Enterprise-grade code

>enterprise-grade code

Attached: yKqOnzzb6VREO4i25ZVaL51-WksBuCTKYlgBmM53kQw.png (929x768, 55K)

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Attached: 1493102667.jpg (525x258, 13K)

Military-grade encryption


Attached: 1481843891342.jpg (125x125, 2K)

>industrial grade routers

Attached: 1520752304693.jpg (999x1065, 220K)

I want to fill Hideri's tight little butthole with my small cock.

Attached: 7.jpg (519x778, 53K)

>military-grade gaming RAM

Attached: 8E99643664E24BA1B1E1C7EE0D7C3BB8.jpg (311x301, 17K)

>OP-grade sodomy

Attached: 1493362090413.jpg (451x451, 18K)

are we listing things that we aren't intelligent enough to produce?

for me, it's children

Zoowie bim bam bop wooo

>gaming-tier peripherals

Attached: lmaonade.gif (150x207, 14K)

Working with million dollar equipment, corporate grade machinery, military grade power-supplies, BUT STILL

>tfw no gf

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I am genuinely curious:

Why does "enterprise" mean "really, really fucking slow and with a 1990's style UI design"?

That's dumb though. They have implemented the meme java *Factories when they are using spring, which comes with a rich configuration and dependency injection framework that makes that sort of stuff pointless.

I realize that project is a joke, but its taking it too far.

>Wake up
>Grab your laptop to check the news and weather.
>Laptop boots in 15 seconds, everything just works.
>Take the train to your job.
>Read some e-mails on your phone, it just works.
>Sit down behind your desk.
>Thin client takes 8 minutes to boot Citrix.
>Opening your mail client takes another 3 minutes.
>You only have Internet Explorer 8.0, it only works on some websites.
>Try to do some actual work.
>Everything is slow as fuck.
>"Enterprise level" software occasionally crashes, taking you 15 minutes to reboot everything.
>Go home
>Sit behind your desktop to play some games.
>Desktop booths in 15 seconds, games launch in 10 seconds, everything just works and is fast as hell.

It's like they go out of their way to make the work experience as annoying as possible to remind you you're only there to collect your monthly paycheck not to get any illusion of being productive.

>laptop boots in 15 seconds
on linux it boots in 5 seconds, just sayin

I never knew that the OS solely determines the boot time, thanks Sup Forums for the technology help!

Because it werks even though 30 years passed.

Most of them written in low level programming languages and x86 processor instructions aren't changed that much so software written 30 years ago better than today's genderless javascript meme.

enterprise means easy enough for sub 80 iq managers to use it

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Germany was a mistake.