Main reason to learn programming

main reason to learn programming
>it's comfy

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programming is shit and one of the worst things ive ever "learnt" how to do. it is tedious, boring and overall intellectually unfulfilling. I prefer mathematics

t. ee

t. cs (actual computer science is great though)

>56% face

holy shit, the amerimutt is a real thing?

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At this point in my life I want to punch an innocent child because of a meme. I hate all of you.

wow great posts, real life intellectuals here on Sup Forums

la creatura

>a meme

No it's a child actor with a rare disease.

What disease?

Hay dios mio. Es la Creatura.
Salvanos virgencita purisima.

lmao nice troll :DDDDD

>That spelling and grammar
>More like t. pajeet

If you are unable to write interesting and useful programs, I'm pretty sure the "intellectually unfulfilling" part has to do with that the fact that you no intelligence to fulfill, faggot.

ass mad programming monkey.

Negro genes

cleidocranial dysplasia

>cheap money
>can do it at home
>web dev has the lowest entry level
>if you live outside of USA you can ask for less money and get more jobs

comfy is not the correct word, user

She's not even from America you retards


as an engineering student

>you don't have to deal with C.S. people

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>la americana

>americans in charge of damage control

Holla holla get a dolla

>Not reveling in the futurescape that is the internet and enjoying the feeling of whipping open your laptop every evening and getting to everything it has to offer, including programming

putro en noscuria...

Only fags and weaklings require stuff to be 'comfy'

>It's fun

Math isn't intellectual. It's comfy. Only brainlets think math is something for "smart people."