Do you know your shit as far as programming goes?

Do you know your shit as far as programming goes?
Can I ask you some questions?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I could never understand why white like women with fat ugly know the niggresses or negress-like ethnicities that suffer from steatopygia, instead of those fine speciments with fine DNA and characteristics that assure you of healthy babies.

function fizzBuzz(){
return Array.from(Array(100)).fill().map((_,idx) => idx + 1).map(num => {
var result = "";
if (!(num % 3 )) result+= "Fizz";
if (!(num % 5)) result += "Buzz";
return result || num

I haven't gotten past algorithm puzzle and I don't (think I) have an interest in web dev. What do?

Attached: Path.png (1253x855, 169K)

Do your homework. Ignore this thread. Anyone in this thread is doing you a disservice by solving this for you. You won't be equipped to handle whatever comes next if you don't do it yourself.

I don't need to have a kid with everyone I have sex with and I don't think science points to women with big asses giving birth to sub optimal babies

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Mimics JSON.stringify.
Uses recursion.

function stringifyJSON(obj){
var result = [];
if (obj && typeof obj === 'object'){
for (var key in obj){
if (typeof obj[key] === 'object' && !Array.isArray(obj[key])){
result.push("{ " + ['"' + key + '"',stringifyJSON(obj[key])].join(": ") + " }");
} else if (Array.isArray(obj[key])){
result.push( ['{ "' + key+ '"', "[" + obj[key].join() + "] }"].join(": ") );
} else {
result.push( ['"' + key + '"', obj[key]].join(": "));

return result.join();

So messing around with VM's and linux next isn't a bad idea? I am interested in building a custom OS.

not OP, but I also have some semi-programming related question; I am utter noob to programming - jsut halfway through CS50. So here is my question, if it makes any sense:
If I udnerstand correctly, naming a variable is solely for programmer's convenience, and computer cares about where is the variable stored. How is this realised? Is there a piece of memory with stored adress of another piece of memory where the actual variable is stored? If not, how does this work? How does computer know where to look for certain variable that is declared and manipulated with in my program?

sorry if this a shit question that came from not understanding some fundamentals.

I'm shit at programming if that's good enough

>Do you know your shit as far as programming goes?
>Can I ask you some questions?

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when a program is compiled / code is executed, it occupies portions of your system's memory (RAM) so that once it's told what "var x" is, it will remember it until it doesn't need to know it anymore.

I'm the best when it comes to bolding individual select words in html. Need help? I'm your woman.

>Do you know your shit as far as programming goes?
>Can I ask you some questions?

What are you trying to say?

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no but I know my shit as far as programming goes

taylor just go do some squats

>How does computer know where to look for certain variable that is declared and manipulated with in my program?
I'll just answer this directly in terms of C/C++ mostly and cover all of your questions at once. Other languages abstract away concepts that it sounds like you are asking about specifically.

Example function
void myfunc()
int stackvar = 2;
int * p_heapvar = new int(4);
delete p_heapvar;

When this is compiled, say on a 64-bit intel CPU, it will create instructions to move the stack pointers (SP) 12 bytes, 4 bytes for the 32-bit integer, and 8 bytes to represent a pointer on a 64-bit machine. The type of data it points to also doesn't matter -- its resolved at compile time and then the program doesn't care.

When the function ends, the assembly will move the SP back up to where the caller left off and the memory is effectively de-allocated.

Note that the value of 4 is not saved on the stack. Memory that you malloc/new (and free/delete!) is allocated on the heap and sort of left there. It's good since that memory stays around a long time, but bad because you need to remember to delete it, or you're leaking memory.

p_heapvar on the stack would point to a separate memory address on the heap, which is set to 4.

For more reading:

disgusting. That is not a healthy woman.

Jesus Christ, that's disgusting

Bloated, yes, but still works, if you know what I mean.

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No one ITT is any help. No one can give a straight forward answer on how to autodidact comp sci or where to start

Oh my fucking god that's beyond perfect. The reason why I want to master programming is so I can eventually get a woman like Sasha Juggs

I did a bit of fucking around with PHP a couple of times. now i'm fucking around with Node. i know the basic programming principles but i mostly just throw stuff together until it works. i'd like to learn more about things like someday, but i might end up looking into Network Engineering.

I like fat asses.

*cough cough* that smells *cough* rancid

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It's fucking fizzbuzz you could've just googles it. That's literally the most common programming "puzzle" ever.

Christ, it's like a bag of cottage cheese

>being a google cuck

sauce? I tried to tineye but it looks OC

>I am interested in building a custom OS.
You're at least a couple of years away from that. Don't think too far.

>tineye didn't find it so it must be OC

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Are you being stupid in front of me? That's a solution

I wrote a recursive function that mimics JSON below it

I haven't gotten past doing algorithm puzzles. That's my point.

I'm in a similar situation, also wanting to learn networking.
As far as what they're talking about in , I think you learn this intuitively with lower level languages like C++ (if this interests you, I've only heard good things about Harvard's CS50. I'm definitely going to do it soon)

Since making this thread I've also found 'Network Engineering Basics' and 'Intro to Relational Databases' on Udacity (free)

What kind of things have you done with PHP and Node

Well there's certain things like, how can I manually edit my cursor and turn it into any image without downloading software for it?

And customizing linux distros in general. Scripting things to make it more like OSX or windows, that kind of thing.

With my movie file in windows 10, if it gets too big I actually can't search it. With search, I don't think I should need to search every file - just the names of them. This should be quick no matter how big the files they're attached to are. So if windows was open source I'd make it so I simply search an array of string file names.

If you have any 2cent input on this whatsoever that would be a help.

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I found it on biz

im not doing ur homework for you, thot

Oh ok, if it's those kinds of customizations then you're fine. I was thinking of like linux from scratch or templeos levels of altism.

> Mimics JSON.stringify.

why. JSON.stringify exists

> Uses recursion.


have you tested it? try this:

stringifyJSON(new class a{constructor(){this.a=this}}())

>If you have any 2cent input on this whatsoever that would be a help.

you can do anything you set your mind to

the only discriminator between you and anyone else is speed.

and he was never heard from again. some people say he died in a fire

>What kind of things have you done with PHP and Node

couple of booking systems with PHP and relational dbs. just some CRUD. currently doing a Node/Express/Mongo WebRTC thing. it's a fucking mess, the Node community is a joke: "you're having a trivial problem? j-just install this package bro! you won't even NEED to know what, how or IF it does what you want!". though as all things, you either get used to them or you move on. funny enough, typing the words Network Engineering in the last post made me have a realisation that i actually enjoy configuring servers/systems a lot more than writing software. i think i'll do a masters in it.

thanks Sup Forums!

I think a faster way to do this would be to create a script that searches a name on your movie folder and launches it on mpv for example. At least you wouldn't need to recompile an entire file manager.
You could also try to find a file manager with plugin support.
That or just create a simple file manager with a language you like.

>As far as what they're talking about in (You) , I think you learn this intuitively with lower level languages like C++ (if this interests you
Stack vs. heap allocation is not something that at least I always think about when I write software, which is not to say that I'm too good to think about it, but in reality it's not something that is considered all of the time. I mostly think of scope, and C++ is far better about managing memory for you, that scope w/ correct memory structures solves stack vs. heap issues.

I'm just now catching up on C++11 and 14, specifically about move semantics and r-value references, which bit me hard recently.

Some reading:

> i'd like to learn more about things like (You) someday, but i might end up looking into Network Engineering.
I went to school for Computer Engineering, and had some software development classes, FWIW.

I like to think that anybody can pick up writing software, even C++, as long as you're patient and observe what's going on with the compiler, how the file exits the preprocessor, etc...


Yeah, and maybe continually pull the rug from under my feet until I'm turning Gentoo into a modified OSX.
That seems like a decent way to learn to computer.

I was helping people on the Hack Reactor slack. That's a part of the pre-work

It just turns a regular object into JSON. I haven't even made classes outside of a quick Java tutorial.

Well good for you
I can only get into JC and JC is too stupid for me. The structure of a classroom isn't in the cards for me

I agree manipulating data etc seems a lot more fun than developing software

It's kind of a joke that windows wouldn't do that automatically.
Searching for a small file located on my desktop from This PC just took a good 3 minutes on my i5 laptop

I'm curious how windows is handling it now, but whatever it is it's clearly too bloated for individual file searches

I'm going to install Ubuntu in a bit and we'll see what's what with MVP


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who dis gurl

Go back to /biz/ retards

love you, user

In all seriousness, as someone who was on biz at day 1 or 2, biz is fucking terrible.

The only thing they're good for is that they're quasi knowledgeable about the crypto space. But even when it comes to making money in crypto, g is a much better place to be.

Value is in making protocols and applications, not betting on shit coins

hi op, i know some things.

i got excited by programming by building stuff i wanted to make (websites, built stuff like a template engine, comment section, forum, "social network"), learned how to learn in college (EE/CpE), and now it's my job.

why do you want to get into programming?

I am so sick of the over-the-shoulder ass shot.

I'm positive I'd be good at it and I want to be good at something..
That and the pay, trajectory of the field, how relatively low cost it is for what you can do, how simple it is to prove skill for jobs etc

What did learning how to learn entail

I have a CS degree, what do you want moron?

I'm a backend web developer with 4 years experience. AMA but hurry I'm gonna fall asleep soon.

hes just taking a selfie. He accidently got his ass in the pic. quick looking at it siily perv XD