/smt/ - Software Minimalism Thread

In /smt/, we discuss software minimalism.

>What is software minimalism?

>Why is minimal software good?
- Fewer bugs
- Better performance
- Lower memory footprint
- Better maintainability
- Higher scalability
- Longer software lifetime
- Prompt delivery

>Minimal GNU/Linux distributions
- Arch
- Void
- Gentoo
- Debian (netinst)

>Other minimal operating systems
- OpenBSD
- Alpine Linux (Not GNU)
- LFS (Linux From Scratch)

>Minimal programs lists

Attached: nyasharisha.jpg (1080x1350, 91K)

Other urls found in this thread:


First for GNU!!

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DOS and TempleOS are minimal.

Great pic, OP. Nice job!

I'm getting tired of solarized. Anyone know a good theme with ample software support? I'm lazy i know

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that pic is bloat

>"install void it's great!"
>do it
>it has a installer script
>installs a bunch of unneeded shit by default like os-prober and firmware for shit I don't have
Go gentoo or go bust

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Is it possible to make an acceptably minimal website?

pretty sure you can uncheck those, but I am used to the manual install, which you can do in void aswell. Of course gentoo is unmatched in terms freedom and customization.

yes check out things like:

Try Dracula, draculatheme.com/

>talk about minimal distros
>they're not minimal because systemd
>now >arch, debian

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all but default colorschemes are bloat

Dont know how ample software support is, but I like Ayu on VSCode.

I fail to see why.

I tried uninstalling the firmware but the package manager says the kernel depends on it.

xbps-remove -F package

Yes. It should be all HTML, and only use optional CSS.

>it works and boots normally
Thanks user, but why is this package manager so stupid?

Don't know

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Same thing for grub. The package maintainer set it to depend on os-prober, I never heard of grub needing os-prober to function.
Usually I don't even use grub though, it just came with the install script.

Is xbps unable to suggest packages, so maintainers just set them as depends?

sometimes a program can stop working if you ignore the dependencies.

In my opinion, debian.org is acceptably minimal.

should I switch from debian to devuan

how's it compare to sid?

how's the firmware package named in void's repo?

linux-firmware-nvidia, linux-firmware-intel, etc

its just debian with different defaults. they didnt even recompile packages so many things do still depend on systemd

>tfw no gf

Attached: that-feel-guy-38.jpg (620x490, 71K)

its a very good feel

Attached: absolutely beautiful.jpg (512x512, 67K)

Unikernel or bust.

Attached: employme.py.jpg (277x182, 11K)

One thing is stopping me from switching to Void.
Musl vs glibc
What issues if any will I have using musl?

you can use glibc on void aswell. They just give you the option of chosing musl instead.

Didnt know

Is Haskell and functional programming in general considered minimal, or is software written in C the only thing considered minimal?

>What issues if any will I have using musl?
Depends. I'm running a bunch of services on a home server of mine that has the musl variant of Void installed. Uptime hit two months today. So it's not completely unstable or anything.
That being said, I'd stick to glibc for the time being.
Void is exceptional. I'll be forever grateful to my friend who suggested it to me. Been a real godsend. Installation is simple, runit is a blessing, everything pretty much "just werks."
Hope you have fun with your install, lad.

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glibc is shit code. I'd be curious to hear of any compatibility issues though.

>glibc is shit code.
And Rich Felker is a faggot. What else is new?

I switched to using base16 schemes. PhD is nice.

They have recompiled and patched some, with varying results

Pretty hard to go past Ubuntu minimal spin. 50MB.

Look at that GNURD.



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Does nnn have image preview like ranger? If does then I'll switch

i know its not software but are test benches minimal?

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Seperate questions:

1.So my laptop is a POS, and I want to run a linux system on it, are there any minimalist distros that would "just work" on it?

2.What do you think is an effective entrypoint to computational minimalism?

3. What do you value about minimalism?

4. What do you hope to achieve by lurking this thread? And threads like it?

Bump, also curious

I think this will come out as flaming on this general but don't take it as such, I'm not trying to do that. I'm just wondering up to what point isn't minimalism lack of features.

For example on the wiki it says
>Programming language designers can create minimal programming languages by eschewing syntactic sugar and extensive library functions.
But syntactic sugar helps make the code neater, easier to read and in a way more minimalist. In a way C is syntactic sugar for assembly. This seems more like the question of balancing complexity in software design, you have to compromise at some point. And big enough software is complex enough that it cannot be minimalist.

I'm gonna start building my own collection of alpine ports

this. this

Installing Void was the smartest thing ive ever done in my life

i can't take void seriously. Its such a hipster or meme distro

Guys tell me the most minimal android rom is

is rust worth it or is it just a fuckin meme and im wasting my time if i look at it


IBM ThinkPad R50 with Void Linux

Attached: R50.png (1024x768, 72K)

the only good experience I had with minimal distributions was tinycore/core

I managed to install OpenBSD onto my old thinkpad last night, but I've never used a unix OS before, so I have no idea what I'm doing.

Do I just read all the manpages and hope for the best? Am I right in assuming I have to do everything through the CLI?

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I can't name that ass 'minimal'

>Do I just read all the manpages and hope for the best
Pretty much, worry not, OpenBSD manpages are great
Unfortunately the next time you try something *nix you will find the man pages can be absolute shit and even meant to not be understood, systemd docs are some of the worst offenders in this
>Am I right in assuming I have to do everything through the CLI?
There's plenty of GUI tools to do all kinds of things, but configuring things it's usually done on text files which are easy to edit on a terminal

That's not flame at all user, rather a good point for discussion.
C is higher level of abstraction from the machine compared to assembly. You don't need to make the code bloated to make it readable. Proper documentation is for that. Makes the code as understandable as you make it to be without hurting performance. The average pajeet codes like a baby and gives poor documentation, the software ends up inefficient and unreadable anyway.
This is a good read, not to be considered as the bible, tho.

you know whats really minimalist
using windows

>be me
>use windows with custom shell programs I started writing when I was 14 for XP
>upgraded to windows 10 like a good boy
>always appreciated the benefits of planning and cohesiveness of the system apis, and found linux systems to be a fucking disgusting mess only good for running python programs
>still haven't disabled forced updates, too lazy and i've been victimized twice already

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How's CRUX wifi support?

as good as any system using the linux kernel

Shit, takes ages to load.

you love 3dpd girls so much that you post them for no apparent reason instead of you femanizing

I want an app that I can use for facebook messaging so I dont have to use their shitty bloaty website to communicate with people

Bad OP

>muuh arch and debian on the picture
>muuh not a faggot
>muuh people actually talk about software without spamming nonsense about unit conventions or considering everything bloat
>OP is bad
the teacher is looking for you in the kids playground, get back to them.

Attached: nyasharisha.jpg (150x150, 6K)

Dont get me wrong, I like to see a good pic and not that shitty shota, but you need to change the pasta and you know it. Stop being an archfag.

I'm the user you replied to but no the OP, I just like nya. He may be an archfag and I see nothing wrong with it. Arch is not minimal, arch has systemd, systemd is cancerous, I'm pretty sure we all agree on that. Too bad even debian has it and even debian is not minimal anymore. Devuan is a stupid meme only those kids from the previous OP would fall for. It's still in alpha stage and while its only purpose is to remove systemd from debian it still has some parts of it which they cannot remove. Still they both represent a good entry level for minimalism, for different reasons even if they aren't minimal like the thread would require. Plus, if he removes Arch and keeps debian, the Arch fanboys would derail the thread anyway.

Then he just copy the pastebins from the other OP and include arch. But having arch without devuan or debian is a bad idea imho.

debian is in the op. The other op's pasta were just a collection of anything said in the threads to be liked and accepted and boost his pervertion. This OP is simple and straightforward, if anyone has things to add up that's what the discussion is for. And instead of including Devuan I'd include reasons why it's not included, which are the same as Artix, Parabola Just my opinion, anyway.

Then this thread is shit.

you a shit

Let this thread die.

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Attached: Systemd_anigif.gif (200x133, 772K)

>Systemd: Harbinger of the Linux apocalypse

Make Arch great again systemd-free.org/why.php

Is OP pro or anti systemd?

I'm pro


Attached: poettering ANGRY.jpg (250x250, 7K)

Fuck you systemd fanboy.

pottering is BASED as HELL you fat fuckin weebs

Zenburn is by far the best colorscheme for anything.

I am not that weeb, you dick sucking faggot. Supporting that shit called systemd is why this thread sucks and needs someone else to do it.

Yes. My personal website is ~500KB and has special fonts, 13 images, a relatively low amount of text, and requires no JavaScript. Best of all: it looks really, really good.

It's wonderfully MINIMAL.

Holy fuck we need the UwUfag back

solarized is better

Not even close.

>Install debian
>It automatically installs a full office suite, multiple web browsers, 10 versions of solitaire, the developer's mix tape and programs that I have never even heard of before
I can't believe you've done this

>not gnu

That's why it's the best Linux distro that actually gets used in enterprise environments.

Hardware minimalism:

Is there a way to undo chinkmoot's css fuckery in qutebrowser?

>gets used in enterprise environments.
jokes on you, i use it on my desktop

>Make errors, OMG so many make errors!

Chromebooks are top tier cozy