Windows 10 Pro

Windows 10 Pro
Windows 10 LTSB
Windows 10 Enterprise
Windows 10 Education

Which one does Sup Forums recommend?

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Not op, but why that edition.

LTSB if you just care about security upgrades and want as much group policy control
Enterprise or Education if you want more up-to-date things from W10 while also giving more control than Pro (but less than LTSB)

LTSB is the only answer.

Debian Xfce CD1

Install gentoo


You can't/couldn't (I haven't tried in a while) install WSL which sucks hard but the rest of it weighs up for it.

iirc you can rollback to a really old version of LTSB when they accidently allowed you to do it, but then that also means you lose out on like a year of security stuff by doing so

Apparently it'll be in LTSB for the next iteration, though.

makes you smart

Arch GNU/Linux, Gentoo GNU/Linux, Debian GNU/Linux, or any other GNU/Linux distribution.

But I can just install Fedora or Ubuntu in WSL.

wrong. Debian mini.iso

Windows 7 Enterprise

It's not the true Linux experience, you pleb. Just install Windows 7, and set up Ubuntu or Fedora on a separate hard drive if you are a gamer and can't live without the DirectBotnetX-only games.

inb4 I don't care about your geenuh crap, you autistic stallfags

Gentoo makes you smarter

Enterprise and Ultimate are bloat. Pro is the patrician's choice (for a home user)

Enterprise and Education gives you the same features as Windows 10 Pro?

>Arch Linux, Gentoo Linux, Debian GNU/Linux, or any other GNU/Linux distribution.

This. It's as close to a proper operating system as it gets. Tbqh, I never had any problem with it, this is the only version I used.

>Intentionally restricting yourself to a less superior version lacking basic features since you consider them to be bloat

Attached: 1492762005724.jpg (418x405, 22K)

LTSB--Yes, but occassionally upgrade to the latest one
Education--Before 1709 Yes, 1709 and after No

>The programs are still there, only disabled

enterprise and education is LITERALLY the same as pro with more useless features that you'll never use

No such thing

Wrong. Some group policies, for example, only work on Enterprise.

Enterprise have the option to run Edge in a VM since 1709. Pro doesn't have that(Nor edu).
Edu and Ent can disable telemetry, Pro cannot.
Ent and Edu allows you to make Windows-to-go, Pro can't.

>unironically trying to escape the botnet

>Arch GNU/Linux
>Gentoo GNU/Linux



Windows 7 Ultimate

Windows 8.1

If you really need 10, Education or Enterprise. Both have access to the options that everyone bitches about for not having access to on Pro.


>Enterprise have the option to run Edge in a VM since 1709. Pro doesn't have that(Nor edu).
>Ent and Edu allows you to make Windows-to-go, Pro can't.
Who cares about these

>Edu and Ent can disable telemetry, Pro cannot.
Wowee, guess Microsoft isn't going to get your crash reports and uptime

Attached: wtg0SRn.png (1475x793, 125K)

whats the easiest way to activate the enterprise edition of Windows?

>inb4 paying for Windows

>Which one does Sup Forums recommend?
Windows 7 Ultimate

the correct answer is none, enjoy getting locked up in a few year's time because someone posted cp on Sup Forums and the thumbnail was in your cache and microsoft's regular file sweeps caught you

>LTSB--Yes, but occassionally upgrade to the latest one
occasionally in this context meaning 2 years

mydigitallife forums

put the tinfoil hat back on

what are those options?

kms toolkit you tool

I have the Education N version, and paired together with OOS, it should be fine enough to shut up the eavesdropping.

However I really suggest you guys to not install the N version.
It's pure cancer to install all the drivers and patches to get things working.

Where did you download Education/Enterprise from? I'm downloading Enterprise's ISO from Microsoft, but I can grab it from Mydigitallife too.

arch linux


Take ownership of the telemetry and update dlls and delete them.

>crippling your OS

enjoy malware, wintoddler

is there an exact date on new ltsb release

what theme is this? not for the browser, obviously. i've been using seda theme for a while but it gets boring after more than a year :(

you literally can't use windows 10 enterprise unless you pay for it

dogshit OS

False. Embedded is the patrician choice.

there is no version called "Embedded"


Have you ever thought about install a real operative system?

Unironically China Gov



It is basically Enterprise without the access to the LTSB and some very specific company features.
Edu gives you as much features as you can get. Pro ofc is also a good option but since the anniversary update some group policies don't work under pro anymore, but are still all fully available in edu/enterprise.
Also one good feature is that you can just turn Cortana on/off on Edu by your liking.

make updates completely manual (download and install per button press)

disable telemetry to an even lower security level or turn it off entirely

Underrated posts

for desktops, server
for laptops, home

imagine being this handicapped

you have to pay for it, none of the rootkits/cracks work for windows 10 enterprise/education

If you buy a cheap Enterprise key off [preferred site] will it activate LTSB?

lol edu isn't part of the equation because most people here have at least gone to college/uni for one semester of which win 10 licenses are given out to every student
enterprise/lgbt edition definitely does work however maybe you shouldn't use tools that are outdated af

show proof that kmspico or msmo toolkit works on windows 10 enterprise

You can get a free Win 10 Education license if you're in uni? wat