What's the name of the font on this pic?

What's the name of the font on this pic?

Attached: 1521398605659.png (2955x2785, 785K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Darude Sans Storm

Angrolic Sans Mono

Consolas I think?

no such thing, or link it

Kode de Hacker

nevermind but it really looks similar to consolas

look at the 'x' its glued together, no way thats consolas

t. rust dev

take it to nigger, this isn't coddlechan

no but its autism ricing which includes ricing programming fonts


wow, nice post

Nice cuck badge

Nice job not having one and working for Google as a literal slave.,

It has dots in it's 0's. OP's doesn't. Are you fucking retarded?

Yes, signing in so you're easily data-mined is way better. And you pay for the privilege.

hmm, you might be right. Looks a lot like Angrolic though - may be by the same author

you think Google can't easily track your posts you stupid fuck?

>implying google doesn't track everyone
I was talking about Sup Forums, you stupid fuck. You don't pay google for your badge of shame.

>wastes time filling out captchas
>his time is literally worthless to him



I only use open source tripcodes, and only turn on since4pass to advertise to anons that they need to buy a pass and avoid being slaves to the Google.

You got me there. If my time were valuable, I wouldn't waste it on you.

(I've only had to fill out one captcha this entire time and it took like 1 second)

>to advertise

I've had to fill out zero and can post more often than you.

Idk, but Roboto is GOAT.

So? I don't need to shitpost any faster than this.

bookmarking this thread, gonna try to stay awake until the tramadol kicks in :)

That's fine if your a casual poster I guess, but never think you're better than me because it isn't true. My Sup Forums experience is the true one.

Tell me, senpai. What's it like to be that autistic?

feels good but I'm only partly autistic. Like I think I might have Asperger's syndrome but not full on 'tism.

Mononoki: madmalik.github.io/mononoki/

We got a winner.
And checked.

Noto Sans

t. guy who made it

I guess it's time for autism awareness week.

Fuck off.

aspergers doesn't exist anymore, it's all autism.

That's cool, I guess you could say I am very toward neurotypical on the autism spectrum.

Attached: fedora.png (3840x2160, 1.48M)

wrong pic selected but it's ok and I'm sorry for the mispost

Attached: aspie.png (3840x2160, 712K)

Thank you for using a tripcode so I can filter you

Attached: 1457067825429.gif (242x227, 1024K)

I bet $20 that you read this post anyway.

please explain how that awk sum works

you confirm everything people say about trip posters.

Attached: 1505452071044.png (4096x4096, 2.08M)

what the fuck did you check? he got a 49

nice larp

Yes, I'd also say it is Mononoki

Attached: Mononoki_Sample.png (1280x504, 111K)

Its amazing how just by filtering that one dumb tripfag, this thread drastically decreases in size and increases in quality.

This looks correct.

Ubuntu font

Only non shitpost in this whole thread

To expandir on it, Ubuntu Mono

Attached: unknown-5.png (960x635, 804K)

stop baiting
also, check'd