Sup Forums humor thread

I wish to laugh at shitty technology memes. Would you kindly help me with this Sup Forums?

Attached: comfy.jpg (800x600, 88K)

Attached: linux_PNG47.png (1110x1055, 161K)

I can tell you're same fagging because I hacked your ip.

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>ass ta ass

Attached: requiem.jpg (480x360, 9K)

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You think hes being funny but hes not.
That was unironically a bed station in the early late 1990s and early 2000s.

It is funny but only because it looks ridiculously comfy and everyone should be jealous

>tfw all the old pictures are disapearing
there use to be tons of shit like pic related.
I remember a guy that had a crt monitory held up by some boards on a couple crates and he laid under it so that he could lay down and use the computer (before lcds) (for the kids: a crt will kill you from the weight)

>>tfw all the old pictures are disappearing
>there use to be tons of shit like pic related.
>I remember a guy that had a crt monitory held up by some boards on a couple crates and he laid under it so that he could lay down and use the computer (before lcds) (for the kids: a crt will kill you from the weight)

edit: forgot pic

Attached: 18s02jgg7py0wjpg.jpg (252x268, 46K)

G3's were so shit for gaming what a pleb.

the guy is clearly disabled.

>guy is clearly disabled
what is the mac that gave it away?

OwO what's this?

holy fucking shit user, I love you

Attached: R5z24z3.jpg (1180x790, 166K)

what the fuck is going on with the parrots neck?
It looks like its just a bird head poorly shooped into the scene

Fucking kek

>It seems that image was digitally manipulated so that that parrot appeared on the scene

OP asked for memes, so I provided programming socks and thinkpads.

320gb winchester
>2048sec kilk
2gb ram
>writer exc
cd writer?


Attached: kdsjfhksehriufhieajfn.jpg (580x378, 103K)


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A fellow man of culture.

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scared me for a second i thought this was me

Trigger warning

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post moar

this one makes me lol every time

do those thots have moustaches?

The shitty caption was driving me nuts.

Attached: 1372701141652__01.jpg (1104x778, 278K)

every time

Attached: 1511019319775.jpg (4011x2100, 3.73M)

back when sage was a thing


I kinda want to make one of these myself just to keep on my office desk as decoration

i work in IT so it'd be a funny gag


i don't get it

Attached: bricks.jpg (645x671, 81K)

the one failed drive makes the entire cluster failed

Ah, thanks. Kind of like my one genital wart makes my whole sex life failed


Attached: 1517523571081.jpg (1066x600, 64K)

So I guess the joke here is Raid 0?

It's hilarious that someone would have an 8 disk Raid 0 array, but I'm not sure why anyone would expect it not to fail from one disk failing.

Attached: 1505204395922.png (772x700, 338K)

They were also Seagate drives

not even raid 6 can protect from that

>Smelled distinctly of bear urine

Attached: 1496161152339.jpg (590x421, 20K)


i couldnt help myself

Attached: —.png (577x613, 384K)

You could, and you should have. Stop.

r u retarted?

How to obtain this level of comfy?
>pic related
current sitting position.

Attached: 123.png (640x400, 20K)

Windows = MacDonald confirmed

Attached: 1337987027623.jpg (800x619, 219K)

>Im sacared of hackers because...
>...they smell bad - 58%


>Imagine being at computers
>so fat and see food

Fuck off Hiroshimoot

Attached: Imagine.jpg (304x237, 33K)

Oh fuck user, good one

>when you see SocksPls on Sup Forums

I knew you had a dick faggot

Is that Ian from Smosh?

average r*bbit user

fuck off back to plebbit you faggot.

The most action he's ever had.

>he doesn't know

Attached: (JPEG Image, 251 × 183 pixels).jpg (251x183, 7K)


kys fag

Attached: localheroatmcdonalds.jpg (500x667, 80K)

i wonder how many parents fell for this shit

Fucking Gregg

Looks like Demons Souls.

>320gil 16kil
holy kek

60 year old soyboy!?!

Attached: 1521601670612.jpg (1000x922, 60K)

Attached: open vs closed source.jpg (576x764, 99K)

But the upper one is 100 times cooler

> >16kil
HDD cache, probably.

The monitor has to be higher so that your neck isn't constantly bent forward.

I know it's you Foxworth.
Fuck off you fag

Attached: Autismcouple.jpg (1024x768, 155K)

>closed source
>breaks down after a few years and forces you to get a new one
>very expensive repairs if you go down that route

>open sores
>never works, constantly updating
>but at least it's freeeeeeeee

Oh Lord Foxworth please tell me you're responsible for the retarded VR Socks General on /trash/...

Attached: Mio_admiring_my_muscles_by_windowsmillenium2000.jpg (640x480, 62K)

as if there isn't closed-source software that's dogshit

Attached: 1507609186577.gif (512x512, 41K)

>8 disks
>raid 0
Holy fuck user, you're just asking for troub--
Oh, user...

Good analogy. Reminds me of the horse fucker one.

>circlejerkery and attentionwhoring
Those faggots and their existences shouldn't even be acknowledged.

how do you gain that much of excess weight? [without it being something like a nasty side-effect of medication]

is it one of those american things?

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