Microsoft Thread

Let's debate, Which version of windows is the best?

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La 0.0


7 > XP > Vista >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10.


10 pro :)


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XP... also 64Bit XP.

Honestly though, XP was a piece of shit despite all the nostalgiafags trying to tell you otherwise. I can't even run Age of Empires on that thing without it bluescreening every half an hour.

DOS 6.2.2

3.1 was ok for its time. Everything later is a complete abomination.

10 1607 > 7 SP1 > XP SP3 > Vista SP2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10 pre-1607

The only time Windows was ever actually good was in the mid-to-late 90s, when Apple was in seriously bad shape and Microsoft had finally caught up with the stagnant Mac OS.

Once Apple bought NeXT's technology to create OS X, Windows went straight to the trash.

Attached: Windows98-57c1e1813df78cc16e6c2811.jpg (640x480, 31K)

Hmm gonna have to say NONE. Windows is complete garbage. If you're not going to run one of the many decent Linux distros, at least go with MacOS.

Was XP truly trash?

Absolutely. Took two service packs before it was semi-usable.

Yes, Pre-SP2 was basically a Vtech toy meeting Windows 2000. In a bad way.

Definetly 7. Simple, fast, still modern, no bloatware or apps, familiar, beatifull, simple etc.



Windows 9

not many ppl vote Windows 2000, because they've never used it

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