This is the only OS you should be using

Attached: DXDYMW5X4AAaDfM.jpg (1200x900, 127K)

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This has to be a joke.

why showcase it on a pda laptop? the whole point is so you can use different OS

But guess what I'm not you stupid fucking bitch don't FUCKING tell me what OS I should be using you stupid fuck !!

FUCK you and fuck your SAILFISH OS you fucking CUNT !!


>hardware keyboard
Never understood that meme. Why waste so much space for something you use 1% of the time,

>1% of the time
needlessly low quality post
most of the shit I do on a phone involves typing

what is the difference between this and Copperhead? Or rather, why should i use this instead of other mobile OS

>why showcase it on a pda laptop?

Attached: DW9YtJBWsAAbR9e.jpg (1199x377, 86K)

I don't like Sailfish OS anymore.
It's good, I'd gladly use it, but the interface it's not simple as it should be. It's a shame that "Harmattan" interface is protected by law and they can't just copy it, but even so they're insisting to hard on gestures and making navigation unnecessary complicated.

when you start using your devices for more than content consumption maybe some day you'll understand why touch screens are a terrible regressive blight on general purpose computing


Attached: 1521614182319.jpg (4160x2340, 2.98M)

Attached: 1516780928867.gif (24x20, 27K)


is it possible to buy a standalone keyboard accessory with form factor of OP image?

I would love to have a portable/mini keyboard I could use with my phone

What are you using to install this senpai?

Attached: 1515906930519.jpg (720x684, 61K)

chroot from busybox ( + archlinuxarm

>mfw this phone is faster and has higher resolution display than my new 15" laptop for probably cheaper

Attached: 1498669712569.png (942x753, 426K)

And for the display? Native X11 or vnc?

>higher resolution
highly doubt it, unless you are running wangblows

native x11

how? i tried linux deploy with this but it just gave me a black screen...

You need to be at least 12 to install

>This is the only OS you should be using
fuck off, it isn't Gentoo

Why would I use a PHONE for anything but consumption?

>using command line on your phone so people in public can think you are some hacker and you can post on Sup Forums about it


>This is the only OS you should be using
But it's not Gentoo

>using terminal with touch keyboard

Why are you dragging yourself desu?!


Attached: nani 3.png (281x509, 158K)

> connecting bluetooth keyboard, mouse and hdmi out

Why would you use a phone for anything but communication?

>using non-open source OS

It's open source. The UI and some of the apps are still closed source, unfortunately

You tell me:
CPU: Intel i3-7100U (4) @ 2.400GHz

the best thing is that this is probably the same kind of faggot who will swoon and romanticize smartphones as "amazing pocket computers" in other threads
probably because his desktop/laptop is just a netflix terminal too
why are you even here?
it's amazing when thintards show off how few brain cells they have left after spending years happily consuming and defending anything their favorite megacorp shits into their mouth

woah, bad day?

I agree