>muh dik
so i see you're a nigger
>passable display
Not that guy and I have a ThinkPad myself, but this is a blatant lie, ThinkPad displays are an affront to god.
i wasn't saying my dick was long, just that you should hop off it and quite being so goddamned ass blasted
fuck me, you're kind of right. every display i've ever used has been shit quality OEM TN and that is definitely the main weakness of thinkpads, but i guess what i mean to say is 'werks for me'
btw i AM that guy
nobody implied ur dik wus long fag, stop dreaming
he was, actually, by calling me the n word. brilliant insult by the way, really pegged me there
real life is not porn nigger
damn, fo' real mistah bojangles? i thoughts porns was fo' reals!
that looks absolutely awful
stop asking questions
Does font rendering really matters when you have a high pixel density display?
Manjaro with Noto fonts, lcddefault filter
r8 pls
>*nix users only, excluding macOS.
>including shoddy unix ripoffs
>excluding actual real unix
This is very readable font. I like it. Unfortunately this doesn't change the fact that it seems like designers have forgotten the rules of typography which are super simple - number one rule is readability and the other rule is esthetic function which supports the readability.
Most of websites have forgotten every fucking rule and only use black, ugly bold fonts and make no use of frames or borders or anything. Look at new Jewtube, BBC website, etc. Ugly and unreadable as hell. I don't like it and how long until it starts to appear on operating systems itself. Not every people is reading on a fucking iphone. Also the font size is always fuck huge and there is no real sense of paragraphs or columns... and so on and so on.
What the hell has happened?
>everyone who calls out Archfags is a Windows user
Good heavens
stock windows 10, get fucked nerds
This looks visibly terrible, the fonts appear jagged in the edges and there's 0 font smoothing. What were you even thinking before posting ITT?