Is the internet bad for you?

Say having access to the internet enable you to do certain things that you feel are detrimental to your mental health, does that mean the internet itself is bad for you? Should one try to spend less time on it? Or is the person going to have odd thoughts regardless of the internet?

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It's too late embrace it

Kinda, but also gives me opportunity to learn things, also also MOAR

Wtf she looks 10 but also has nice milkers.


Who is this

she is 10

I love programming and masturbating.

It's a system of portable/home terminals used to access a planet-wide porn repository that the whole species came together to make possible.

How many other times has the entire planet collaborated to do something?

It's horribly addicting but it has some use. It'll end up as just another state surveillance medium.

The Internet is only bad if you use it badly, meaning it's not the Internet that's bad but that you are a dumb retarded fuck with no self-control who is trying to project your own low IQ onto an inanimate existence.

Yes, through all this years, I've seen shit that made permanent "damage" to my brain, though without it, I wouldn't learn the skills I have now

Notice that OP posted a child.
Are you sure you should be saying something like that?

You're gonna get v& probably, OP. that fear should drive you not to fuck your mental health anymore, if you're not a complete dumbass.

Damn time to *unzip dick* instagram?

Moralfags need to OD on some salty milk

oh my god back to fucking 8ch
this shit is why i came back to 4

Newfag and a moralfag all in one. My, my aren't you the treat. No wonder this board is shit.

>Is the internet bad for you?

You're in the wrong place. Whiny faggot

I understand salty milk. The fact that I didn't point it out verbosely isn't me being a "newfag" you fucking child.

yo im against CP and im either being gangbanged by 2 or 3 people or just spammed by one for it

this is so stupid lol

That is not cp and the guy replying to him made no mention of it. You're the degenerate who is associating those things probably because you like it
If cp had been posted or the guy replying made comments about it then yeah, lets stop pretending that Sup Forums isn't full of degenerates and that includes you. Not everything is cheese pizza just because someone posts a fully clothed image, overreacting faggot

okay so there are like 3 things on the internet detrimental to mental health. Since he made no mention of Arch and didn't mention gore, I assumed CP. The fact that he posted a child helped.

>3 things

Nah, the government is bad for your mental health, the internet is just fine.

I mean, if you're not a pussy. If you're /really/ not a pussy, gore can be taken out iguess.

internet is God

All that arguing about muh cp and i still want to know whats her ig

I'm pretty fucking done with the internet. Seriously considering just junking every electronic device I own, this shit has fucked our social interactions beyond repair, I don't want anything to do with this garbage.

> on Sup Forums
> can't run an image search.
Why the fuck are you here you dense cunt?

The internet just spreads information around the world at a much faster speed than in the past, and allows more people to have a say.

You saw terrible movements spread around the world even in the 1850's. International feminism for example was spread not just by telegraph but by the fact that feminists were able to travel (there were quite a few feminists for example aboard the Titanic in 1912, about the same time suffragettes were communicating via telegraph, and cutting telegraph wires for fun) and to post letters and publications around the world.

This also allows information that might 'counter' "evil" ideas or lies or manipulations to come to light, though. Feminism again is a good example of this - the average male on the internet is able to read about how bullshit ideas like the wage gap, "rape culture", and "patriarchy" are - they're able to 'sync' with others and build their own reality which is much closer to the truth than the reality that powerful, centralised mass-media promotes. So the internet allows the truth come to light to those who seek it.

In a way the internet and its effects is like a taste of the coming Judgement Day, when everything will be revealed. There's a lot of upsetting information out there, a lot of information that makes us question everything, but some of this is also consoling information and information that releases us from darkness.

I wouldnt ask if image search showed anything you dum dum.

The problem with the internet is that most of its defence is based on old pre-dotcom punditry that never came to fruition.

The internet is a tool.
Just like a knife or hammer or well, gun.

What you do with that tool is up to you.
A hammer is useful for hitting nails and building things, it's not the hammers fault if you bash open someone's skull with it. There are millions of people using hammers this second, what they do with them, is up to them.

Like for example.

Even without that hammer, it's not going to stop you from hitting that nail into the wall or bashing someone's skull open, but with a rock instead.

uhhh why?
youtube and netflix are great for entertainment
tinder is great for a quick hookup
facebook is great to talk to people

And instagram is great for cunnies.

I don't see how what I've said could be considered "pre-dotcom", everything I'm talking about is more apparent in the past 10 years old so.

A large number of 15 year old today have closer relationships with people all over the world than they do with students in their own school. They see photos and video and hear ideas from the everyday lives of people all over the planet. I've talked to many young GIRLS who have read and watched lots of Men's Rights stuff and consider themselves opposed to feminism. Police are much more polite and restrained today than in the 80's and 90's - because everyone having cameras and access to the internet means that at any time they can be caught on camera and lose their job or worse. Even when you see cases of political incompetence or corruption that get spread around the world - this is having some effect on police forces who are forced to be more careful. Most normies today don't even watch "TV" primarily - they watch Netflix or Amazon or youtube or other similar services, this generally means they're being subject to less "top down" cultural influence or political ideology. Pepe, a green frog most famously posted on r9k ended up becoming a factor in the US Presidential election.

It's a transition phase from a hugely powerful system of centralised mass-media, to a far more distributed system of information dissemination.

OP, you could at this very moment go into your kitchen, grab a steak knife, and jam it into your throat, killing yourself. Chances are you're not going to do that because you have self control and value living over not living. You can absolutely do a number of things that are bad for your health with most tools at your disposal. That doesn't mean you shouldn't have those tools.

>you are a dumb retarded fuck with no self-control
Which would make him a perfectly normal human bean, because self-control is a meme.
It is proven that people are terrible at it. If they are exposed to a stimulus that works on them long enough it is always only a matter of time before they give in. Most of the cases when someone pushes you bullshit about self-control and how he manages to have it and you don't, it is because that thing he has "control" over wasn't really such an issue for him in the first place.
Ask a therapist why they avoid relying on it and treat it only as a fallback mechanism if the main methods fail.
>projecting your failures on inanimate objects
That's a perfectly valid thing to do (not in every case obviously).

>grug is an alcoholic
>put a bottle of whisky in front of grug
>everything is going to be fine because grug has self control

Attached: grug.jpg (800x450, 38K)

I'm not the guy you're responding to, but I'm someone who struggles with porn addiction. The porn itself I am grateful for. I'm glad I've gotten to see what both men and women like and engage in in reality, rather than living oblivious to how people really are. Some of it was also funny and cool, and it was a necessary part of self-exploration.

The thing is, wanting to "ban" the porn isn't the answer, because that'll just harm other people - the addiction itself is the problem, and I've found ways to limit my access to porn while allowing me to use the internet for other purposes.

It's neither the internet or the porn that's the problem - it's my addiction and behaviour and how I use the internet.

If grugg had self control he would be fine. Complaining that the choice isn't easy, or isn't likely to be made doesn't mean he doesn't have that choice. Chemical dependence on a substance doesn't change that fact. I don't know when the physical crossover happens that dictates when you've lost sentient will but it should be reserved for actually being a vegetable. Even kids with severe autism can behave and make good choices when they're raised well.

That's a confirmation bias. You are defining people with self-control as people who made it, because people who didn't by your definition don't have self-control.
My point is - find a proper vector of attack on someone and he will eventually crumble, with self-control or without.

>confirmation bias
I meant survival bias, fug

Paid digital distribution is. It conditions people to give money to a company and get nothing in return.

You have no idea just because you resist drinking the bottle doesnt mean you have self control drinking from it but only a small amount is truly self control thats why alcoholics just dont bother and never ever drink again because its way easier.

I don't think it's healthy, true, or wise to argue that point. Sure people have things that can break their self control but whenever you choose a choice you know is wrong that still should be treated as a mistake regardless of how common or human it is to make those mistakes. The reason why it's important to make that distinction is so that you don't create a false reality, so that you live in an honest way because then you equip yourself to make better decisions more often. When you remove the responsibility of someone's decisions because of external factors they can literally never get better and grow because they don't even see the problem, they don't live in reality.

That still is self control. Just because you don't temp yourself and walk and edge of moderation doesn't mean you aren't making the deliberate choice not to give into your addiction whenever you have access to alchohol.

>thats why alcoholics just dont bother and never ever drink again because its way easier.
What's more, alcohol addiction therapy relies on total abstinence. Most people don't understand how far it goes.
An abstinent can't be in a place where any amount of alcohol is present, he can't be in presence of drinking people, he can't have relationships with people that drink, he can't even talk about alcohol (besides therapy/meetings).
Imagine that life. Where do you go in your free time? No concerts, obviously pubs, even family meetings. No weddings, games, new years, birthdays, parties. How do you cut ties with people that drink even only occasionally? Where do you find people that don't drink at all? How do you evade social interactions (e.g. workplace related) with alcohol? How do you find a shop where you can buy groceries that doesn't sell alcohol? And all of this for the rest of your life.
That might seem overzealous, but that's the only thing that is proven to give results when treating an addiction like that. And even then most people struggle and fail.
Training a strong self-control plays a role in it, but as I said earlier - only as a fallback mechanism, e.g. if you happen to find yourself in a situation when you absolutely can't evade presence of alcohol.
If anyone thinks it might be going too far, then he probably doesn't realize fully how deep behavioral addictions go.
>When you remove the responsibility of someone's decisions
Admitting you have no control over something doesn't have to mean evading responsibility. The example with alcoholism therapy I was using so far is all about both: learning responsibility and admitting you have no control over yourself.

I had nice milkers when I was 10 too.

Yeah but you were a fatty and shes a cutie.

Yes, yes, yes, but they will be worse with the internet

No, I'm skinny (:

Post pics when you were 10.

Who is this semon demon

>tfw not a 10 year old girl

>Notice that OP posted a child.

>notices child
>thinks up something sexual

I've got bad news for you buddy.

Drownings go up the more icecream is sold.
Correlation does not equal causality.

Lol, I don't have any digital ones from back then (:

Wew, did your phone break? Yesterday wasn't THAT long ago.

Everything is dangerous in the hands of an idiot, why should the internet be any different?

They will only attack if you talk about there Loli wifus

It was in 2003, I didn't have a phone or PC :(

You must have caused so many 1st wet dreams to boys from your school. How does this make you feel?

I'm always aware someone's.. pleasuring themself to my VK pictures right now.

Post vk

No, you will harass me :(

Nah just wank once or twice and forgot you exist.

Pls share

this pic is so confusing

Everything in moderation. If someone spends enough time on the internet to drastically affect their mental health than they are the problem. It would be something else if it wasn't the internet, like vidya.

indeed, but normies embraced smart phones aka pager duty like no tomorrow. Now go check that insta (you)

That's not a child.
That's a young adult.

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Why are there so many pedophiles on Sup Forums?

All men are pedophiles. Its unironically a scientific fact.

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It's not that there's a lot, but it's anonymous. It could all be one guy and you'd never know.

She's not pre-pubescent


>t. Pedofile
Answer the question scumbag. Why are you here?

>normalfag signaling
Why are you here

I always find this pose cute

Attached: white16.jpg (830x553, 53K)

Stop posting my photos, Julia.

I want to mating press her!

She's a child. She can't be older than 12.

There are "pedos" (hebe/ephebophiles at least) everywhere, the difference is that here they are anonymous and can freely talk about it without fearing being judged.

So close


Source for the pic?
t. Lolicon

>She's a child. She can't be older than 12.
You mean she's unf~ can't be pomf
older than oof

She's 14 at least, look at her breasts.

is anyone even on-topic in this thread?

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meant to

This. I can talk about it with my friends, they know I'm into middle to high schools girls (like 14yo or so), they don't judge me and joke about it.
It's just... When you see these small shy nipples, you want to protect the girl who carries them.

>terrible movements
>international feminism
*tips fedora*

>I can talk about it with my friends, they know I'm into middle to high schools girls

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>I'm in to women my own age