/vape general/

The retarded spam filter thought my well formulated post was spam. After many attempts I have given up, so this will suffice as the OP.

Discuss vapes and vaping

Attached: E-Cigarette-Electronic_Cigarette-E-Cigs-E-Liquid-Vaping-Cloud_Chasing-Vaping_at_Work-Work_Vaping_157 (1280x853, 104K)

Do you vape, Sup Forums?
I always thought of vaping as really really faggy.

After having smoked cigarettes for a month, I really, really enjoyed what nicotine provided me with. The problem was the extremely detrimental effects of the rest of the cigarette. As a lifter, I could not have that.
That's when I saw vaping as a way to get my desired nicotine without fucking myself over

I only vape my own cum. This way no potential children are lost.

degenerate scum.

Kill yourself, faggot. This is a legitimate thread regarding technology. Maybe you should go to /reddit/

>soy smoking

I used to think vaping was just for underage scrubs using it as fashion statement. Then I realised I was the scrub who was spending close to £10 on snouts that I didn't even enjoy, ended up smelling like shit, smoked out of boredom at work. So I bought a vape pen for work, and one for weed at home. Haven't looked back.

>I want tar and other burned shit in my lungs just because I want the nicotine

Fucking same.
I love smoking, but smelling like shit, burning money and having to deal with ash and not being able to smoke indoors is just annoying.


this. after having tried various mods, pens and weird shit i found one and have touched the cigs in over a year maybe. just wish i could get some nice tobacco smelling e liquid that goes with alcohol. the fruity shit doesn't cut it.

My vaping tale
>Tried pipe some time ago. Really liked process but I have no space and time for pipng.
>Wanted to know what nicotine does to body.
>Got cheap vape and some 6/12 strength liquids.
try waping.
>can't figure out what nicotine does
>vape for 10 min non stop or so
>oh shit I feel bad
>After 2 hours in bed feel better.
>keep on waping less for around three monts after work
>can't figure out what nicotine is supposed to do.
>stop vaping.
>Wait. Wasn't I supposed to be addicted by this time?

No, this is a trash thread about degeneracy. Take that shit back to r*ddit.

>tobacco smelling e liquid that goes with alcohol. the fruity shit doesn't cut it.
Same here.
Mix your own.
I use tobacco flavor with a bit of Captain Black flavoring for the tobacco like, slightly unpleasent, after taste. Captain Black is used for cigar flavoring.

How is it degenerate? You're one of those Sup Forums sheeplings that makes threads beginning with "Sup Forums, what do we think about X?"

I vape sometimes(and I'm gay) but most people I see who vape are blue collar types, construction workers on their break etc. who seem to use it as a better alternative to smoking. I go to a uni full of soyboys and none of them vape, I think they're afraid of looking faggy while real men don't care.

>How is being addicted to homosexual drugs degenerate?

>The retarded spam filter thought my well formulated post was spam.
>Discuss vapes and vaping
Sounds like it was accurate.

Same. My younger cousin started smoking and i asked why he doesn't vape. He said it was because he doesn't want to look like a pussy. He seems to think smoking makes him more masculine and attractive to women. He's 50kg, 165cm and ginger.

Is coffee degenerate as well?
Is the internet degenerate? Are cars degenerate?

So many faggots ITT paid off by Big Vapor. So sick of building coils, I might just throw my ecig in the trash. Not sure what I'll do to pass the time since I've been chain-smoking cigs and now this shit for 6 years.

Mouth fedora

Coffee creates a productive society. Nicotine destroys society. That's why it's degenerate. Ever had an alcoholic mother?

>I want to inhale vapor of toxic shit,and act smug that I cannot inhale toxic smoke.
>I am pretentious cause I I hale toxic vapor and puff it at everyone like the pretentious fuck I am.

>I vape

Attached: dumb.png (205x246, 5K)

>mouth fedoras

Attached: 1517266367053.jpg (400x1512, 99K)

Nicotine is a stimulant that also increases productivity, you fucking assclown. Do some research.

>toxic vapour
>inhaling burned shit is not toxic
You're not even worth replying to, but here is your (you) anyways

>i need nicotine to be productive

Attached: 1521421694935.jpg (236x226, 14K)

>he gonna defend his way of making toxic shit enter one's lungs is superior!

If you're so concerned about his health why don't you kiss him

It definitely does hep. I also have a cup of coffee every day.

Stay mad

I got a smoant mini and a candy vape

You vape fag spread you carcinogenic vapor when ever you possible can to people that don't want you shit vapor.How about you just inject the shit so the high reaches you faster and more concentrated instead of spreading it to everyone around you via air.

I kind of get vaping if you're trying to quit smoking. OP isn't one of those people however.
