I mine crypto

I mine crypto


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how many cocks do you suck a day?

I jerk myself off, does that count?

I wonder if people who own render farms for production/animation get all kinds of hell because people like you.

why is your cable management such dogshit?

What does semen taste like?

Do you like black cock or white cock better

Trying to nicely manage cables, although satisfying and good looking, can really get in the way when you need to pull a card for cleaning or testing.

I would tidy it up, but that means downtime.

What's your hashrate and algo?

Do you enjoy being a cunt fucking up GPU prices for the rest of us

Probably, I've offered use of it to local design students.

I hope it blows up and burns your house down with you and your entire family inside.

How much have you earned in total

No, I'm a gamer too. But I have to pay just as much as anyone else, but I bought most of my cards before the price hike.

post timestamp
Also, which coins do you mine?

You're an amateur, if you did it right the first time you wouldn't have that issue

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>Trying to nicely manage cables, although satisfying and good looking, can really get in the way when you need to pull a card for cleaning or testing.
t.obviously doesn't into cable management
thats literally the point of cable management. particularly in a rig like in the OP, It would make sense in my head that cables that are all run, secured properly would make that a lot easier. I think that's just an excuse to be lazy. What functional datacenter wouldn't have their cables run and managed properly?

do it right or not at all OP

do you pay your own electricity bill

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Around 6500Sol/s in Equihash.

why spend all that real money to mine fake money? did you know you can rent your rig out like a vps by the hour to people who need to crunch numbers irregularly enough to not invest in their own machines and make stacks of real money for it? if so, then why even bother with this nonsense? that hardware could be put to way better use by forensics teams investigating homicides (forensics geeks calculating hyper-realistic physics for recreations of crime scenes is a gpu's worst nightmare) and you'd likely get paid better with _real_ money.

how much cock do you suck per hour? fucking nigger

Even if I did it right the first time, it still doesn't change extra downtime when cleaning or diagnosing. It's just not worth it to me.

t.realizing he's a lazy pile of shit

So you make about $20 a day. Not bad, user. What's your consumption like?

How would one go about doing this?

Do you feel like people you meet in real life and tell them you do for a living have the same level of resentment and jealousy as people online have towards miners?

Why are you so fucking stupid?

What's the best dragon dildo?

To be fair, once you set it up right, you don't need to fuck with it ever again. If you undervolted properly, your cards won't die.

I've had 20 Vegas going for about 4 months now.

0.22477361BTC so far

All been sold at different values.

Do you profit? How much?

I'd love to learn more about your computing hardware that can manage to clean itself, please do tell user

Yes. I've got two kWh counters to keep track of costs.


Paying about $0.10US/kWh

I just built a new computer and was basically forced to buy an iGPU. Are you happy now?

I don't live in a dusty piece of shit house

Get proper ventilation and an active air filter in the room and you're good.

i see ads in the classified section sometimes for it. an animator in the next town over lets the local police department use his rig (and living room, kek) whenever we have a rare homicide. it may depend on where you live and how much money your government is blowing on things they don't really need. i remember seeing the classified ad a couple years ago from the police offering an $80 per hour contract. the physics department at the university often posts ads as well.

You still contributed to it, you fucking cryptonigger. Kill yourself

>doesn't undestand what dust is or how it forms

you're a moron, unless your shit is in a climate controlled environment, your shit's gonna get dusty and need a cleaning. I've been working with computer probably since before you were born

You could have been mining to buy your hardware. I started from 3 RX480s and I grew that into 20 Vegas

Get mad user.

You must be an incompetent fuck if you've still been an IT cuck all these years.


kys faggot

>You must be an incompetent fuck if you've still been an IT cuck all these years.
>projecting his anger
>projecting his anger about his shitty career

yeesh user, it's almost as if you're trying to bait me

So what your saying is, you contributed to the price hike

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Why is the cpu liquid cooled?

Yes. But not nearly as much as the warehouses filled with cards

>You must be an incompetent fuck if you've still been an IT cuck all these years
incompetence is how you hold down a job according to a cryptonigger. why am i not surprised?

I had an extra AIO lying around.

Also, its a 7700k, so its viable to mine Cryptonight with as well.

All told, that rig gets me 16 kh/s @ 1300W

Ask yourself this:
Why haven't you been promoted yet? Do you have more cocks above you or more bitches under you?

I hope you can find some career growth in your life some day, but I think you will need to change your mentality first.

I wouldn't hire you.

you're saying that you pull out random lone cards for single cleaning?

look, you're a slob, you're a genuine lazy slob
this an anonymous place
nobody is going to be able to judge you, so just accept it you fat shit

>To be fair, once you set it up right, you don't need to fuck with it ever again. If you undervolted properly, your cards won't die.
Nu-Sup Forums/biz/ babby never heard of wear and tear on DRAM chips. Try working a decade in server storage handling you'll see how often DRAMs fail with hard usage like how blockchain trashes through the VRAM chips.

The cable management in the rigs themselves isn't terrible, but the Ethernet runs make it all look much worse.

I don't work in IT, retard. I was just commenting on how stupid you cryptoniggers are.
>Why haven't you been promoted yet? Do you have more cocks above you or more bitches under you?
Because I work freelance so I don't really get promotions, per say.
>I hope you can find some career growth in your life some day, but I think you will need to change your mentality first.
I'm happy with all the free time I have, I wouldn't change jobs for anything. Career growth is a term used by cubicle monkeys, so I'm guessing this is all just you projecting your frustration onto others.
>I wouldn't hire you.
You wouldn't hire anyone because you're not in a position to do so, faggot.

Work being outsourced to Pajeets doesn't bother you?

Try harder, you're showing your obsolence.

Your fans will die before any of your components will. In this case, the GPUs will auto-off once its ramps to 85C. Then you can simply replace the fan and be on your merry way. The asic won't degrade unless you've been at 90C for a while.

Running a GPU farm isn't like running "Server Storage Handling".

You can just say you have a lot of porn, I understand.

You should know that running silicon under consistent conditions (mining) will last longer than inconsistent conditions (gaming).

Too bad you dumb fucks never studied physics or materials science.

Not really, they work for less but they generally suck enough that there's still a market for me. A lot of people get burned when they try saving money by using Indian programmers so they hire somebody from the US or UK next time they need somebody. The cost of living difference isn't that much of a handicap for me because I live in the midwestern US where the cost of living is about half of what it is on the coasts. If somebody wants to hire Pajeet over me I can't do anything about it, it's their money.

I guess work on-site is a meme those days with certain people being non-productive anywhere?

>Work being outsourced to Pajeets doesn't bother you?
Outsourced Pajeets can't switch it off and on again.

Are there any Sup Forums recommended guides on how to get started doing this? I would really like to get into it, because I pay $0 for electricity. I have a few older cards laying around that I would like to use, kind of a test run. any help is much appreciated :)

how much money have you lost since you invested in your autism?


In what circle of hell will you be sent?

how much is your power bill and/or do you mooch off of your middle class parents or do you live alone

Where do you live? I'd like to have a long nice chat about cryptominig ;^). You see I'd like to mine myself and would like to hear of your expertise... in person..

How much money have you made, cash in hand?


Made about $3,000

Power bill is around $70 weekly.

Living with flatmates, all students

Can you suck my dick?

Is it a feminine dick?

Can I mine with just one card(pic related)

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>consistent conditions (mining)
Hahahah right. Also nowhere did i mention "gaming". Projecting too much? Also I don't recall my job requires niche science.

Honestly how hot is it to be sitting next to those things? Must be boiling

10k in vid cards sitting there.

If you include electricity cost, have you calculated how long till you break even?

I'm assuming you don't have any pets like a cat or a dog, right? They would royally fuck up that setup

About 6~9 months, profitability always changes though.

I live right by a arterial road(5 lanes of traffic) and I havn't cleaned my pc once in 5 years. Barely any dust.

It's not so bad, uses about 2300W, so that's around normal space heater kinda heat.

Got cats, they're not interested in it though and they don't enter the room.

>because I pay $0 for electricity.
don't be a leech. Someone has to pay for it.

yeah but the returns really negligible I heard. have a 1060 3gb myself. also the ram requirement has risen. so 3gb won't cut it. Perhaps 6gb will.
Personally I'm skating on thin ice with bills as is so if i mine I'll have too cash in immediately to cover the electricity bills.

>you must be an amateur
>has more graphics cards than you

OP isn't using WiFi either. Less stale shares.

I have the 6gb version I've purchased due to a failing graphics card I previously owned (gtx 960), I was just thinking about crypto mining as a second income so I can be financially versitile due to sickening inflation rate in the country I live in

>So you make about $20 a day. Not bad, user. What's your consumption like?
>10k in vid cards sitting there.
>If you include electricity cost, have you calculated how long till you break even?
>About 6~9 months, profitability always changes though.

Lol no, at $20 gross profit a day and 2300W load at $0.10 per kW/hr, you net ~$14.50 per day. And since you said you already made $3k, you have 482 days remaining to break even. In a few months BTC will drop back down to its long term trend line for $2k - $3k. Since all other crypto are just beta currencies, you have at least another 3 years to break even. Since a general financial market collapse is due, it will take crypto down with it, so your break even point is very very far away.

When will you finally kill yourself?

You sound lke me. Though seriously the returns don't seem worth your time unless your willing to hold for abit. There is alot of smaller crypto currencies popping up and they tend to gain quite alot of value initially then drop off or plateau so thats one way to make money. Though all that research itself is basically work .
i like to enjoy my free time rather than chasing after money

t. salty nocoiner

Came here to say this. I mine, but just on a few GPUs I had anyway; no investment other than a set of PCIe risers.

The strongest card I have is a 1060 3GB, and profitability is falling like a rock. When I started mining back sometime in late January, I was making about $5 - $5.50 per day. Now it's under $2, and still falling.

My electric cost is about $1.25 a day so I don't have much longer until it's literally not worth it to mine at all. I guess the good news with that is that means every GPU from the 1060 3GB and weaker will stop being worth it to miners; I only pay about 13 cents per kilowatt hour so I'm already near the bottom of residential electric cost.

I figure within the next month or so, anything weaker than a 1070 will be totally useless for mining anything.

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>I wish I could do basic math

how highh is your electricity bill ??

Do you considering selling your rig? ;)

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Thank you for your help. If you retards weren't driving the prices so high I could not easily afford pic related.

Minefags literally paid 1/2 of my 1080 Ti I just switched at the right time
I have no idea what to use it for but at least I have one now

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explain this logic

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Oh, I feel sorry for you mate, I hope you don't lose too much.

1080ti performance per watt is terrible for compute compared to other cards, so miners don't use them.
When 1070/polaris prices went through the roof, 1080ti didn't - so it was fairly easy to offload a midlevel GPU for a lot more than you paid for it and fund the purchase of a 1080ti.
Remember in early 2016, pascal and poolaris where still under RRP - not almost 3x times RRP.

>Own 780 Ti
>Sell for 180
>Buy 1060 for 150 €
>Sell it for 250 later
>Buy 1070 (+ 180)
>Sell for 650
>Buy 1080 Ti (+230)

Thats how you upgrade. At first only the GDDR5 cards increased in price. I planned a 1070 SLI, but I'm glad I didn't.

Yes, the GDDRX didn't increase first
The 1070 was more expensive than a 1080
Many people switched their cards for free and even got money back