Today is the birthday of Richard Stallman

Today is the birthday of Richard Stallman.

Say something nice to him, Sup Forums

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Install gentoo

Dumb commie

American education?

Euro actually


Go back to Sup Forums or Sup Forums you fucking faggot


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Stallman Defence Force out today I see

my wish is that he stop lobbying for democrats and spend his money and time writing tools and helping libre distros because they are all abandonware

>Not a commie


I love you Richard.

Stallman is 65 already. Do you really think he has the energy to code 24/7 anymore?

>obligatory GNU/Birthday pasta

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>tfw Microsft makes a "enthusiastic" billion dollar donation to the Linux Foundation

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>Do you really think he has the energy to code 24/7 anymore?
he has the energy to post about politics and lobby for politicians every week, calling them and organizing agitation for irrelevant political shit like save the mother earth and eat vegan

I bet he doesn't sing Happy Birthday because it's a proprietary song.

>implying coding require physical energy

Can Stallman install Gentoo without a guide?

i dont know how to say nice stuff im going to take a look at fsf website

This is the most beautiful thing I could ever say to Stallman

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>have birthday on the same day as stallman
>spend the entire day shitposting

Happy birthday lord and savior

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Your newfaggitry is shoeing

I love you

Happy birthday Stallman/user, or as I have been recently saying, happy birthday Stallman+user

Why would he want to

This is actually correct

Fuck off Bill

Happy birthday you bird fucker

Happy b-day!!!

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Our only light in this godforsaken world

Happy Birthday, Dr. Stallman

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Jesus, what the fuck is Rand doing there?


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Happy birthday!!!

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A real hero

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Happy birthday Mr. Stallman. I hope you enjoy your day.

Can you hook it up with original pic, looking for some good reads

Happy bday my good man.
Thanks for all the gnu.

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RMS is a homeless loser who hasn't made any real contributions in the last 20 years. He is still super butthurt that Linux beet HURD (but hey, HURD just got basic sound support in 2016!) and basically tries to claim Linux because Linus used GCC and the GNU coreutils. He survives on the charity of others and speaking engagements where he spouts his insane, paranoid, philosophy. Basically he won't be happy until all the programmers are homeless hackers like him and all the companies are shut down. How people are supposed to support themselves and their families in that scenario aren't things he has to deal with because he is basically a permanent grad student. He does make some good points about privacy, but for him, there is no middle ground. Anything that may reduce your privacy even the slightest bit (like movie recommendations on Netflix) is evil according to him, and must be destroyed. In a lot of ways he show classic signs of mental splitting, which is a classic symptom of mental illness. To top it off, when he does write code, he does so in the style of the awful GNU style guide which is a crime against humanity IMHO.

So, in a nutshell:
He's a bird-fucking, self-absorbed, power hungry, toe jam eating pedophile that thinks everything should be free and everyone should be forced to share, who looks like he hasn't showered in years so as to create a static shield around his body to protect from aliens. He also created an OS without a kernel because he's basically Steve Jobs gone communist. Oh, and he calls himself doctor though he holds no PhD.

Happy birthday to GNU, Richard.

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I don't write this in defense of Richard, it's just that your contribution is flawed.

Richard coded most of the binutils. Some he created solely himself, others he had his hand in. Linus coded his stuff using the compiler and the utils.

Now, if he had stopped there and coded his own binutils and compiler, he could have called it Lanus for all we care.

But, he distributes the gnu utils along with linux. Every work ever done on a Linux machine is based on those tools. Linus never wrote them.

Essentially, Linux grew because of the gnu utils, not the other way around. There were plenty homebrew OSes at the time Linux was born. It is just that although other systems were a pain in the ass to develop for, Linux had the utils at hand, ready for deployment. Also, you didn't habe to jump through hoops to write code, no legal and bureaucratic hoops that is.

Linus just became to big to fall and says whatever he wants with no repercussions.

I call bullshit on this. Not enough swearwords and insults from Linus.

Thank you for the best OS ever.

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God bless you father

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Richard Stallman, is in fact, GNU/Richard Stallman, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Richard Stallman.

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're refering to as God, is in fact, Saint IGNUcius, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU/Stallman.

happy birthday you greasy fat fuck