What part of "embrace, extend, extinguish" is not clear to the Debian devs?
>t. on Debian
What part of "embrace, extend, extinguish" is not clear to the Debian devs?
>t. on Debian
stop spouting the EEE meme without actually understanding it
>implying this is detrimental to linux at all
I wonder who ever seriously uses WSL.
Last I tried it, it worked worse than a plain VM.
I've had a similar experience, mainly the I/O performance is shockingly bad. Even a VM on a HDD vs WSL on my SSD is faster.
These distros in the windows store are NOT linux and NOT GNU/Linux.
MS made their own Linux-compatible kernel interface (similar to coLinux). It was made using clean room engineering and supposedly contains no code from
These abominations are rather GNU/NT or just GNU but definitely not fucking Linux.
I've used it a bit, it's pretty handy.
Feel free to explain:
- Why it's not applicable
- How the WSL doesn't disincentivize users to not run Linux natively
- How this doesn't help Microsoft keep users (read: products) within their "ecosystem"
- How this doesn't build user leverage on the Debian devs, and a future need for them to adher to Windows compatibility and/or licensing
maybe that's the point?
"Hey I can try out this Linux thing on Windows.
Wow, Linux sucks."
>What part of "embrace, extend, extinguish" is not clear to the Debian devs?
Don't underestimate Microsoft - they have way more tricks up their sleeve than a single dank meme from the 90s.
> Windows Subsystem for Linux
Isn't 'Linux Subsystem for Windows' more apt?
the subsystem belongs to windows, not linux
I have really considered that that might be the case - FUD.
Yes, but Linux is the subsystem, not Windows. So 'Linux Subsystem' is correct, I think.
windows has the subsystem to support the system calls of linux
>What part of "embrace, extend, extinguish" is not clear to the Debian devs?
This bullshit is obvious to anyone who's been on Linux through 2000s, when M$ was quite open about hating Linux. I would never trust them.
using it for git and vim at work.
works better then git bash and my vim plugins and .vimrc work without any wangblows specific changes, thank god
>closed source subsystem
>to run FOSS
I personally embrace extend and extinguish currysoft every day
seems like a good place to mention it: Microsoft posted about having difficulties with git because of the size of their codebase and the times it takes to sync, clone, and commit. the stupid fuckers put everything, from paint to the kernel into one source tree that teams are supposed to commit to, but obviously 300TB of data syncing back and forth is heavy bandwidth even for Microsoft's servers. At this level of ineptitude I'd be surprised if the Eternal Boomers aren't watching their H1B diversity slaughtering goats in the hallway and absolutely bricking their pants.
>People still don't believe Debian is run by globalist jews after the Systemd voting fraud where 1 developer working for a big company voted twice
kek, how many years until Linux is buy by Microsoft and turned proprietary closed source?
torvalds would never allow that
neither would greg or the rest of them
. Thank you! We’ll get to work on the Microsoft
why would they need to do that when you can do whatever the fuck you want with open source lol
It is not applicable because this is just the "Embrace" Part. There is no Extend.
>Run Linux natively
Linux was made to be used on everywhere. You have watches with Linux, you have literal toasters with Linux. Linux is so adaptable it can be used inside Windows. But at the end, you are, still, using Linux.
Indeed, this is made by Microsoft to help developers to stay on Windows. The only reason this works, is on Windows. Again, there is no "Extend".
And debian doesn't have to do shit. This is Open Source. If you consider WSL to be something bad, then you are disagreeing with the Free Software principles: that anyone, even Microsoft can take your code, to modify and improve it, and use it at will, with the only condition of following what the license says.
Microsoft is doing exactly that. This is the reason Linux has reached so far, and it is its biggest strength. Microsoft has been helping Linux for year since they worked with Novell, but is because Freetards like you who can't stop splitting "M$ is evil! Muh botnet!" that their contributions are unnoticed.
there will be an "extend". Windows is simply building leverage now.
>i love microsoft because muh vidya gaems!
>because of this, i'm sure that a company that built itself on embracing, extending, and extinguishing any and ALL competition -- and has continued to do it to this very day -- presents no threat whatsoever to linux
I will never understand how kids can be this stupid. All over some fucking video games.
mfw there's no linux in WSL
It's WSG
Windows subsystem for GNU(userspace)
Brainlets btfo.
You do realize embrace, extend, extinguish is a sequence right?
You're also shockingly naïve, are you 12?
I do most of my development in a Ubuntu VM but when I have to work on C# stuff I use WSL to avoid having to learn how to use visual studio.
well... tell me pretty boys, how can Microsoft "Extend" on Linux? It's literally impossible.
You see, Microsoft tried to EEE long time ago, without success. You pretty much know this well with the "Halloween papers". They found one can't simply Extend and Extinguish Open Source Software.
Also, Microsoft can't Extinguish Linux as they need it now. Many of Microsoft services require Linux, and because of that they have to support and fix Linux like any other company that relies on it too. Trying to destroy Linux will make them lose money and clients.
Wow this has a lot of impact on how it's used. Oh wait it literally doesn't mean shit. You've been trolled so thoroughly that you don't realize that the GNU/Linux copypasta is making fun of Stallman, his followers, and likely pedants in general. It was never supposed to be taken seriously but that's why it works well as it actually does sound like something Stallman would say.
Nigger what
So WSL is clearly made too target devs who use Linux. Deploy environments often stick closer to dev environments for the convenience of developers. If Dev environments start including more windows-isms, because they are right there, then so will deploy environments. Eventually everyone will be deploying to azure!
Obviously they are not at the extend stage yet because they are still working on fixing the filesystem layer.
Linux was a mistake. Especially those greedy linux foundation faggots.
>selling youself to shit like microsoy
>lobbying against gpl
>censor any mention of gnu
>torvalds hating on free software, calls it "extremism and hate" culture
>bringing gnu/linux to fucking windows, because fuck freedom, that's why
>microsoft speakers at linux expo
>shilling crap like skype for linux on
and then
>head of linux foundation on the edge running fucking macOS
Microsoft being evil is no news, but getting cucked by Linux is.
People say there is no EEE, but then I wonder who works on the WSL and why Microsoft gives speeches on Linux meetings and why one if the linux foundation heads works at Microsoft.
this sounds like a responds to gpu passthrough
when it gets more streamlined I'd rather do that than wsl
as of now I use windows on my desktop with cygwin,
and if I really need linux I ssh into my local server
WinAPI on Linux literally WHEN? I'm going to pay 99$ for this. And 300$ if it will be open-source (under GPL)
It is called ReactOS, Richard.
How can everyone be upset about a supposed hit to honour... this is literally Wine in the opposite direction
You mean LoseAPI.
pls go and stay art go
>and why Microsoft gives speeches on Linux meetings and why one if the linux foundation heads works at Microsoft.
It's like companies aren't the type that will ally with Satan itself if there is cross-usage of their products.
No, I mean run reliably proprietary software (gamez, AutoCAD, Photoshop...) on rock-solid GNU and Linux.
We have Wine, but it shit, because it was not made by Microsoft, and thus it is not 100% compatible with WinAPI. Like *.doc, LibreOffice will shit up it, but proprietary Word - won't.
To make this clearer: You're taking a joke seriously and using that to influence your ideas of how tech works. You're in a permanent state of having been trolled.
So does Debian actually support this or did MS just download Debian and package it for the WSL?
(You) junkies are literary the death of all common sense. Please fuck off.
It isn't, literally noone gives a shit about Linux on the desktop.
This is what I want: The software available on Windows, natively, with the DEs and font rendering engines available on Linux. That's all. Hell just give me fucking KDE with no tearing and I'm sold.
>Wine, but it shit, because it was not made by Microsoft, and thus it is not 100% compatible
Of you want something made by Microsoft just buy windows. It probably won't be 100% compatible either through.
What is with your fetish of using one product but wanting it to be indistinguishable from another? Do you hate diversity?
Just replace explorer.exe
That *literally can't* happen
devs collaborating on it
Wish it was that easy.
No seriously, bring KDE, bring Dolphin, leave the rest as is. Everytime I switch from Windows to Linux is to enjoy that and it pisses me off to no end to lose a bunch of software support.
You know what Sup Forums? There are people who are actually emulating GNU/Linux under Windows in their everyday life, and they will probably do it this way because it's "easier" rather than dual boot.
And yes, they probably post on Sup Forums too.
I don't wanna live in this world anymore.
>Of you want something made by Microsoft just buy windows.
Windows is shit, because NT is unstable shit.
> It probably won't be 100% compatible either through.
It'd be better than Wine anyways.
>Do you hate diversity?
Yes. Diversity is meme.
>What is with your fetish of using one product but wanting it to be indistinguishable from another?
It is not a fetish, it is needful.
Since there's no Linux in WSL, I wonder how Stallman feels about having GNU ported and included officially in Windows, and having it called Linux lmfao
Whatever improvement they do on WSL, it affects Linux.
If they add some kind of tools in order to work with Azure, there is no way it only works in WSL. Literally impossible.
aka sponsors
>What part of "embrace, extend, extinguish" is not clear to the Debian devs?
These people are probably socially awkward and emotionally stunted. They probably lack the mental syntax for which to conceive that they are being duped.
>Microsoft so scared of losing more developers to GNU/linux that they create WSL
>Increasingly nervous microshill claims linux is irrelevant
>Just replace explorer.exe
That's what Microsoft is doing.
And KDE packaged their stuff for Windows some years ago.
Basically they'll just do what Red Hat did with SystemD.
>Making them work well together was not a trivial job. Some GNU components(3) needed substantial change to work with Linux. Integrating a complete system as a distribution that would work “out of the box” was a big job, too. It required addressing the issue of how to install and boot the system—a problem we had not tackled, because we hadn't yet reached that point. Thus, the people who developed the various system distributions did a lot of essential work. But it was work that, in the nature of things, was surely going to be done by someone.
this guy is a joke. he's too proud to live up to his freetard utopia, talking like the other components other than GNU were just leftovers for someone else to tackle. that's why linus doesn't hang out with him too much. at least microsoft recognizes the massive importance of linux.
>Windows is shit, because NT is unstable shit.
Actually, what frrom i read and heard from multiple people, NT is pretty good.
Other parts, like the registry and the shell are what give us all the headaches.
This is ALL about extinguising.
There is NO linux in WSL.
This is to get the entire Linux world OFF linux and onto NT. Use the GNU toolchain, userspace, apps, etc... and get the world off the linux kernel. It's to show the world that actual linux isn't needed. That they call it Linux is a masterstroke.
And it'll work.
I'm so disillusioned by technology these days.
Want to develop on "Linux"? Sure thing? First things first - have you purchased and installed an appropriate NT based Microsoft Product? Excellent! Then just choose your "distro"!
A copy of Windows, and all of the paid services that come with that, for every "Linux" system in use. That's the dream.
Combine that with how UEFI can refuse to boot things that aren't Windows, and it all comes together.
This is depressing that there's not more of an outcry. That Stallman hasn't gone autistic, or that Linus hasn't sued them for using the name Linux even tho there's no Linux in it.
>literally impossible
You don't know what WSL is do you? It doesn't include Linux, they can add whatever APIs to their WSL NT module that they want and they won't magically be included in the Linux kernel.
You idiot.
>they can add whatever APIs to their WSL NT module
Except that's not the subsystem's job.
It's mostly there to translate kernel signals.
There's no important windows signal that's lacking from Windows.
In fact, it has even trouble translating split or whatever it's called, since there's no equivalent in NT land.
What you are saying is as retarded as going "We are gonna add super cool linux-friendly API's to Wine"
*that's lacking from Linux.
>I may make jokes about Microsoft at times, but at the same time, I think the Microsoft hatred is a disease. I believe in open development, and that very much involves not just making the source open, but also not shutting other people and companies out. There are 'extremists' in the free software world, but that's one major reason why I don't call what I do 'free software' any more. I don't want to be associated with the people for whom it's about exclusion and hatred.
> Linus
He's right. And then comes your avera/g/e freetard spouting: "lol cuck".
Ennjoy your botnet.
In what way(s) is he right?
This how your brain looks like after 500.000.00 microsoft sheckles/year.
Was this quote made before or after Microsoft became a platinum sponsor to the Linux Foundation?
way before.
He never gave much of a shit about Stallman's autism.
Is that the actual platinum fee?
debian is crap anyway so who cares
In hatred being a disease. Being on Sup Forums, you should be very well aware of how that works. People no longer think straight, they simply hate. Anything that isn't hatred to them is seen as an allegiance which is why so many people throw around the words 'shill'.
50 Microsoft Store Credits has been deposited to your Live account
>linux is king babeee microsoft is going to lose
>apparently microsoft has nothing to worry about cause linux is dying
hmm i wonder
No, the point is to remove any reason to use desktop linux
I never said linux is dying. lrn2read
What? They wouldn't add new stuff because it isn't necessary? You clearly haven't developed anything ever.
>linux is irrelevant
Not him but this may very well be the end of linux as we know it. It is going to be purely MS property starting very soon.
You're all so dumb
Linux will be Microsoft property. Soon.
That LITERALLY can't happen.
They can't "literally" do it, but they're doing the next best thing. They're a platinum member of the Linux Foundation and John Gossman of the Azure team is on the board of directors. It's a slow take over from within.
If the Linux Foundation had a spine they'd tell Microsoft to keep their $500K and fuck off, but they won't because the LF is a pile of shit.