RIP Bill Gates, founder of The Facebook

RIP Bill Gates, founder of The Facebook.

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>request for oral
I wish I could just send a notice like that out to bitches

Who says you can't?

facebook doesn't need london tbqh

some lawanon explain how such international law works
can some random agency in london order some random guy in canada for some interrogation or shit?

3 r's in English language.
Request, Recommend, Report.
Request is used from subordinate to superior
Recommend is used from subordinate or equal to superior.
Report is used from superior to subordinate.

screencap this:

Absolutely nothing will happen to the Jew. Only CA might get in trouble because of buying the data from FB in the pretext of academic research. The west, especially muttland, has gone crazy, it took Trump to trigger some sense into them about data privacy laws. Obama did the same thing in 2012 and facebook handed over the data gladly.
See this: Unbelievable hypocrisy and a display of sour losers from the left. Zuckerberg, being a Jew will escape unscathed and even though this seems like good news now, somehow we will all end up worse with regards to privacy laws.

>oral evidence
This is probably here to trigger Zuck's autism.

>We would like to receive your response by Monday 26 March
6 days to review your company's policy and your company's actual due diligence and provide a response.

There is not such thing as "international law". There are though, a lot of different types of treaties, that sometimes can be used to extradite people to be prosecuted in another country. There are also a lot of financial pressures for big companies, like Facebook, so they usually have to follow the requests of foreign states.



Moot should have stayed with Sup Forums now he's in deep shit

But Moot works for Google..?

He'll send a lacky, prepared lawyer speak PR bullshit. Then nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Lol some two bit little committee in a city in an Islamic country thinks it can request the presence of the fifth richest guy in the world.

Good luck.

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Imagine Ireland doing this. Facebook faced with the threat of losing their servers in Dublin.

This doesnt add up. in the UK they can arrest you for WrongThink. Now they suddenly care about someone's privacy?
Smells fishy and I think Facebook is getting scapegoated.
Also fuck facebook

"They" are a group of extremely diverse kind of politicians.

For fuck's sake man, remember the Paradise Papers? Just about every rich person on Earth is dodging taxes. Even the fucking Queen of England is stiffing the bill on her own kingdom. And every single one of the bastards will get away with it, and the common point between them all isn't being jewish, it's being rich.

i bet they want oral evidence, they love sucking zucks cock

>Monday 26 March

What a bunch of fucking mongoloids

some of the breached accounts were European accounts, which means they were managed on European servers, which means they fall under the jurisdiction of European law.

And we dont need your shitty, cancerous "social" media "platform"

Britain already banned online porn, this will only cause more political backlash

why the fuck would facebook get in trouble

this wasnt "private" data leaked like equifax or some shit. this is people using facebook api's to legitimately acquire public feed content

this entire issue is propagated by tech illiteracy, russia red-scare horseshit, + shitting on mark before he attempts to run as pres

>facebook APIs to legitimately acquire public feed context
as they say, the scandal is what's legal

It's as old as people- Methods that you use are unacceptable once people you don't like get a hold of them.
This facebook shit was all well and good when people thought it was for people who wore the same colour as them (Ugg I'm blue team!), but when it's DRUMPF LITERAL SATAN AND CHILD RAPIST it's a little different