Anyone else not use a tiling window manager, or a meme distro?

Anyone else not use a tiling window manager, or a meme distro?
I used to be a huge arch and dwmfag, but MATE is has me hooked, I guess since 2007 was probably the last time I was really happy.
The XP theme is nice too, reminds me of the first computer I ever built with an Athlon.

Attached: neofetch-2018-03-15-10-27-05-18302.png (1680x1050, 914K)

Got something you'd like to share with us, OP?

Looks repulsive. Use the classic redmond theme if you must.
Check clearlooks-phenix. It's also retro and good.

Started using Budgie earlier this year and really loving it

is gentoo a meme distro or not? pls i must know

>Anyone else not use a tiling window manager, or a meme distro?
Nope, still on awesomewm and gentoo.

> MATE is has me hooked
Sure, do all the mouse pushing you want.

> I guess since 2007 was probably the last time I was really happy.
11 years without happiness? You should do something about that. Have you considered adopting desktop waifus?

weston is alright just apply this patch and it's comfy

diff --git a/shell.c b/shell.c
index 1f99efe..b383933 100644
--- a/shell.c
+++ b/shell.c
@@ -4410,7 +4410,7 @@ switcher_key(struct weston_keyboard_grab *grab,
struct switcher *switcher = container_of(grab, struct switcher, grab);
enum wl_keyboard_key_state state = state_w;

- if (key == KEY_TAB && state == WL_KEYBOARD_KEY_STATE_PRESSED)

@@ -4905,7 +4905,7 @@ shell_add_bindings(struct weston_compositor *ec, struct desktop_shell *shell)
weston_compositor_add_button_binding(ec, BTN_MIDDLE, mod,
rotate_binding, NULL);

- weston_compositor_add_key_binding(ec, KEY_TAB, mod, switcher_binding,
+ weston_compositor_add_key_binding(ec, KEY_SPACE, mod, switcher_binding,
weston_compositor_add_key_binding(ec, KEY_F9, mod, backlight_binding,

It's a meme distro here and also useful if you do various things that relate to compiling source code anyhow.

If you don't, it's likely not the distro you are looking for.

If you need to ask you're not the target audience

I've been liking LXQt

Attached: is my life a meme.png (1366x768, 488K)

Does it come with the QT file picker?

Stop being a pussie. Install Arch + i3wm.

I'm not about that life anymore.
It's just too autistic.
I'd rather a nice reliable interface and an OS that I only *have* to update on every release, while at the same time having the latest kernel/packages/libs available to me if I need them

It came with pcmanfm-qt which has been working nicely for me
>thumbnails just werk

A file manager is not the same as a file picker dialog

I'm not 100% sure then.
Could you mean the dialog that comes up when you are choosing a file for example for Sup Forums?

Attached: 2018-03-15-235224_1366x768_scrot.png (1366x768, 201K)

Does it have image thumbnails?

this, was on i3 wm for like a year and a half after switching from windows full time.

A month ago I started using budgie with i3 keybinds, less struggle with randomly floating windows.

Although, I may have gotten this when I installed my qupzilla web browser

Attached: 2018-03-15-235702_1366x768_scrot.png (1366x768, 329K)

I switched to MacOS. Exposé is pretty comfy if you have a lot of windows.

Attached: .png (1920x1200, 239K)

Have you told your mom that you're gay yet user?

Attached: 1512206596549.png (610x417, 233K)

>have a cuckbook air for piece of mind during exams (medfag, exams can be 4 hours long and fucking examsoft keeps the CPU at 100%, I hate being stuck to an outlet)
>plug in usb mouse
>can't even use the side buttons to go back and forth and there's no way to change this other than installing pajeetware
Yeah, not. It's a garbage OS with a garbage interface and I only tolerate it during exams and long meetings for the battery life.

>not using Apple's mouse with Apple's OS

the most I'll ever pay for a mouse is 10 bucks, and I don't use wireless garbage

I use the most normalfag generic Sup Forums user distro: Xubuntu.

Convince me to not use it pls


Why not?
xfces is kinda shit with the UI tearing, but once you fix that it's as good as MATE.
And ubuntu is just a frozen debian testing. Not amazing but not bad at all.

even with gnome 3 i still use shellshape.

too many advantages to give up.

make like that /r9k/ kid and kys

you should try out a systemd install if you have never messed with it before

Fedora is better for general use.

The fucking window decorations waste too much space to make vertical tiling efficent.
MATE lets you tile both with the mouse and through keyboard shortcuts.
I also have dmenu set to a shortcut, and I can navigate the entire UI using just the keyboard, but without any WM-only autism.

I use Xubuntu on my X201 laptop and I don't get significant tearing even without compton turned on. I don't run any compositor at all.

When I take my drive out and put it in my desktop computer with a Nvidia GPU I see the tearing everyone complains about.

Reasons? I don't see how systemd would even matter to a user like me. I'm not writing my own software or getting much into the depths of the OS.

You're screen is going to die soon. Sorry.
And yeah, I get it on intel but not AMD, I haven't figured out what triggers it exactly.
I like MATE better because it's the same functionality wise by default, but you can do more with it and it doesn't have that tearing issue.

>You're screen is going to die soon. Sorry.
Why would it die now? I've handled it roughly for about 2 years now and it was used in a university computer lap for years before that. If it was going to up and die I figure it would have done it by now.

the server side decorations?

headerbar {
min-height: 0px;
padding-left: 2px; /* same as childrens vertical margins for nicer proportions */
padding-right: 2px;
/* background-color: #2d2d2d; */

headerbar entry,
headerbar spinbutton,
headerbar button,
headerbar separator {
margin-top: 0px; /* same as headerbar side padding for nicer proportions */
margin-bottom: 0px;

/* shrink ssd titlebars */
.default-decoration {
min-height: 0; /* let the entry and button drive the titlebar size */
padding: 0px;
/* background-color: #2d2d2d; */

.default-decoration .titlebutton {
min-height: 0px; /* tweak these two props to reduce button size */
min-width: 0px;

window.ssd headerbar.titlebar {
padding-top: 0px;
padding-bottom: 0px;
min-height: 0;

window.ssd headerbar.titlebar button.titlebutton {
padding-top: 0px;
min-height: 0;

works for me.

It is a meme distro, but its also one of the best around.

Portage's flexibility and ability to deal with complicated dependencies and multiple versions (keep in mind that it's source based) alone make it a phenomenal package manager.

Gentoo allows for your fingers to get into every nook and cranny - nothing is off limits and it offers an extremely granular level of control.

Now, whether or not any of this is necessary is another question. To be completely honest, my use-case doesn't require the power that gentoo offers. However, just because it isn't needed doesn't mean it isn't wanted; I enjoy having such a deep level of control over my system, and that satisfaction alone will keep me using gentoo for the foreseeable future.

X201 screens are notorious for dying
They also have serious heat issues cause the first gen core i's were pieces of garbage.

>non-tiling WM
never bothered with the tiling meme, particularly since loads of windows expect min/max/fixed sizes
all my machines use either xfce or windowmaker
>meme distro
my machines have debian, xubuntu, and fedora, mostly xubuntu

also, why are your panels so ugly?

What does that look like?

That UI is ugly as fuck, OP