Linux is free, if your time is worthless

>Linux is free, if your time is worthless

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>install OS
>set up automatic updates
>install whatever, whenever

using linux doesn't mean you're a ricer

You need to spend a lot of time to set up your linux system only if you are a brainlet.

Time is money therefore Linux is for rich people

>Linux is complicated, if your skull is brainless

Your time is worthless.

GNU/Linux Desktop is already a reality.

If you don't wanna rice and learn it, it's up to you. You'll do fine and better than Windows.

If you wanna rice and learn it, it's up to you too, but it will take a few years.

Linux is actually very simple, it just needs a genius to understand its simplicity

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>Linux looks ba-
>Linux is hard to setup corre-
Pic related. Installing arch labs right now. The installation experience itself is pure kino.

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So, here you are, shitposting on the biggest dump of the internet, begging for attention. Why aren't you using Linux then?

This. Sup Forums needs a board devoted to insults or something, so these tards can get their stupid comments out of their systems. Shitposting is rarely funny or original these days.

That comma shouldn't be there.

>Linux is free, if your time is worthless
This is only true if you're a total n00b.

I love these threads
>brainlet who's clearly never setup, run or maintained a server whinges about desktop linux....

Pssst, the industry called. They said the don't give a fuck about your mad IIS skillz m8.

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He's getting paid for his time so it's not a complete waste.

>>Linux is free, if your time is worthless

this meme is so dated. it takes about 15 minutes to install linux (most major distros with a GUI installer) and it comes with most applications you will use on a daily basis. all preinstalled and preconfigured.

windows takes more time to install, hours to download install and configure all your applications and i don't even talk about your hdd being raped by mandatory updates, scans, telemetry etc... at every reboot.

I know OP is a troll but his meme is really outdated.

Windows is secure, if your data is worthless

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so you are wasting time shitposting ?
what's your time worth then?

>linux costs minus money if you value knowledge

Learning linux in my free time has only increased my pay at work. Feels good when your boss can't get a database cluster bootstrapped with documentation buy you can do it within a minute of getting a call.

Thanks gentoo

Setting up W7 (tried it this week) vs Ubuntu costs way more time.
Linux is a breeze.

Why the fuck would you still install Windows 7.

You just need partition then tell which one to install on it.
Why would be harder to install than a linux?
Unless you try it on the newest cpu, but then again you're not brainlet and install 10 if u need windows anyway, right?

out of context

>and it comes with most applications you will use on a daily basis. all preinstalled and preconfigured.
Yeah, just don't go too outside the box of these preinstalled apps, or else youll be neck deep in esoteric terminal commands.

Windows users final source of arguments is their own tech illiteracy.

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>deep in esoteric terminal commands.
>packagemanagername install package package package package package package packge
>esoteric teminal commands
You can instlal everything you would ever need in a minute with one command. If you're mind numbingly stupid you can use a graphical package manager which most big distros come with. Hell, I use Slackware which doesn't even have a standard package manager for 3rd party software and it's still ezpz.

>Formats disk by itself
>Installs by itself
>Works out of the box.
>Installs all drivers by 2 clicks.
>Updates with 2 clicks.
>5 minutes to set up timeshift so you can rollback system after shitty patch
Just choose distro what saves time.

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>Just choose distro what saves time
And waste all of your resources.

actually, even when you have to mess with the system, you get to learn about it (that is, unless you are a retarded ricer.) if, for you, that's worthless, then OK, too bad for you. in my case, it's taught me a lot.

more like
>install OS
>nothing works
>spend all your life typing hacky words in black windows

Have you even tried distributions like: ubuntu or fedora (or even mint)?
You have no idea what you're talking about.
If your opinion is based on ricers from here or reddit, then you know nothing.

>he fears the CLI
there you go, the real reason retards hate linux

>download windows
>put it on an USB
>install it in 3 hours
>now there's a slow setup screen with a retarded google assistant knockoff
>"updating your system don't turn off your PC" for 2 hours
>"getting things ready for you don't turn off your PC"
>2 more hours later I'm now at the desktop
>resolution is fucked up, there's no wifi or ethernet connectivity
>spend 8 hours hunting down drivers from sketchy russian sites
>now it should work right
>"activate windows"
>download an activator from a website that's recommended by pirates
>mfw now there's gay porn embedded into the system
>spend 6 hours trying to remove that bullshit with malwarebytes and by hand
>it's still there

Yes, like when i tried using a distrobuilder just for fun(i think it was Pinguy Builder), and it took multiple workarounds to get it to work, only for it to crap out all over the system once it started working.
Or playing with multiple DE's.
Or when freetards sheepishly admit a release upgrade or similar stuff is better off done off a clean install.

Or bitcannon's attempt to port his work to GNU/Autism, and among his other complaints that prove all the Sup Forums memes about shitting on all 3 OS's are true, his attempt at replicating MacOS's interface beyond a paintjob and a dock, ended in more bugs than you can shake a stick at, so he ended up defaulting to Gnome out of frustation.

Yeah, yeah, it's just " install " or click on this stuff, except the vast majority of cases when you want to go outside the factory settings(like having to go balls deeps in config files for any customization that goes beyond "install an Arc theme and a dock")

the cli is great.
It's somewhat pointless if you have to drag it out for everything.
And Linux is fun, and kicks ass for server stuff, but it's not the panaceea fanboys make it out to be.
But i'm sure any attempts at criticism will fly completely over the heads of these neckbeards, and ill get cliched answers on how everything is wonderful and bug-free in linux land, how user hasnt actually had to open a terminal for 5 years now, and anyone daring to complain is either slandering, hasnt actually tried it(lol), or "is, like, too dumb to actually get it, man!".

An then people wonder why YOLD is just as distant as it was 30 years ago.

It's free as in freedom, not free as in no cost. They are fundamentally two different meanings for the same word

>have generic laptop
>install antergos
>gui cant start, no output, just a black screen with a cursor and no responsiveness
>try fallback mode
>install lubuntu
>clicking shutdown causes instant and total freezing, doesnt shut down
color me fucking impressed with how linux performs on pc

It can be bought you know.

The greentxt actually pretty much mirrors what's happened to me. I run debian as my daily and for work.
What got me away from pirate shit was when a m8 hassled me (very reluctantly) to do it for him. Then he got doxxed/id thefted. It could've been him or me putting dodgy shit on his machine.
We worked out afterwards that the $170 he would've paid for a working copy of windoze was probably cheaper for him in the long term...

He tried ubuntu on a live usb for a week - but couldn't play BF... There was no way I was going to end up going back to his week in week out to fuck around with wine.

Same m8 from above had an interdasting take on
>free as in beer
"Only if it's not your shout!"

Noice anecdote m8. Did you like mine?

more like
>install winshit
>nothing works
>no drivers
>try downloading driver
>no ethernet driver
>install eth driver
>install some more drivers
>install programs
>configure update
>You have a new hardware! A Mouse pad. Do you want to automatically search for the driver?
>never works
>spend all your time waiting updates to finish installing, configuring and restarting
no, tnx

Things have advanced a bit since XP.

Barely. Windows is still driver hell while GNU/Linux works out of the box almost every time.

>Yeah, yeah, it's just " install " or click on this stuff, except the vast majority of cases when you want to go outside the factory settings(like having to go balls deeps in config files for any customization that goes beyond "install an Arc theme and a dock")
Name one thing the average person needs to get into config files for. Your average person uses computers for porn and facebook. People who do professional work will be in office software or text editors all day.

not nearly as badly as windows does.

>convenience is yours, if your privacy is worthless

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Yep. Now it forces you to restart.

I fell for the recent Sup Forums meme

All the drivers, updates, programs I had to install.

Holy fucking shit wintoddlers are the biggest brainlets on this board. I swear that even mac users are smarter than this fucking kid.

It's actually gone backwards. XP was at least usable.

Don't u need that for linux as well?
I needed it back then that is why i am asking.
Also you can install multiple program automatically. So again it shouldn't be a problem.
I haven't seen a system requiring to install drivers for eth.

How does it feel that all of your work here shilling has been completely futile? is anything in your file meaningless? of course it is you are just a street shitter sub human after all, you were living in a much better way when you were ruled by the Brits, that goes to show you that you are a slave by nature, you need a human to guide and instruct you, otherwise you end up eating cow feces and swimming between dead bodies.

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>Uses something for fun and blames all linux for his misfortune
>playing with multiple DE's
Why the fuck should you? Try them out in VM and decide what you like best or uninstall current one and install one you want. Do you play with multiple DEs in windows? Fucking moron
>freetards admit a release upgrade or similar stuff is better off a clean install
wat? Use ubuntu LTS (long time support, if you don't know it) and no issues upgrading to next LTS (similar experience with other stable distributions)
>some retard youtube eceleb failed doing something more sophisticated than a regular user would do
So, what else is new?

>thinks, that repositories are factory settings
kek, you sure showed us...

>thinks that you have to use cli for everything, most likely because of Sup Forums ricers
>oh, don't even try to criticise me, because I'm right, and you're wrong!
I'm not here to change your mind, quite opposite. Please, don't ever try using linux, less tech illiterate people we have, the better.
Me and quite likely other people are sick and tired of gaymers or wannabe 1337hax0rs trying linux for the first time thinking that 10 year of gayming on windows made them computer experts. When reality is that they can't use a fucking search engine for basic stuff (i.e.: discord.exe doesn't work on linux! Linux is shit!).
Stick to your OS, we're full.

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I know this is bait but...

I got this laptop, i7 16go RAM 500go SSD.
> split ssd in 4 partitions : 1 windows 10, 1 Debian, 1 gentoo, 1 swap for the linuxs
> installing windows 10 and all the updates and drivers took me an hour
> installing Debian took 10 minutes
I'm talking about real time here. The two of them on the exact same machine. Now I still have to install some (((legit))) Office on the win10, when I already have what I need installed on Debian.
As other anons said, this meme is getting way too old... Almost rotten.

>1 swap for two linux rather than two swap for two linux
am i a retard for not thinking of this?

not really.

If you have them on same drive it works. If you have dedicated drives for each distro I'd let them have their own swap so neither depends on other.

my time is valuable, ask me anything

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Sounds like me whenever I try to get any kind of development environment working on windows.

Having everyone use the distro package manager is the single most important factor imho.

you could even use the windows swapfile in the linux partitions...


w-wh is your background so lewd, senpai?

He he he


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hahaha brainlet

freedom isn't free.

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GNOME is the only free software project that does usability testing.

They start with lists of tasks, not features, and tweak the design until people can perform them.

People complain when they take a feature out, but they don't keep features for the sake of it, they need to be integrated into one of the tasks they want to support to justify the feature's existence, and be used by the users they have on the tests when trying to perform the tasks.

What happened before is that they had a ton of features that users never get to use because they were not intuitive. And therefore all development time that went into them was just waste.

>>Install ubuntu
>>Get a shit load of work done.
>>Don't have to worry about rebooting every other day
>>Everything just works

Your move OP.

I am starting to think that i am a special one a chosen one for windows.
>no random reboot or self upgrade without consent.
>i haven't seen ads in windows yet
>i could push back the update date for days or more
>everything works or it's easy to get driver for it
And yes all of this on win10.
Maybe it helps that my hardware is fairly new, but then again there wasn't problem on my six year old pc.

Ubuntu is not Linux.

You're right, and you're wrong. Ubuntu is linux.

I was a user of linux daily (on servers) but had to use Windows (corporate) on a daily basis

As a long time Windows fagoot who finally gave up when Windows 7 become windows 8 & 10

anyway whatever I'm drunk. I still have to use windows at my work place, and i'm in the process of looking for a new job that i don't have to use or work with windows at work. I thought fuck you windows 8 and fuck you windows 10 and fuck you windows 7 slurp version and just quit and installed ubuntu (ubuntu because it's easy and it just werks (i don't want to spend 10 hours a day compiling new software)

whatever and anyway ubuntu is great because it actually lets me get my job done and not have to worry about all the crazy linux configs and windows bullshit.

I just boot up and do my job that's it. fuck you. suck a shit .

Linux is a kernel.

fuck you who gives a god damn shit fucking neck beard faggot. we're talking about what OS is better and if OS means all your stupid gnu shit too then what the fuck ever stallman suck a cock and stick vim and emacs up your asshold.

You're the reason we don't have linux gnu linux bla bla bla on the desktop

get real down syndrome piece of shit.

>buy Windows
>they will thank you by selling all the dtaa they could without getting into problems
Yeah, no.

>be me
>delete linux mint partition in drunken fit
>re-partition drives
>boot into usb
>choose install at grub
>starts loading (logo and animation)
>freezes at same point every time

happens with all ubuntu based distros and manjaro wont even try to boot, what do?
inb4 install gentoo

>It's somewhat pointless if you have to drag it out for everything.
That's the point tho - for a few min reading --help or man I can perform feats of wonder. Bash even remembers some of them if I get forgetful in my dotage. Pic related...

Did you read my post? My point was not paying the microsoft fee cost more in terms of real money (data stolen and ransomed etc.), time and effort than if my fiendo had simply stumped up for it in the 1st place.
Between M$ getting my data or Russian Haxx0rs - I'd prefer to deal with pajeets at this point.

>>delete linux mint partition in drunken fit
I don't think getting linux to run is your problem here m8.

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>install a just werks distribution
>everything just werks

you guys should actually try linux before you shitpost

This is pretty funny but of course Linux autists can't taste any joke about them, which shows how painfully insecure they are.

let me tell you a little secret:
there are certain tasks which require specific tools.

if you can't figure out which tool is right, just stick with what you know.
but if you try to use a hammer for everything, of cours you're going to waste time.

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Nice post

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Found the Pajeet. MMM curry.

Very true, my friend. Let the lincucks bathe in their suffering while we prosper with Windows.

if linux is too hard for you your time is most likely already worthless

>install winshit
>everything works because microsoft has a driver program where drivers get pushed as updates

What windows manager is that

>install winshit
haha look at this fag

isn't mint hackable? I thought it was unsecure

every distro is "hackable"

master ruseman

every time i see this meme i click it.
i like this meme

not really

>I thought it was unsecure
The Mint -website- was hacked once, which then pointed to a backdoored Mint ISO.

Is this actually true? GNOME's development model inherently caters to the lowest denominator. No wonder it's so shit.