Have you customized your e-reader's software, Sup Forums?
I bought a Kobo and it seems pretty hackable. It uses the Linux kernel and there are lots of patches available on the internet.
Have you customized your e-reader's software, Sup Forums?
I bought a Kobo and it seems pretty hackable. It uses the Linux kernel and there are lots of patches available on the internet.
I use a jailbroken kindle 3 every day, it reads epub, mobi, pdf, html, doc, anything I want no problem, has a ssh server running on it so I can rsync my ebooks dir over to /mnt/us/documents/ wirelessly. Pretty sweet man
I have a kobo but it basically just works so I haven't bothered.
e-reader is nice right?
Yes, the Kobo Glo HD has an excellent quality for its price.
I'm actually somewhat undecided if I should get a paperwhite or a h2o (or maybe a aura one) since they run about the same price where I live.
From what I've it seems kobos use a gigantic header and footer and end up having the same text as kindles despite their larger screens but I haven't been able to find any pictures of the patch running to know if it's worth it or not.
One huge advantage of a kobo is native epub support, especially if you get your books from b-ok or something like that
There's a patch that makes the footbar decrease a lot. Believe me, it's so small that it doesn't even eat a line of text.
However, if you read books bought from Kobo, they will also have a headerbar like the one you see in pictures, and I haven't found any patch for that. But if you read sideloaded epubs, you would be fine.
hell yes, kobo start menu + koreader. I also have syncthing running on it, so it syncs wirelessly and automatically whenever I change my library
Just started using syncthing on my phone and computers. I didn't even think about syncthing on my ereader.
Thanks user!
>buying a non android e-reader
For what purpose
Enjoy the shitty refresh rate.
Its an e-reader, you change the page maybe once a minute
I was going to but there's no fucking reason. Maybe to reinstall the chess app but I have a phone for that. Stick firmware is perfect for reading epubs
Anyone modded a Kindle to use as a second display? I have a 4th gen with a battery that craps out in maybe an hour. it's cheaper to just buy another than try to replace the battery.
So I figure if it has to be plugged in, it might make a cool 2nd display for notes, toolboxes, or other things that don't require high refresh.
I jailbroke my kindle to set a custom wallpaper.
>being this slow
lmaoing @ ur life
Did you follow any guide or something? I have a kindle and this sounds sweet
I bricked my kobo glo today :(
I did a big book transfer via usb (deleted my library than put new books on it). When I turned it on, there were a ton of cached thumbnails of my previous books. So I tried to put a new firmware on it. The thing was stuck in UPDATING for hours. I finally hard reset it. Now it won't turn back on. I removed the back casing and unplugged the battery and sd card (it's just a sandisk 4gig sd card) but it's just been a blank screen all night. Think I'll buy another one, Kind of lame but I bet I can find one for a good price.
Kobo rocks though, this is my fault for not properly upgrading the firmware
I have a Kobo H20 and I like it the way it is.
I want my e-reader to be a single purpose device so I see no need to tinker with it.
How good are e-readers for reading large PDFs with images and all that? I'm tired of reading books on my phone so I've been thinking about getting either an e-reader or a regular tablet for that purpose.
Yup, I put a few patches on my Kobo
Honestly they improved the experience a lot
>make search by default look in your local books instead of the store
>increase page margins
>increase limits on customizing font size, line spacing, etc
there might have been a couple others but these are what I remember
I like pink hoodie girl the most.
No. I've had my kindle 2 for 8 years and have never found the need to. Everything still works except for one button that is getting sticky.
Like I just modified it to change wallapapers. It was years back and I remember failing to change the fonts. Do you have a guide or something so I can be as cool as you?
rip pw2 jailbreak after 5.8.11 update
Made a little script that generates a picture with date and weather information, which my Kobo displays when it's off. I put it on a frame stand on a book shelf when not in use, and it's just perfect.
Definitely the first customization you want out of a Kobo is replacing the sleep page.
Yeah, posts on mobileread explains everything in detail and gives you all the code you need. That's the place to go for third party software for kindles too. The current recommended procedure is install the jailbreak, install usbnetwork, install kual, then install koreader.
Heres' jailbreak and usbnetwork: mobileread.com
UsbNetwork re-enables some disabled debugging features built into the kindle's linux distro including a dropear ssh server, so you can log into it remotely and fuck around with the filesystem and stuff. I always do this first after a jailbreak since its nice to be able to set everything else up from my computer. It also gives you the ability to tether your kindle's network connection to your laptop, so if you have a kindle 3 with a whispernet connection then its basically free AT&T 3g data service, just with a pretty slow speed cap.
Here's kual: mobileread.com
KUAL is an app launcher/menu system. I don't have it on mine but its supposed to be good and its used by all the recent programs
Heres koreader: mobileread.com
Supposed to be the best 3rd party reader software out right now. Haven't used it myself but it looks sweet, planning to switch to it someday when I get around to it.
My current setup is usbnetwork, launchpad, which is an app launcher, only for the keyboard kindles, works ok, and librereader, which is an older 3rd party reader written in pretty bad lua. It renders documents well but I had to modify it a fair bit to get the thing to start reliably, so i don't recommend it
>rip pw2 jailbreak after 5.8.11 update
>not disabling amazon updates
Also, fun fact, I once manged to get a debian chroot env working on my kindle, even apt worked properly. I had a terminal emulator installed so that I could use the debian env with the kindle's builtin keyboard. Was pretty cool, but I ran out of storage space so I had to nuke the debian image. Still have the terminal emulator though
all i do is drag and drop mobis onto my kindle 4 and it just werks. the only customisation i've done is to change the font to georgia.
Not planning on buying anything besides the ereader. Would it be possible for you to take a screenshot or a picture of the patch or epub? I've been looking around everywhere and just can't find anything.
It's nice, but it's not a huge deal to converter then using caliber desu. The main selling point for me is the larger screen, but if this is being wasted then it has no advantage.
>kernel 2.6
Christ. I don't think libc even supports that kernel anymore.
Go to mobileread's kobo developer's corner, you can ask for system images there
It has to be delivered by private message because it technically isn't legal to share an sdcard image
Hey OP, If you want some fun (and also to pick up the torch where my lazy ass stopped) you can force the kobo to make sync requests via HTTP by disabling one operation in libnickel, then just Wireshark that shit and you're gold
thats cool user, fuck the haters who sperg about refresh rates if a term is usable
>tfw ywn have that late 90's epaper arm powered open proto ipad we all deserved :(
Got a H2O THE previous weekend and I love it. It's my first e-reader but damn I've never read this much in the last ten years.
i take it none of this shit works with an oasis?
Well done user.
koreader didn't work for me on kindle keyboard so I went with kindlepdfviewer and shit's pretty comfy needless to say
Bumping to see if anyone can help me out with the screenshots.
Thank you user, I'm more retarded than I thought.
Seems like the extra inch isn't worth it over the paperwhite.
Are E-readers good for Manga?
Thinking about buying one with android for books and manga. But i heard mangas take forever to load or something.
Yes, so long as you can get past the small screen and black/white only
Got any recommendations?
I use my tablet for that with Tachiyomi and its perfect desu.