Anyone else think we need to go backwards in society and not be tied into the smart phone and computer daily?

Anyone else think we need to go backwards in society and not be tied into the smart phone and computer daily?

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Then you would be tied into the TV daily
Or the radio
Or books
Or looking out the window
Or rolling your thumbs
And so on. Humans are and always were incredibly efficient at wasting time

To be fair, life is long as hell. We can't constantly be productive.

I suppose you thought comparing something as all-reaching as the smart phone to a radio plugged into a wall was really smart.

> t. FC

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Smart phones and computers have been past the point of diminishing returns (in terms of monetary and social cost compared to their benefits) for some time now. The issue isn't their existence, but rather how essential society has made them, so that they're not an optional buy-in, but an all-but demanded requirement to exist.

Then imagine yourself right now. No phone, only a radio. Now you're outside with nothing. What do you do?
Think about all the things that could improve your life?
Learn and acquire new skills?
Make new friends?
Maintain a meaningful hobby?
Of course not. Nobody does. Smartphones didn't changed that, they just make it more obvious

Attached: T7O3CZO.jpg (1200x900, 174K)

Both of us have basically the entire knowledge of humanity at our fingertips. We could do and become anything if we would just want it.
And what are we currently doing? Shitpost with random people on an imageboard.

>Of course not. Nobody does.
You would do that because the "social" aspects of smart phones mask the deeper loneliness many people feel these days. You'd either HAVE to make friends and do something or go mad.

Those were all better back in the day, you know why people talked to each other back then? because they all did similar shit and followed the same media, now there's so many social accounts online that there's way to many platforms for people to use....


Don't worry user, civilization will fall in a few years or decades. It's a cicle.

Yeah, being cavemen really sounds better


It's too late. The damage is already done. We can never go back.

I'm being serious, people are now wired differently... they think differently... everyone is more narcissistic and attention-whore... it'll never end.

Yeah, I think back and wish I could be there again...

People in 1800's or early 1900's were not cavemen.

I've been browsing /out/ for a few days. Now I'm convinced I have to buy a hammock or a tent and live in the woods with as little technology and as far away from society as possible. For a few days or weeks.

It's because "the vast depths of all human creation" isn't really all that useful to us at our most primal level of requirements.

>We could do and become anything if we would just want it
LOL no, you need a degree. Nobody will hire self taught autists in literally any field.

You don't have to go that far. Just put your computer away and interact with people around you. Human beings are social animals, which is why social media is so damaging, because it triggers the surface level needs of your brain, but not the more subtle and enriching. It's like if you could give people a pill that would give them all the nutrients they need to survive, but it left them with an empty belly, they'd end up as morbid and depressed as many people are today.

And that's your excuse not to learn new things and being here all day instead?

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