*is bugged*
*is bugged*
it did function when i tried it. you're probably not very desirable.
This app helped me lose my virginity. I am forever in their debt
post your profile, I need a template
Don't have Tinder anymore. For reference, I used it circa 2015
>I need a template
You may be able to walk the walk but you also have to be able to talk the talk
I feel like it was more sex-centric as it is now. Now girls on fucking TINDER are saying stuff like "TEEHEE No hookups :3" which gives me a headache cause for some if us services like it are the only ways that we're gonna get our peepees wet.
>you also have to be able to talk the talk
As in grunting the grunts?
pay a whore, you stingy faggot
I don't have to with TinderĀ®.
>have deceptively attractive photos
>match with considerably attractive girls that would not show any interest irl
>hoard matches for a few months
>app crashes every time i use it
cool this is what it's like
If by bugged you mean STDs yes
Is there an alternative to tinder for abnormie faggots like me who don't use facebook?
I gather you need a facebook account or it scrapes the pictures of you being a normal sociable human from facebook or something. Well I have none.
>Is there an alternative to tinder for abnormie faggots like me who don't use facebook?
/soc/ camwhoring and eternal virginity
You can sign up without facebook
Same here, also got a GF(ex by now) and now a FWB.
How? I thought that pink haired whistleblower fag said he can't use tinder anymore because he got banned from Facebook
You are profile is meaningless you fucking idiot. If you're not good looking just have some pics that make you not look asparagus. You have to know what type of ugly you are too, I'm 6'2 270lbs and look like a caveman so I put up some photos with small qt girls looking friendly and approachable as apparently I look aggressive with my resting face. If you look a bit softer or less imposing then maybe don't intentionally look too approachable lest you be included in a soy collage.
If you're actually decent/good looking then honestly don't be afraid to show it off.
Literally my profile is a bunch of shit meme normie humour throwaway lines.
>I'm 6 foot and 2 inches; That's two seperate measurements btw
> Struggling single father of none
>Real perfectionist, I never leave anything unfi
I'm 5'8", should I mention this?
no, the look on their face when you meet them irl and a manlet walks up to them is fuckin priceless
I'm statistically likely to be taller than them so it doesn't really matter