Npm install

>npm install

is it even worth it Sup Forums

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node was a fucking mistake

I never knew I'd find myself defending PHP in 2018, but here I am

Name 1 (one) reason PHP is better than node.

literally any CMS out there

what else did you expect from a bunch of hipster front end hacks that wanted to believe they were real 'coders'?
right there with you lad





Just use Elm.

Elm is worth it just because you don't have to deal with shitty javascript build tools.

>the absolute state of npm and node

Yes, Vue is amazing

Do You mean every fucking CMS that stays few days updated and Chinese script kiddies have control granted as admins?
There are cms built on node too

though I won't deny I've had to rescue Wordpress blogs taken over by chinese spam bots, there is literally no better alternative that isn't just as bloated.

fuckin' brutal

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Better integrated with Apache/Nginx

Come on, I know Sup Forums is contrarian central, but you should get your opinions in check if you are actually defending PHP.

>another thread about jobless retards on Sup Forums trying to act like they know better than people who actually code for money
Why don't you show the world how it's done if you are so good at it?

you forgot vuetify

>implying literally /anything/ is worse than node
this has to be bait

Same desu.
PHP, since the 7th version, became way cleaner and more powerful than Node.
Damn millenials who want to push the Javascript back-end meme.

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I've never understood why people actually bother with frameworks. the level of abstraction beneath something like vuetify only to make a couple of buttons with a hover animation is mind boggling to me

I mean, Wordpress is literally the Windows of webapps. It's trivial to keep it secure, come on.

>the Windows of webapps
>bloated and a codebase that gives you nightmares
checks out

Vanilla WordPress is fairly robust security wise, it's all the plugins written by incompetent idiots with zero knowledge of good security practice/no auditing that you have to worry about.
That is to say, it's much like any other PHP-based web platform.


TypeScript is the ONLY thing that makes Node better than PHP, but nobody who's smart enough to add type declarations properly has the time to update every package in the shitty fucking node ecosystem, while at the same time there's retarded node monkeys who refuse to use it adding more garbage by the day

Go sucks but I think I'm going to push for it over node from now on. Maybe Kotlin will catch on for back end development and I can leave this shit behind like a bad dream.

You didn't need half of that. Use just Vue, Vuex, vue-router and axios for HTTP.

There's no point in using a framework for a small site with a couple of buttons. Frameworks are for big projects.

you'd be surprised. ideally it would be exactly the opposite: you use a framework if you're working on something on your own and you want to get straight to the action and not spend too much time on style and layout.

With big projects you don't want to rely on frameworks for such mundane things like grids, inputs, and buttons, specially when they have to adhere to specific design guidelines. defining your base elements makes them inherently consistent throughout your system, which is what you want in the first place. as long as you have a defined standard for objects and font sizes (which seriously isn't that hard), plus a very simple grid system (12 columns still works for everyone), you'll never need a css framework ever again.

why not just use fetch? that list of dependencies is not so far from reality though. you need some sort of server side rendering, a store for meta tags, and vue-style-loader in cases where individual pages have to be styled differently

>not directly downloading just the minified vue.js and avoiding node and all the shit