It's literal fucking trash, I don't understand how or why it's still a thing. I fucking hate it, if you enjoy this fucking software do me a favour and stop breathing my oxyegn
ITT: Shitting PulseAudio
It has tons of latency, having audio accuracy is almost impossible and is an horrible clusterfuck. I'm using just ALSA and it's just perfect, I have no issues with 24/96 playback, except for Chrome that has issues with sample rates that are multiples of 48kHz (not a Linux issue, it's just Chrome/ium)
This is what drove me off linux for a long time
so use jack instead
Yep audio always sounds like shit on Linux.
If its a chrome problem why would only a Linux user be aware of it? I run my DAC at 24/96 and have no issues with chrome on windows.
>(not a Linux issue, it's just Chrome/ium)
It's a audio server sitting between your applications and sound drivers/hardware (ALSA, OSS).
Nobody is forcing you to compile anything against it, you can use straight ALSA or OSS.
It's like X for sound.
>I run my DAC at 24/96
Pls don't
Then Chrome doesn't play (or isn't forced) to play 24/96 audio. Also I fixed the issue reading a solution for Windows, FYI:
Now kill yourself, wintards
>no per-application volume setting
Puseaudio is so shit they are changing it again for PipeWire. Fuck that shit, is pulsecrap 2.0, pure ALSA ftw.
Pulse audio. Just werks.
I just want per-application volume control senpai. What should I use
Fuck off, you are probably paid to post here in defense of pulseaudio.
>It has tons of latency
It uses a high latency by default to reduce CPU load and prevent drop-outs. There's a low latency mode for VOIP and similar.
>having audio accuracy is almost impossible
What does this mean? Are you saying that the mixer/resampler reduces audio accuracy? Is this not an issue with dmix as well?
You have the option to just use ALSA through apulse though.
>you can use straight ALSA or OSS
You can also use apulse for applications that don't support ALSA, like Firefox.
Why anyone would continue using OSS is beyond me.
Don't worry, they are now combining jack, alsa, pulseaudio, gstreamer, ffmpeg with blackjack and hookers. Have fun with jet another redhat solution.
Not sure if laugh or worry desu.
>getting paid for defending meme software in Sup Forums
like developers don't have any shit do to. Do you have autism son?
I don't enjoy it but I have a working system and I don't want to break it
That's dumb, just include it in systemd!
>I'm the shill
Give your head a shake retard.
What's the matter, you won't receive a bonus if you are called out?
He has a point tough, Do you really think that someone is going to pay someone actual real life currency to shill fucking PulseAudio? For reals?
Even if we leave Project ORCHESTRA out of the conversation, yes, is very much possible. RedHat is sabotaging the Linux desktop from years, is said they have a partnership with Microsoft and is very possible assuming this is true. RedHat business is servers.
Low latency mode is terrible, it's still far higher latency ALSA. (since it's literally just a terrible server sitting atop ALSA)
pasuspender is your friend.
The application itself
>There's a low latency mode for VOIP and similar.
Doubt + I want low latency for everything
>Are you saying that the mixer/resampler reduces audio accuracy?
>Is this not an issue with dmix as well?
Systemd, now with universal audio support embedded because the init system is just one of the less important features
No? I don't have any issue with alsa, I have no intention of going back to pa. Chrome works, I made an alsa profile just for Chrome at 44.1kHz and I'll use it until Jewgle decides to fix this issue
>changing it again for PipeWire
Nice informed opinion. Not.
>It uses a high latency by default to reduce CPU load
then they're not doing a very good job. Pulseaudio uses a LOT of CPU time by default. It's a wonder how heavy it is. Probably some kind of poettermagic going on inside
Developer(s): Lennart Poettering
known for his work on PulseAudio and systemd
Poettering is known for having controversial technical and architectural positions regarding the Linux ecosystem.
For instance, Poettering has advocated breaking compatibility with POSIX and other Unix-like operating systems such as the BSDs. He invites other developers to do the same.
in 2011, when asked why the Linux desktop hadn't been widely adopted by mainstream users, answered that: "Linux is still too fragmented and laid out proposals the "systemd cabal"
itt: boomers
>and I don't want to break it
Linux at the finest, kek.
I don't understand this. Why would you have two applications doing sound at the same time?
I had no reason to not like it until I got a raspi. It was only then that I realised how incredibly inefficient it is.
Setting VLC to output directly to ALSA instead of giving sound to PulseAudio which then itself gives the sound to ALSA reduces skips, scratches and CPU usage.
>the absolute state of alsa shills
why dont you just fuck off to BSD or some other old unix clone and let other people do actual work?
If ALSA was good then PulseAudio wouldn't be necessary
Blame ALSA, not Jack, PulseAudio or PipeWire that try to "fix" ALSA
Don't use ALSA if you don't like PulseAudio, ALSA is the reason PA exists and the reason that Linux audio is such a mess
>pic related
Is this the superior sound server for UNIX?
Excuse me?
Why did Firefox make this shit a hard requirement. Why
It compiles without it just fine.
>alsa is goo
>blocks your path
PulseAudio is clearly superior
dude, phones with hdmi port were a thing 5 years ago
the times of digital audio are long gone
Wouldn't it be dangerous to include a complex sound system with the kernel? More features means more attack surface.
Hello can you please delete this
>pulse audio has stopped working
just werks huh?
I use PulseAudio for the same reason I use VirtualBox and NetworkManager
I just want the damn thing to work, I don't want to type cryptic commands on the terminal just to get the sound working
I want to quickly change the audio input output option, disconnect and connect devices (like I want to connect on a new network with a single click)
I don't care if PulseAudio is bloated, it allows me to do things with the audio on GNU/Linux that would require typing like a madman
As for the latency, sorry, I just can't hear latency with PulseAudio like I can't feel lag with a compositor
>close web browser
>pulseaudio mutes itself
hard requirement in the sense that audio doesn't work. I had to recompile with the pulseaudio USE flag enabled just to get audio working. Oddly enough though, I don't even have pulse audio on my system at all. Guess it just needs the USE flag. That or it's just bundling it into the binary when it compiles.
I have sound in firefox on gentoo without pulseaudio. Something is wrong with your system.
I haven't had any issues with pulse audio for years now. Nowadays it just werks. 4-5 years ago though wew lad.
>Something is wrong with your system
No, not at all. Sound works in every program. It used to work in every program EXCEPT Firefox until I recompiled Firefox with the pulseaudio USE flag. Now it works in Firefox, but I still don't have the pulseaudio package anywhere on my system. See pic related. It says it doesn't affect Firefox installations compiled from source, but I was not able to get sound from Firefox without that use flag.
Why is the Linux user base so opposed to modern technology? Sure ALSA works but you can't do shit with it.
PulseAudio was the reason I switched to Debian from Ubuntu
It was unbelievably broken when Ubuntu forced it
Now, PulseAudio is very good, it just works and I use it on Debian
Thanks PulseAudio!
You showed me the way and made me switch to the superior GNU/Linux distributions and the universal OS (Debian)
And now your are a very good software that makes using GNU/Linux easier
>Low latency mode is terrible, it's still far higher latency ALSA. (since it's literally just a terrible server sitting atop ALSA)
JACK is a server sitting atop ALSA and it's good enough for realtime audio. You'd need actual measurements to make this claim.
I doubt Pulseaudio can fill JACK's role, but I suspect it's probably fine for most standard use cases.
There are two mechanisms that pulseaudio gives you for controlling latency. One is setting the trigger length of the buffer or manually triggering the buffer once the queued data becomes greater than your desired threshold. Another is with PA_STREAM_ADJUST_LATENCY which lets you adjust the hardware buffer size.
>I want low latency for everything
Why do you need low latency for playing music or watching videos? It's not like buffering ahead is going to actually do anything other than preventing dropouts.
You can already get the latency down low enough for it not to be noticeable in video games and similar applications. I doubt it would work if you wanted to monitor guitar, but that's what JACK is for.
>>Is this not an issue with dmix as well?
Why? dmix must mix/resample if two incoming streams have different audio formats
I would bet that if you compared it to JACK, then the CPU time will be lower. There's also the possibility that some application set the buffer size low and now pulseaudio is mixing in shorter cycles, using more CPU time.
Do you have apulse?
Well 58.0.1 doesn't require it. I guess you're using a higher version?
delete that file, I’m serious.
>literally can't jewgle 'project orchestra nsa'
Boy, just install apulse for those programs that force pulseaudio (firefox/steam) and be done with it.
On the other hand, it's quite possible, or even likely, that other software vendors who consider free software as a competitive threat would spread fear, uncertainty and doubt to all facets and parts of free software, even is said part or facet was enough of an improvement that virtually every fucking distribution would adopt it.
There may be a few shills spouting fud about pulse, systemd, red hat or whatever, but the vast majority around here are simply useful idiots.
Glad we agree paid shills exist. Now, if pulseaudio is so great, why are shills spreading FUD against ALSA? Is systemd is so great, why are shills spreading FUD against other inits?
They aren't. They claim they want to go back because things were so much better before.
Aren't what? Shills spreading FUD or people liking ALSA over pulseaudio and other inits over systemd?
Then fix ALSA then dumbass
t. pulsecrap shill
you gotta remember that the only reason why PA exists is because of the immense clusterfuck that is ALSA
I hate pottering and his shitty ideas, but he ain't wrong about Linux audio being complete crap and hard to work with
I didn't think pulse was a replacement for alsa anyway. I think jack is a replacement for alsa.
>fix alsa
>by building on top of alsa
enlighten me on how you would fix it then.
>implying is broken
>implying building atop is 'fixing'
>flat volumes is on by default
>recommends higher buffer than is in the kernel by default, audio in firefox sometimes stutters probably because of this
>listening to music
>system notification plays and turns volume to 100%
>this limitation does not affect firefox built from sources.
No it doesn't. Try using a pair of Bluetooth headphones.
this thread is one of the main reasons i use cloveros desu
>Too stupid to use PulseAudio
>Must be PulseAudio's fault
10 Take common Linux component (ALSA, grub).
20 Interface is complex and poorly documented.
30 Lack of understanding among distro maintainers means default settings are unhelpful for most use-cases.
40 Assign egotistical prick developer to re-write the code.
50 2 years into the project prick developer realizes problem is Pareto complete (80% of complexity in 20% of use cases).
60 Desperate to move on, prick developer ships hastily bodged, kludge implementation with no interface documentation.
70 GOTO 10
It's a joke now, but I'm sure they will eventually merge it into systemd.
Thank you Red Hat for all the garbage.
someone please just fucking nuke redhat
At this point in ten years there will be no sizable advantage to Linux over Windows.
>good thing is OpenBSD is looking more and more compatible with modern shit
I wish they would fork the fuck off. Take their attitude and their Microsoft-tier bullshit somewhere else.
To be honest though, you can tell why this faggot is getting edgy in his post. They feel the need to. KDE Plasma and Qt is taking GNOME and its circle of retarded friends to the fucking woodshed right now.
Fuck GNOME. Fuck Red Hat. Fuck Poettering, and fuck their shared strain of aids.
It works well for me
Fun fact, I think Genode OS framework might be using OpenBSD's audio stack
Honestly, I used to not mind pulseaudio so much, but later versions started having a bunch of annoying bugs so I removed it from my main machine. I still haven't found a good way to manage switching audio outputs with only ALSA though.
I don't like PA but my bt headphones work just fine. Had to tweak a conf file to make it auto switch to headphones when connected but otherwise it actually "just werks"(tm).
The people complaining about issues with pulse are too stupid to use Linux. Enjoy your featureless alsa you fucking twats
I use it because ALSA is a bitch with HDMI audio.
>Had to tweak a conf file to make it auto switch to headphones when connected
Which means it doesn't just work. I have to restart pulse every time I reconnect my headphones. Otherwise they won't work.
What's wrong with it?
>pause music to watch video on the internet
>must kill music player first
>must kill browser after watching to start listening to music again
But wew, I'm "minimalistic" feels good.
>feeling pride for using a downstream distribution made by retards of another distribution
>admitting to being a pretentious retard who can't install the actual distribution he allegedly needs
Disconnect yourself from the internet.
Yeah, totally. This free software is owning this free software totally in this totes regard totes man, yeah.
No one is forcing you to use free software retard. Use what you want and stop embarrassing yourself with your superficial platitude posts.
How long until it's literally just systemd/linux
Yeah, just like the file picked issue on Gnome bug trackers, Chromium devs can't care about it
>be the "Linux desktop" (ignoring that the vast majority of Linux consumer machines run ChromeOS or Android) while every poll shows KDE at 50+% market share, with XFCE at 20+% followed by MATE and then Cinnamon, with GNOME getting a distant fifth place followed by whatever else was included in the poll
Why are poettershitters so egotistical and deludex?