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hello sirs how can i interest you in the ear phones today to do the needful music listening please revert back
i want to FUG migu
XDlmao noob here.
Want to dip my toe into this disgusting hell hole of audiphilory.
I'm looking for a pair of headphones around 75 USD if it's possible.
I mostly listen to classical music, podcasts and sometimes hip-hop.
Would have bought the KZs6's because I loved my KZs5's but for some reason I think I should get an actual pair of on or over the ear headphones.
I've heard good things about the Audio-Technica line, with the m50 and M40 ones, but they don't have a removable cable.
Wat do
m40x and m50x have removable cables but they're out of your budget.
Koss PortaPro or Takstar Pro82 are the only valid choices at this price point.
MDR-V6 for that ear-bleeding treble
I listened to dozens of mid range headphones when I was in japan, the audio technica MSR7s sounded great. Ill probably get those when my memeheisers die
I've seen those but I heard those fall apart really easily and have shitty build quality. They look bretty gud tho.
I can stretch my budget to 100 if it means quality build. Are the M40's much worse than the M50's?
shp9500 is probably the best at this price point. people adore them. the porta pros are good too but I would only get them if you need the portability, otherwise theyre not as comfortable. they're $60 on newegg rn, the perfect starting point for getting into headphones
>Out of your budget
The m40x goes on sale every once in a while for 70 dollars I believe.
Listen to any STAX?
Idol trash here.
What's your setup like, user?
i got an audio interface the other day specifically a behringer um2. What should my volume levels be at? atm ive got my windows volume slider at 50 and the volume knob on the behringer at 50. Im new to all this audio faggotry.
Nice best sounding headphones on the third stone from the sun, IT.
Never buy Schiit products.
>#1 recommended brand by reddit shills because hehe i get to say Shit
>owner thinks authoring a 140-chapter work of fiction about the company history makes up for garbage quality control, performance, and customer service
>Schiit defenders are becoming poster children for post-purchase rationalization when shown their buys aren’t worth the money
>solder splatter
>caps on output
>Either they don't measure their DACs, don't care or don't know how to design a clean DAC.
>For me the biggest letdown with all of this is the major disservice Schiit and others are doing to the community. They are toting these frankly "shit" amps as power houses
>As we see, tons of jitter and distortion products are visible together with higher noise floor. Even the Topping D30 at $129 shipped runs circles around it in how clean its output is relative to Schiit BiFrost Multi-bit.
>There are DACs literally at 10% of the cost that do much better.
100% at computer in order not to screw snr at the source. Use your knob for volume.
As if mars had better headphones.
Imagine how gen z you have to be to spam a r*ddit link daily.
thanks a lot!
are you ok?
About as gen z as this, faggot.
imagine owning a soyheiser and defending schiit products
The soy is keeping me well fed and enjoying the idol music.
Do you hate soy or something?
The home of Schiit schils, so why not?
Help find the right eardildos/IEMs for me
Has to have a detachable cable. I've broken too many earbuds by snagging the cable on shit.
Prefer the build to be rather durable. These are going to be kept in my pocket.
Preferably in the $100 range, but I can go up to around ~300 United States Dollarydoos if there's a lot of improvement in sound/durability
United States of America
Neutral, but with a bit of boosted treble
Dank maymay. Mind if I report on reddot?
Frequency representation of an uncorrelated signal (noise) is lowered by the DFT based on the number of bins used. If I would speculate on the bin count, it would probably be around 4096. That would implicate a noise reduction of about 33 dB.
Right now, the Ety ER4SR and LG HBS-910.
Cowon Plenue D?
Post your filters. It's amazing what 4 lines can do to thread quality.
/gen z/i;boards:g
Cool cancer post.
Idol trash gotta work tomorrow. That's in 4h.
So I'm taking my hd (7-1)*10^2 off and taking a little nap before I go slave away at the cloud mines.
Good night /hpg/.
Good night. Keep using that, I'd like it if your posts weren't filtered.
you forgot
Etymotic ER3.
>XR's Jamalbass
Absolutely degenerate.
do you never tire out of your incessant shilling? forgot to add 'jamal' to the filter along with hd600 and other pieces of trash that pollutes this thread
I want to sell my HD600. It's in perfect conditions, basically like it's new. Is there any european audiophool interested? From what I can see, the price of HD600 has raised a lot since when I bought the HD600.
Starting price: 200€
I just tried to redirect the cavalli amp to amir but assdrop won't let me because they need to charge me more. I'd have to cancel my order and rejoin the drop (which is now a new drop that is a little later). stop cocking blocking me masspoop
/hpg/, what are you listening to right now?
The left connecting nozzle(?) of my shure se535s snapped off when I tried to clean it. I thought there was something blocking the connection since the sound kept cutting out whenever I turned my head. When I went to clean it the nozzle just snapped off.
Does anyone (in NA) have any experience with shure's repair service? I'm a little annoyed this happened when they're just over two years old, just enough time for their warranty to expire.
What sub-$300 closed headphones does /hpg/ recommend?
takstar pro 82, th-x00 used, msr7
plus A550Z, A990Z, if you don't care about portability.
original recording:
Watch or listen to the whole thing. I've only heard the original recording before. It's a rare, obscure recording of a real phone conversation from many years ago between "Two Totally Metal Dudes: The '"Tight Bros from Way Back When'" that was passed around on cassette tapes between certain people back then, for bands on tour to listen to during road trips and such. It's amazing. I'm watching/listening to the animated version that someone did of it right now.
Any suggestions on IEMS in the ~$200 price range? I like using them in bed.
Anything by TFZ is generally good. I personally haven't had any bad experiences with them.
Heh, keep your shitty headphones, retard.
You got tricked by big soy(heiser).
Live with your shame instead of trying to pass it on to another stupid goy.
pinnacle p1
at least he didn't turn crazy and start shilling for this garbage here like the others who fell for the meme
newfag here. So what's the deal with this thread?
>Sennheiser shills?
>anti-sennheiser shills?
>anons memeing the shit out of sennheisers because they are sick of their shilling?
>contrarians memeing the shit out of sennheisers?
>sennheisers are indeed shit?
>all the above?
Lurk the fuck more
Calling people who counter act a group of individuals who are acting like a religious faith "contrarians" is complete nonsense.
This isn't a case of just shitting on something popular. If anything shitting on something popular would be shitting on the m50x.
What is happening is that you have a faction of people who claim that
1/ there is such a thing as a "best headphone in the world"
2/ that headphone is the hd600
3/ every other headphone in the world is shit and not worth buying
4/ any headphone that can actually reproduce bass is a "nigger headphone"
And somehow, it's people who bash on sennheiser and its shills who are "contrarians"? are you kidding me? if you're stupid and naive enough to think that only one single model of a one single manufacturer of headphone is good out of the myriads that exist and everyone else in the world is wrong you would probably fit in.
What's the difference between the A550's and the A990's?
How'd I do, /hpg/?
>best headphones in /hpg/
Highest fidelity phones gonna let you feel the grain from that O2
>1/ there is such a thing as a "best headphone in the world"
>2/ that headphone is the hd600
>3/ every other headphone in the world is shit and not worth buying
Literally nobody is saying this.
>4/ any headphone that can actually reproduce bass is a "nigger headphone"
Done by a bunch that's separate from 1,2.
Daily reminder.
You need something better than the O2 to achieve their maximum potential.
best headphones in the world.
Great job user
>feel the grain from that O2
>You need something better than the O2 to achieve their maximum potential.
the retard snake oil strike force is out once again I see.
the absolute worst thing that you can do is show how much an epic troll gets to you. just look at the thread now that you've shown your frustration.
comfy af reporting
>not hd600s
What's wrong with Schiit honestly?
looking for headphones to buy
idk just throw ideas out there and ill worry about price later
Dont have a dac or amp yet so a combo with the headphones would be nice
>Type of headphone
Over Ear
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
Sound Quality > Comfort
>Sound signature
Flat or V
>Past headphones
m50x, SR80e and a few bose (pls no bully)
thanks in advance for any responses
sennheiser hd600s + O2
aeon flow + 02 and topping d50
Got my used X2's. Worth it. Not dirty at all.
Still looking for some good, light weight, preferably closed back headphones that will be good for daily outdoor use. Walking around campus, taking the bus, etc. So far it sounds like pic related are the best, any other suggestions?
Nothing, but fandboys need something to complain about, so they nitpick. Honestly, schiit makes some good entry level stuff. If you like the look and you need the power for you headphones, go for it...
how much do they cost
Total? About 500 I think.
price range between the two is too large for them to be comparable
how do those cans stand against akg k712 pro?
Fine. The K701/2's are underrated. They got a really uniquely wide soundstage compared to anything expect HD800.
so if my budget allowed me to choose some AKG cans around 200 merkels which one would I choose.
headphones illiterate obviously
I just noticed those are the Q701's... Oh well, doesn't matter, they are all pretty much the same.
your barking is pointless.
we all know that Schiit is a great company.
audiosciencereview is homosexuals and trannies meetup place
I would find B-stock K712's if I were you. But if you know for sure you are not a niggerbass lover get the 702's instead for as low as 130€.
They really are the same. The only difference between K701/K702/Q701 in measurements is just standard manufacturing variations + variations in measurements (positioning on the head). The most major difference is coloring and the fact that the 701 doesn't have a removable cable while the other two do. That makes the Q701 an extremely pointless model to buy since it tends to be much more expensive than the others while also looking uglier. That green cable..
The modi/magni stack is fine, great entry level that out right gets the job done.
Redditfags though tend to hold them up as some kind of end game, and really overhype them. They're what I reccomend to anyone new to audio, but really it makes so much more sense to spend some more and get something like an NFB-11, it's just ~£60 each second hand is the only price range that isn't gonna completely scare away anyone thinking about it.
Above the entry stack, leave schiit, look elsewhere.
How come the only time /hpg/ is not toxic is when burgerland's people are asleep?
amerimutts ruin everything
what's the difference between these
and these
I got these recently from a raffle.
Are they considered good compared to others in the same pricepoint? Complete scrub here.
these came in today so a proper floor post is in order
No difference. They are overpriced, so I suggest you order from
Will the 598's benefit heavily from an external DAC compared to the one built in to my PC?
>have AKG 550 that I love very much for years
>ear pads completely destroyed
>time to get some new ones
>order the best chinese made ones based on ratings
>they are utter shit and ruined the whole listening experience, everything is thiner
at least they look good now, I guess
Looking at other options on closed headphones, what should be the way to go?
Recommend me a truly good open headphone in the same price bracket as the HD600. K701/702 don't count, because I own it already.
what's wrong with them?
how old are those?