Never obsolete

Never obsolete.

Attached: sandy-bridge.jpg (300x334, 26K)

Other urls found in this thread:

It IS already obsolete. A 5 GHz Sandybridge may suffice for gaming and basic office tasks, but for anything else it lacks performance.


Still using mine. Works fine. Haven't needed to overclock.

What the fuck do you guys even do with your PC's at home? Mine's basically an internet machine that writes documents and does small programming projects. Sometimes I play overwatch.

Probably, I convert 4K movies into H265.

Its sufficient for 60 FPS gaming, but nothing more, an lacks standards like NVMe. I switched from a H61/Ivy Bridge plattform myself

You don't notice it in desktop use, except of multitasking. The i5 tabbed very slowly, while Ryzen 7 disables cores and switches immediatelly. I can render something and browse without having any penalty.

Just upgraded my Sandy Bridge i3 to a Sky Lake i5. What can I expect?

You could do all of that quite comfortably with a Core 2 Duo.

More FPS

That's a good series but the boards are hella expensive, AMD 970 board for $80 plus an 8350 is best budget option.

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Mine's still running fine after all these years.

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>K SKU on an H61

Well that's just not true. Xeon systems running Sandy bridge are still being used in all manner of workplaces.

Nope, cheap B350 and Ryzen. FX is pure shit.
But a shitty board, I had the P8H61-MX, no SATA6G, no USB3, no NVme.

probably bought used
Bought my i5-3550 for 35 €, not a bad deal

FX is pretty fun to overclock the tits off for cheap if you can get a 990FX for >$100 and an 8350 used .

I think not

Attached: newest speccy.jpg (808x658, 88K)

>Dual U2412M for that 16:10
That's my dream.

bro fist

UD3 anything is the master race.

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I'm still running a Phenom II x4 955. I have zero need to upgrade it since all the games I play anymore are all older titles and really only demanding task that pushes all cores is occasional video encoding job.

But only if you don't pay for your electricity.
I had the 940, but the 150 W IDLE power draw and noise plus the completely outdated platform made me switch. I don't even want to think about how many days a Phenom would probably need to encode one H265 movie.

>tfw don't pay the electricity here and daily it with all power saving features off
S-shut up, user.

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ran my 8120 @ 4.4 on air for a year.

>1.3GHz overclock
That's pretty impressive, I'm doing 4.2 on stock volts and cooler but that's it's AMD spec so it's not impressive.

My 955 was the 95w variant. With power saving enabled it would clock down to like 800 mhz (dunno what the wattage was though). Far as video encoding goes, pretty much I just let it work while I'm asleep or at work. Win win all around.

had a scythe rasetsu with 3k rpm gentle typhoons running full tilt.

i loved how power and heat hungry those chips were.

It's crazy how good this bastard is at heating up an apartment with everything closed, the copper stock cooler is kinda impressive.

FX would be more fun if performance scaled with clock speed. But it's really not worth it when you can buy a Ryzen 1600 + B350 that will blow it out the water.

I still have my 2600k. Works like a charm and don't feel I need to upgrade, then again I don't do any real intensive shit; just gayman and Ableton/FL.

yeah it can double as a toaster if you overclock it to 5ghz

might be true if this hadn't come in the way

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Only true if all you do is play vidya and #code.

I did 4.6 on an 8150 for over two years before upgrading. got 60+ in PUBG with and XFX 580.

>tfw I still run my Q6600
Seriously, I don't feel the need to upgrade my PC at all: for me with a GT310 and 6GB of DDR2 RAM is more than enough.

I love these threads, they always remind me that even though it's nice to have the latest and greatest, it's not always necessary. I'm still Ivybridge/C2Q myself.

Ivybridge masterrace
used to have an evga z68 FTW motherboard, but I managed to sell it for 175$ and I'd rather put that towards an upgrade soon than keep that mobo and the overclock on it, I had my cpu stable at 4.9ghz effective clock(5ghz bios)
I definitely believe its still a very capable cpu/architecture even to this day, but Im hoping to get a cheapo dual socket 1366 motherboard with overclocking support and two hexcore unlocked xeons instead for multitasking and workloads

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Nope. Had to upgrade from my 3570k to R7 1700 for realtime 4k encoding.

Still fine for the gaymen though.

I am growing unhappy with my 2500k when tryig into creaytie workloads.

Too bad i live in a poor shithole with crazy high impot taxes and greedy retaiers making Ryzen platform cost like my 2 months wages.

What is it with people pairing K CPUs with non-Z boards?

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H61 boards can oc too.
>H can oc
>P can use igpu
>Z can do both

are you memeing? it's a desktop processor. unless you're a gaymer it's 10 years from being obsolete.

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Had this old board laying around because a friend gave it to me with a blown capacator, swapped it out and had it sitting in a box for a few years as I used a z68ftw I bought second hand for 80$.
Resold the z68FTW board for 175 to put towards a new setup and using this one in the meantime


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You have the H and P backwards. P has no gpu.

>buy a second hand laptop with windows 7 in Chinese
>try to do a clean install of win10, use the official windows 10 media creator program
>my bootable win10 usbs boot but then give me a no device drivers found error

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Install Gentoo

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I don't play latest games and [email protected] is good enough
HEVC encoding from bluray takes all night though

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>doesn't support AVX2
into the trash it goes

No, keep in mind, 4 cores without HT is now entry-level. Yes its sufficient for office and browsing, but even beside gaming you would want more performance for CPU-heavy content creation.

not a meme but install ubuntu. its the best noob linux

>Wanting AVX2

Into le trashy bin you go.

>CPU-heavy content creation
what the fuck are you talking about? what does this phrase mean

While it's great and all, even in 2018 I can think of like 4 programs on my PC that even support it. Most shit still uses AVX1, SSE4.2, or shit even SSE2.

streaming fortnite on twitch

the only reason I haven't upgraded my sandy bridge i7-2600 is because I can't find a decently priced mobo to replace my ASUS P8Z68-V Gen 3, kill me

Oy vey.

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Looks fake.

you're retarded. the only thing that justifies an upgrade is if you do massive amounts of video encoding. that's a TESTAMENT to how great sandybridge is, that 7 1/2 fucking years later the majority of users DON'T need to upgrade.

The only thing that sandybridge lacks are the accelerated video encoders of the 4000 series+, other than that, almost nothing has changed.

I have a non-K 3770 on a Z77 board.

Turbo binning ftw. My 3770 is at 4.6GHz with turbo binning up by 4 and BCLK at 104MHz.

Feels good.

Even then that only really matters if you're on a laptop and need to worry about battery life, since Sandy Bridge chips are more then capable to software render any video you throw at it.
Had family members that were needing a PC but were very strapped for cash. Went to a recycling place and picked up 2 Lenovo mini towers with Sandy chips for $75 each and it's treated them very well. Its really hard to recommend for your average computer user to spend more then $200 on a PC when even in that price bracket the hardware is utterly overkill for their uses.

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Try another USB Port, that or the .ISO is corrupted.

The platform that SB lies on is woefully obsolete.

It doesn't have PCIe 3.0, NVMe support and native USB3 controllers and Thunderbolt3 support.

I have close to the same system, I rarely use it nowadays for gaming, but Destiny 2, GTA V and prob some other games are maxing my 2500K at 4.3Ghz, with the 1050Ti never getting above 90%.

Still normiewatch is about the only game I actually play, and some TF2 when in Linux (90% of the time) so no real reason to upgrade.

Sandy Bridge is the comfiest platform, next to Ryzen I think.

Attached: New desktop thread.png (456x286, 90K)

Nope, Fedora or Debian are the easiest for first timers imo.

Literally fixed with Ivy Bridge.

1155 is still the perfect socket.

>PCIe 3.0
Unless you own a 1080Ti it dosn't matter. Very few modern cards even saturate PCIe 2.0 16x
VAST majority of people don't use this.
>USB3 controllers
Can be added for ~$15
>Thunderbolt3 support.
Super useful for all those TB3 devices that totally exist.

Bought a 3570K a few years ago while I had a non-OC board because the non-K version was out of stock.
Few years later really want to OC it to make use of it. Is it worth buying a second hand mobo? Yurofag

the only thing there that matters is USB3 and all non-shit SB motherboards had USB3 added by the mobo vendor. And NVMe can be added via PCIe daughterboard, as if it even mattered though. Not a gamebreaker.

Yes. I bought a Gigabyte Z77 motherboard because I wanted the mSATA SSD slot a few months back off eBay for $50 USD. Really worth it.

No, because good boards cost the same as NEW Ryzen boards. Used is only worth with cheap chipsets if you need a poorfag rig with maximum performance.

Parallel workload is still rare, like it or not. It's still very decent for any desktop, work or gaming task. I don't have a Sandy though.

NVMe was the main reason to switch for me. Imagine a 60 GB 4K movie unpack in one minute. This is real now. Before it took 25 minutes and the CPU shuttered sometimes when I did other things.

Who the fuck buys a new motherboard for an 8 year old platform? That's stupid and of course you're going to get fleeced. Buy a 'refurbished, tested working' unit from some Chink seller and it's golden. When my board came it looks brand-new and everything worked.

You can't get them new anymore. It doesn't make sense to buy outdated old platforms without warranty when you can get a brand new current platform for the same money. Even a 2200G is enough, its entry level, but reaches similar performance than a 2500K.

Come on Ryzen 2700.

>HEVC encoding from bluray takes all night though
HEVC encode takes all night on any hardware son.

this post is anti-semetic

>It doesn't make sense to buy outdated old platforms without warranty when you can get a brand new current platform for the same money.
I think you vastly underestimate how cheap they can be. I've picked up i5 SB era old Lenovo business PCs that have 8gb of RAM and a 500GB harddrive for only $50. Toss a video card in that and you've got a full gaming desktop.

running dual E5 2670s, may be shit for muh 500 fps in csgo but idc about that, and if you do, be a good goy and get a 8700k

install win7

I wrote a path tracer a while back and I sure could have used a new cpu with more cores instead of my 2500K for huge speed increase.

Sandy Bridge is just as obsolete as Phenom

wrong picture

Attached: good pc.png (731x524, 43K)

Why don't you all just use the processor that performs the best?

Pretty much this. I'm still holding onto my Vishera because it's just enough for everything I do.
Although Ryzen 2 looks like it will offer a nice Sandy Bridge-like jump in performance.

enjoy your spectre

>is tha a fucking ad?

Plays games just fine, runs VMs just fine, although I am tempted to swipe an old i7 2600k from work if they're gonna be tossed.

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More hardware botnet.

> arena shooter being virtually completely raster-bound

color me shocked.

Honestly the only thing new CPUs are significantly better at is hardware encryption. But all that shit is backdoored anyway so it's basically a placebo.

*in a home desktop setting

i3-2100 sandybridge reporting in
>still plays dota 2, sc2, fortnite, and skyrim
Maeh, I've wanted to build a new computer for a year, but spending hundreds of dollars above MSRP just because of the "ddr4 desktop shortage" and crypto-currencies killing video card prices, I haven't.

2600k here - same deal. I priced it out and it was going to cost me $2k just to replace the CPU, GPU, and RAM. Fuck that, I'll keep on keepin' on with what I have.

Currently at 4.8ghz still runs just about everything i need it to run.

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