Hey LGR here, watch me play video games where I am a Chad like Doomguy or Duke Nukem while being the polar opposite of them IRL. Today I will be playing on an obscure machine that they only made 20 of sent in by one of my fans. It doesn't have a floppy disk, or a CD-Rom, or hard drive, or a PC speaker, or a screen, but doing everything over serial and LPT is part of the fun! So cool!
Hey LGR here...
Other urls found in this thread:
I feel like LGR would be more interesting if he were more technical, but I understand the fanbase he's trying to appeal to.
>being autistic over an autist who has an interest in autistic thing
*buys a bunch of useless dos software from goodwill*
>something arrives broken
>well I don't know how to solder so I ordered 5 more to replace it for 1000 dollars each, hopefully they work!
>Complains about Afterlife being "narrow" and "preachy" because it uses Christian imagery
>Complains about Barbie and Hotwheels computers encouraging gender stereotypes
>beta orbits Pushinguproses
>admits to buying a pocket pussy from Bad Dragon
Tech Tales is usually interesting, but he's a bit of a fag.
You wish you were as alpha as clint.
Now, I'm not the beefiest guy on the block, but I can still do more pushups than him.
That nigga lugs 50lb CRTs and Desktops around all day
>admits to buying a pocket pussy from Bad Dragon
Source? Not that I doubt you, but I'm just curious.
Don't know which stream it was, though. Somebody else might know.
And he still has shit definition and incurable soyface.
It better be the werewolf vagina, that thing looks amazing with the crazy curve just inside the entrance.
Modern Vintage Gamer and Nostalgia Nerd are better for hardware. Pixelmusement is better for DOS games.
It bothers me that he will just rip open pristine stuff.
Why does he look like he has a comeover when he doesn't? Is his hair just really thin or what?
>What if the Sims were WOODGRAIN?!
shitty memes aside
he's the shilled e-celeb I think of when I hear "soy"
What makes you say that, user?
Seriously nigga, soldering isn't hard. That's why I prefer 8bitguy.
Why is OP so butt blasted?
Hi Clint.
that's ok. muh factory seal fags need to off themselves.
He's looking at his photoshopped pictures of pushinguproses having sex with a black man that he has tapped to the wall behind his camera.
yes retrobrite
very technical
He'll get into the guts of the machine more than LGR does. And the nigga actually knows how to program on them.
Look at his sad, sagging breasts.
lol sure thing,
and he will be the man to create the first general AI too, given 20 years
He's ok. His show is a sort of comfy nothingness I can tune out to.
Thank you for the recommendations.
Any good recommendations for retro audio/video stuff?
I quite like when LGR covers those things, but wish it was more in-depth.
Hope you're having a great day HH
>That nigga lugs 50lb CRTs and Desktops around all day
>bragging about lifting 50lbs
yeah!! hehe.. j-just 50lbs.. what a virgin!
my gf is 50lbs
LARP, BAIT, SAGE. Fuck off.
He made two functional RTS games for the C^$ and DOS, both written in assembly.
That's a dog, user. Stop dating your dog.
oh shit i'm sorry
i have my doubts
That guy is such a fucking bald old wimp. I'm just expecting him to start apologizing after every video in case people don't like it or some shit.
>owns a fucking glock
fake and gay
That guy tried to scam on some items a friend sold to him on eBay, crying about a keyboard being too much yellow or whatever. I bet he gets stuff then Cryer about it to lower its price or whatever, and I believe he gets a lot of shit sent to him from his followers, which probably costs hundreds if bucks and he sells them.
Nostalgia Nerd is what you're looking for.
I do not understand your triggering, OP.
I still find him more informative than SoyGR.
"Soy" is the new "reddit", I see
>Duke Nukem impression
>Floppy disks
>The Sims
>See you on Friday!
He gets sent a shitload of utter junk from his devoted fanbase. Look at his mailbag videos it's 90% worthless not even worth making a video about.
That seems like it'd become a problem fast. For every Model M or donated surplus PC he probably has to deal with a billion worthless floppies with ripped labels, toddler-chewed copies of things he already has and so on. I don't know how these guys with public mailbags manage it all.
Hey LGR love you're videos.
Larping with computers
Dudes like LGR are just armchair electrical/computer engineers spreading shitty misinfo about electronics.
>LGR is obscure
>Sup Forumsfags love him
>LGR becomes slightly more popular
>Sup Forumsfags hate him
Let him be, I mean he is doing no harm to you or anyone else.
I like the occasional obscure and nostalgic shit to sometimes.
Personally, I do not like his voice and his technological knowledge seems to be off in some videos, so can't watch it myself but understand the appeal.
The 'Modern vintage gamer' guy is much more palatable and is highly knowledgeable.
OP here. I like him, but I had to take a jab at his manchild tendencies.
>yet another LGR hate trade
Mods should ban this samefag desu
Ey yup. Can certainly agree.
I never actually saw a thread about him until I made this one.
That's how it works, pretty much
The mass opinion converges to the opposite of whatever is popular at the moment just for people to prove they're contrarian and edgy
Sounds familiar
>the IBM PC video where he repeatedly sniffs the hardware
>spreading shitty misinfo about electronics.
like what?
He just reads off some spec sheets and often doesn't know too much about the thing unless it's one of the few ones he grew up with
Even LGR seems more knowledgeable
All he is capable of giving is a vague overview understanding of the machines on his channel. He doesn't discuss the architecture or actual physical layout of the hardware, like an EE or CEN would (i.e. how are the busses laid out, how are bits preserved, how are the muxes and decoders mapped to the ALU)
itt jelly negroids who can only afford a single thinkpad for their retro collection
James is pure of heart, Mike Matei is pure evil and is slowly killing him to absorb his energy and take over the show.
>he's not someone else
Wow, it's like each youtube show is original and hosted by a different person. What a shocker
Im not saying he *should* do that. Im saying retardded normie laymen think he really really knows his shit when he's just a hobbyist.
Mike is awesome, fuck off
You're killing him Mike, you're killing the friend who gave you everything you have now.
nipples protruding
He probably knows more about "his shit" than you do
His tech tales are fucking amazing and Oddware episodes are interesting too. The only thing I don't care for are the Sims episodes.
Point is, I don't fucking watch LGR to give me tech specs about shit. I watch him for entertainment, I think his personality fits the shows and I find it fun. How's that hard to understand? The only reason you people hate him is because it's suddenly cool to hate youtube personalities. Even though you hypocritically watch every single video they post.
8-bit guy doesn't know shit when it comes to hardware
>thing is broken
>I think it's a capacitor problem, I've seen this before
>replace capacitors
>thing still doesn't work
>gives up
>doesn't own a scope
>doesn't own a signal generator
>used a multimeter like once
>doesn't know any proper hardware troubleshooting techniques
He's a fucking hack. An amateur that has no idea what he's doing but talks authoritatively like he's some kind of expert. I'll grant him he's probably a bit more experienced with software than hardware but making a C64 game in fucking 2018 isn't really all that impressive. People make much more impressive indie games by themselves these days with a lot less fanfare.
If you aren't designing systems like that, knowing about their buses won't do you any good.
May as well categorize and weigh your boogers for all the good it does you.
How is that spreading misinformation? He doesn't lie about things he reviews, he just doesn't go into the level of depth you would prefer.
>every single episode he feels the need to remind viewers that the polarity of capacitors matters when you place them in a circuit
>no fucking shit dumbass
>thinks he's some quasi-EE genius
>He's a fucking hack. An amateur that has no idea what he's doing but talks authoritatively like he's some kind of expert
I disagree. The 8bit guy is way more humble than you give him credit for. He states often in his videos that he simply doesn't know something, it's not the end of the fucking world.
You people are autistic beyond belief.
>C64 game in fucking 2018 isn't really all that impressive. People make much more impressive indie games by themselves these days with a lot less fanfare.
I think is very experienced with the C64 (which I do not give a shit about), but he is very much an expert on that machine software wise. He made his game in assembly.
Also he is making a dos game in assembly now so to say he is a hack regarding software development is I think disingenuous.
>He probably knows more about "his shit" than you do
I don't know why you put "his shit" in quotes, I didn't say that anywhere. Also, I kinda doubt he does. I've been an EE for a major defense contractor for 7 years now. The shit all these hobbyists guys do could be done by any first semester EE/CEN student who has an actual interest in the stuff. LGR is a dumbass hack with too much money and too many soyboy fans.
You don't have to be so jealous user.
This, i pretty much watch it when i'm lunching or eating something.
He never claimed he's a fucking expert. Where do you people get your fucking ego anyway?
>hurr someone is popular on youtube
>let's claim he's not an expert so that we can feel better about ourselves!!1one
I enjoy watching his videos so fuck off, also go to Sup Forums with your soyboy shit.
>fucking fucking fucking
>reeee back to le Sup Forums
>ad hominem
Someone is a little steamed.
Who are some good electronics youtubers?
This. I respect his honesty when he doesn't know something. Also pretty open to meeting fans. I don't think he's ever put himself out there as some sort of c64 engineering authority, just a tech channel...
Nevertheless, I insist you should fuck off to Sup Forums
We don't want your kind here
Glocks are good for carry
AvE, GreatScott!, (some of) Bisqwit, ElectroBOOM
All actual real licensed engineers
ElectroBOOM is fucking great.
Yeah, his content is pretty solid. I like how he takes time to make videos that blow out retarded popsci morons, like free energy generation etc
For anyone actually interested in electronics let me suggest you alternative channels
eevblog (loads of content, lots of information on various topics, annoying Aussie voice)
The Signal Path (extremely good informative content, extensive teardowns on lots of very expensive test equipment and RF equipment)
Mr. Carlson's Lab (A lot of vacuum tube stuff)
Radio Physics and Electronics (smaller channel show casing mostly RF stuff and instrumentation and some theory)
w2aew (former Tektronix engineer, loads of really useful general circuit theory with a rather heavy focus on RF)
Afrotechmods (some good information for complete beginners but you'll outgrow this channel pretty quick)
GreatScott and Bigclive are decent but they don't more hobbyist oriented and so aren't really in the same league as the above. Nothing inherently wrong with them though. AvE gets an honorable mention though he doesn't do a lot with electronics.
Electroboom is only worth watching for entertainment if you like that kind of humor. Not for anyone serious about EE.
>Afrotechmods (some good information for complete beginners but you'll outgrow this channel pretty quick)
Isn't this the same dude that tried to start selling his babby's first circuit component videos for like $10.99?
Yeah he tried that youtube rental thing I think but the service has been discontinued. He doesn't update frequently either. I really only put it on the list because I found some of the information useful when I started getting into electronics. Like I said, if you get seriously invested in electronics you will outgrow his channel very quick.
>reddit spacing
you have to go back
None of the OG users actually care about Reddit, I've been here since 2003 kid
Now kindly move back to your containment board Also stay there
maybe it is time to get a job oldfag
Hey Sup Forums - Technology here, I'm watching you discussing video games here, but this discussion board is not video games themed, in fact it is the polar opposite. Today I'm asking you to return to Sup Forums - Gaems to discuss such topics as video games or man children hosting video games themed shows on youtube.
here's your upvote faggot, now kill yourself
Why even use it then...