Crt monitors

Are CRT monitors still ok to use in current year

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i wish i had one desu. they are top-tier for watching old 4:3 anime

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C-C-C-C-Combo Breaker!

only if you play smash bros


Yes, but its not that easy to find a good CRT these days. 1024x768 low refresh rate shit belongs in the rubbish.

yes if you're a soyboy

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That's not being a soyboy, that's just having a useless hobby, which aren't bad, they are just stuff you may like

Yes, if it works

uhh, depends on what you're doing. I can't really think of many reasons you would still want a CRT. Retro gaming perhaps, but that's about it. Modern flatscreen monitors are better in every conceivable way.



Modern 4k monitors with high refresh rates and deep blacks are coming.

Oled TVs are already here crt is ancient boomer tech

only if you have the best ones

Attached: Sony Trinitron GDM-FW900 24".jpg (1000x887, 117K)

The very best models are good in a dark environment displaying video/photo content. Otherwise, their poor brightness and perceptual contrast are major limitations.


>It's the Australian Ch9 HD Test Stream

It's actually been quite a while since I've seen that.

I use mine for gaming. It bought a second hand 980Ti specifically for it as it is the best card (bar a watercooled Titan X (Maxwell) with analog out.
4:3 DOOM 1600x1200@100Hz on a CRT is awesome.

I've been waiting for cheap 4k gaming monitors for 4 years now.

In our house we changed all our lightbulbs from candescent and flourescent to LED. This dropped our power consumption considerably. Plugging in a CRT monitor will not only make you sterile and impotent but also just looks like some fucking shitty hipster bullshit and you will glow in the dark

Some games are unplayable without them (contrast ratio, perf res, freq, etc.), so basically yes.

Would love to have one as a secondary monitor but not enough room. They're just too damn big.

All of the benefits have reached modern panels in a smaller form factor with better power efficiency. High contrast and brightness were the last features not available on IPS & VA panels and OLED has resolved that. Personally I'm using a 1080p@144 Hz 6to8 FRC TN panel I got on sale for like $100 in 2013. Viewing angles aren't important, and I don't do video editing which is the only scenario where the color difference would be noticeable. I'm waiting for cheaper OLED 1440p panels to hit the market. Regardless no one is making use of HDR or high bitdepth to really justify it just yet.

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>Viewing angles aren't important, and I don't do video editing which is the only scenario where the color difference would be noticeable

Pure delusion. The only accurate part of a TN panel is a thin centimeter wide strip at eye level. Everything else is off axis and so blown out of shade.

This. Even on my 21" TN LG panel, there's a noticeable difference between the top and bottom of the panel from 0.7m

That metal cage in those monitors make them weigh a ton

I would not normally use this word, but dont be a soyboy

>mech keyboard
All of these go together
>vinyl records
hmm, maybe
>cassette tape
No, the Sup Forumsentlemen does not use these. He'd have a massive early generation DSLR like a Canon 1d Mark II. Instead of cassettes he listens to .ogg and .flac files.

Yes, of course, for retro computers and old consoles they are invediable.

The FW900 is far from "best" compared to even Sony's own better 4:3 ones.

>The FW900 is far from "best" compared to even Sony's own better 4:3 ones
Care to explain why you think this?

CRTs only take a surge of power when turning on, once they are running, they take far less than what they are rated for, from where the "CRTs are very power hungry" misconception comes from, as the rating are about the first seconds of turning it on.

CRTs are one of the least radioactive sources in modern households and environments. Even back in the day when they were still commonplace, they didn't even rank anywhere close to the top in a average household as a source for radiation.

Please don't talk dumb shit about things. Even if it's retarded CRTs.

Personal experience and there's plenty about it online too.
The reason is mostly because it's widescreen, making it widescreen, they had to give up on many other things that make CRTs specially good and on the flip side, amplified all the flaws they have. Hence even Sony's own 4:3 CRTs from the same time are better in every way.

>tfw constantly picking up professional video and computer monitors for pennies or free
>tfw I'm hoarding them for future backup
Feels good.

Also, there's plenty of CRTs that aren't some studio level 1600x1200@120Hz aperture grille tubes that are just as good for specific applications, i.e. Commodore 64 monitors, Apple II monochrome displays, etc.

>Plugging in a CRT monitor will not only make you sterile and impotent

user, why are you so stupid?

>thing I don't like = soyboy
I mean, I'm sure some soyboys are into retro tech, but most just use Macbooks their parents bought them to blog about social injustices or some shit

>I'm sure some soyboys are into retro tech

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>can't take a joke about a retarded e-celeb

I still use one regularly. It's running at 1920x1200@85Hz, and picture quality is fine once you spend some time getting it right.
One funny thing that the screen is sometime off-center, depending on the time of the day.
It makes for a good cat warmer too.

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>that setup

>that mic
>letting cat sleep on a CRT
>meme rgb gayboard
>speakers in literary a shelf
>cheap layout and wrong furniture for the arrangement

Attached: 1521423114355.jpg (768x624, 189K)

I will only defend the speakers: they're not in a shelf, but on a low wall/bar behind the desk, it's actually open.
I don't see the problem with letting a cat sleep on a crt

>I don't see the problem with letting a cat sleep on a crt
the vent holes are there for a reason, not to be blocked or a way for cat hair to get down into the monitor itself
it will reduce the lifetime of the monitor and mostly it could end bad for the car

It shows image so why not.

yes, for gaming (and some color-involved works)

It's cute and comfy having cat sleep on CRT

work out your limp limbs, faggot - this isn't year 2525 yet!

Have 21" trinitron crt tv, it's 25 fucking kilos.

Modern 42 incher is like 13 kilo.

If you want to hurt your eyes, then yes, they are still ok.